Achimenes, 113
Aconite, Winter, 31, 43
efficacy against poison, 43
Aconites, 105
Alkmaar, 86, 109, 170
Alliums, 45
Alphen, 154
Amaryllis, 113
Amstelveen, 154
Amsterdam, 4, 5, 6, 170
Great Canal of, 3
Anemone coronaria, 68, 71
Anemones, 23, 70
legendary origin of, 70
Star, 70
April in the bulb gardens, 9, 78, 83, 161
Arums, 113
Barns, bulb, 5, 11, 52, 104, 106, 111-113,
orderliness of, 105
protection from mice and fire, 111
protection from frost, 112
Begonias, 73, 113
protection against frost, 74, 112
growing from seed, 74
Bicycles in the bulb gardens, 11
Bulb cleaning, 106, 107, 110
Busbecq, 98, 100
Bride, The, 15
Calochortus, 17, 113
Cannas, 113
Catalogues, 15, 116, 117
Cleanliness, 5, 107
Clusius, 59, 63, 71, 75, 76
Colchicums, 34
Collectors, bulb, 44, 113
"Conquests," 141 et seq., 146, 166
Co-operation among bulb growers, 123
Crinums, 113
Crocus sativus, 34
Crocuses, 32-39, 113, 161
ancestry of, 33, 35
legends connected with, 35, 36
saffron, 34-39
uses of, 36, 37
Culpeper, 38, 39
Daffodils, 74-82
Gerrard's, 76
Great Rose, 76
Parkinson's, 76
Strange Sea, 76
White Sea Bastard, 76
Wilmer's double, 76
Dahlias, protection from frost, 112
Darry (or Derry), 153, 161
De Koning's History of Haarlem, 168
De Koning's Tajgreel der Stad Haarlem, 171
Derry (or Darry), 153, 161
Enkhuizen, 170
Eranthis hyemalis, 43
"Fair Maids of February," the, 40
"Fleur-de-lys," the, 60
"Flower-de-luce," the, 60
Flowerdeluce, Great Turkey, 65
Fritillarias, 71-73, 161
Aurea, 73
Crown Imperial, 71, 161
Recurva, 73
Snake's-head, 73
Galen, 59
Gerard, 16, 33, 38, 39
Gesner, Conrad, 99, 100
Gladioli, 10, 15, 16, 115
ancestry of, 33
protection from frost, 112
Glove-gardeners, 89
Gloxinias, 113
Great Turkey Flowerdeluce, 65, 67
Haarlem, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 19, 20, 33, 50,
83, 91, 92, 109, 110, 121-167, 168-172
Hakluyt quoted, 34
Hedges, 9, 17
Hepaticas, 70
Hille, 33
Hillegom, 44
Hoorn, 170
Houses in Holland, 9, 25
Hyacinths, 17-19, 47-59, 91, 113
Alcibiades, 149
Beau-regard, 149
bees and, Saint-Simon's theory, 146
bulbs, impossibility of reserving for second
year, 128
cleaning the bulbs, 164
culture at Haarlem in the eighteenth century,
cutting the, 18, 19, 57
disease in, 56, 127, 134, 164
experiments with, 147
Flavo superbe, 137
Francois Ist, 126, 136, 148
Gloria Florurn Suprema, 125, 149
Gloria Mundi, 126, 143, 171
grape, 53
Heroine, 137
high prices paid for, 142
Jacques, 50
La Corette, 137
La Perruque, 137
Le Comte de Provence, 126
legends connected with, 47, 48, 124
Le Roi de la Grande Bretagne, 143
lifting the bulbs, 149
manuring the ground, 91
Marie, 143
Marquise de Bonnac, 148
methods of producing bulbs, 51
Mine d'Or, 126
Og Roi de Basan, 126, 137, 148
Ophir, 172
Orientalis, 123
organs of reproduction, 132, 144 et seq.
origin of, 49, 123
Passe non plus ultra, 148, 171
Praal Sieraad, 171
preparation of soil, 151, 156 et seq.
propagation of, 126, 132, 136 et seq.
protection of bulbs, 56, 131, 158, 162
Rex Rubrorum, 126
Rien ne me Surpasse, 148
Saturne, 137
Sceptre of David, 121
selection and cultivation, 50
sowing seed, 138 et seq.
Tempel Salomons, 171
Theatre-Italien, 148
the four classes of, 125
the right soil for, 121, 149
use of cow manure, 152, 157
use of frames, 158
use of tents, 159
wild, 124
wood, 48, 58
Hyacinthus, 47-49, 124
candicans, 58
orientalis, 49, 58
Hymerocallis, protection from frost, 112
"Iohnquills," 75, 161
Iris anglica, 62
Bakeriana, 64
hispanica, 14
histroides, 64
reticulata, 64
susiana, 17, 65, 66, 67
xiphion, 60
Irises, 13, 17, 47, 48, 49, 60-67, 161
legends connected with, 48
new varieties from seed, 62
purple, 15
remedial uses of, 60
Spanish, 60, 63
Ixia viridifiora, 16
Ixias, green, 16
Jonquils, 75, 161
July in the bulb gardens, 78
June in the bulb gardens, 10, 19-24
Kniphofias, 115
Land, preparation of new, 161
value of, 13, 33, 44, 108
Language of Flowers, the, 38, 69, 97
Leyden, 64, 110, 154, 170
Lilies, 161
Torch, 114
Lily tribe, the, 10
Manure, the use of, 40, 56, 91, 152, 157
March in the bulb gardens, 64, 78
May in the bulb gardens, 9, 78, 161
"Mevrouw," 8, 10, 17
Narcissi, 74-32, 161
Barri, 78
Emperor, 78
Empress, 78
Golden Spur, 78
Grandee, 78
Henry Irving, 78
legends connected with, 79-81
Poeticus, 78, 79
polyanthus, 77-79
protection from cold, 77
Red, 77
Sir Watkin, 88
Van-Sion, 75
Will Scarlet, 77
Narcissus, 79, 80
Clusii, 75
maximus, 75
Tazetta, 78
Neatness on the farms, 5, 107
Onions, 45
Orderliness, 5, 105, 112
Over-covering the bulbs, danger of, 31
Overween, 159
Parasites, 31
Parkinson, 16, 33, 41, 45, 49, 58, 59, 76, 77, 87
quoted, 16, 50, 65, 71, 82, 93, 95
Pollarding, 17
Ranunculus, 10, 23, 68-70
asiaticus, 68
Roads, state of the, 12, 13
Robinto of Paris, 33
Robinson, 94, 96
Rubbish-heaps. absence of, 5
Saffron growing, 34
Saint-Simon, 121, 122, 126, 128, 146, 147, 167
Sand, 5
Scilla alba, 45, 59
medical uses, 59
rubra, 59
sibirica, 31, 43-45
origin of, 43
multiplication of, 43
Scott, Reginald, quoted, 45
Screens, to protect the farms, 17
Sheveling, 155
Sidney, Sir Philip, 99, 100
Snowdrops, 39-43, 105, 113
legends connected with, 40
liking for neglected soil, 39-40
multiplication of, 41
Soil, 5, 40, 51, 57, 91, 108, 121,
149, 151, 153 et seq.
Solfatare, the, 14
"Squills," 59
Stoves, 29
Swertius, 142
Tigridias, 113
Tradecant, 76
Tricycles in the bulb gardens, 11
"Trompetts," 75
Tuberoses, 113
Tulipa Gesneriana, 96
Gesneriana spathulata, 98
kaufmanniana, 92
turcica, 95
Tulips, 33-103, 113, 161
Bizarres, 94
Bybloomens, 94
Californian, 17
Chimney Sweep, 89
Darwin, 100
disease in, 92
Dora, 85
Duc van Tholl, 91, 96, 102
feathered, 94
"Flamed," 94
gambling in, 169
Gesneriana spathulata, 85
high prices paid for, 84, 85, 86
Louis the XVI, 84
manuring the ground, 91
new varieties from seed, 92
origin of, 96-100
Painted Lady, 89
Parrot, 95
protection from mice and other vermin, 90
protection of bulbs by straw, 91
Rose, 94
Semper Augustus, 84, 169, 170
Seventeenth-century mania for, 168 et seq.
storing the bulbs in the barns, 106
the "breaking" of seedlings, 93
The Citadel of Antwerp, 85
variegated, 84
wild, 100
Yellow Fool's Coat, 95
Vallotas, 115
Van Zomped, 159
Vegetables, 9, 91, 110
"Venice of the North," the, 5
Voorbelm, George, 136, 142, 157, 167
Voorhelm, Pierre, 142
Wages, 106
Waleheren, 156
West Cappel, 155
Women, employment of, 106, 110
Ymuenden, 3