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REMARKS. — (I) The letter following the name indicates its character, e. g.: c = city; d, district; g, god or goddess; k, king; m, mountain; n, noble; o, officer; p, people; q, queen; r, river.

(2) The pronunciation of Babylonio-Assyrian vowels and consonants is as follows: a like a in father; e like e in they; i like e in thee; u like oo in too; ç = is; kh like an aspirate k; q like k; g is hard as in get; j like y. Other consonants have the corresponding English sounds. The primary accent is indi­cated by', the secondary by '.

AB'-DI-MIL-KU'-TI, k, 294

A'-be-shu, k, 113

A'-bi-ba'-al, k, 294

A'-bil Sin, k, 108

A'-bi-rut-mash, k, 125

A'-bu Hall-ba, see "Sippar"

A'-bu Shah-rein', see " Eridu "

Ad'-ad-ap'-lu-id'-din, k, 172

Ad'-ad-na'-din-akh'-i, k, 141

Ad'-ad-ni-ra'-ri I., k, 137 f.; memorials of, 153

Ad'-ad-ni-rat-ri II,, 185 f.

Ad'-ad-ni-ra'-ri III,, palace unearthed by Layard, 19; accession, 204; religion of his court, 210; relations with Babylon, 211 f.; western campaigns, 216 f.; eastern expeditions, 220; extent of his empire, 221

Ad'-ad-chum-u'-çur, k, 141

A'-da-pa, hero, 31

Adoption, 80

Agriculture in Babylonia, 72

A'-gum-kak'-ri-me, k, inscription of, 122, 124 f.; empire of, 126, 129; rebuilding of shrine at Babylon, 149

A'-ga-de, c, 53

A-gu'-si, d, 228 f., see "Bit Agusi"

A'-hab, k, 214

A'-haz, k, 232, 235, 268

A'-hi-mil'-ki, k, 294

Ah'-la-mi, p, 159

A'-i-bur-shab'-u, sacred street, 362

Ak-er-kuf', ruin-mound, 15

A-khar'-ri, d, 193, see "West  land"

A'-khim-i'-ti, k, 250

Akh-Sher'-i, k, 313

A-khun'-i, k, 193, 213

Ak'-kad, d, 53, 324

Ak'-ko (Acre), c, 312

Aga-sit-a, d, 133

A-lep'-po, c, 22

Al'-lat, g, 105

Al'-man, d, 125 f.

Al-ta'-qu, c, 270

A'-lu-shar'-shid, k, 60

Al'-zi, p, 155  

A-man'-us, m, 194, 367

A'-mas-is, k, 342, 373

A'-mel-mar'-duk, k, 349 f.

A'-men-hot'-ep III., k, 135, I47

A'-men-hot'-ep IV., 134, I47

American Expedition to Nippur, 23

A'-mid, c, 164, 187, 206

Am'-mi-dit-a'-na, k, 113

Am'-min-ad'-bi, k, 303

Am'-mi-za-du'-ga, k, 113

Am'-ran, 360

Am'-ra-phel, k, 69

An-da'-ri-a, k, 313

An-ma'-nu, k, 121

An'-shan, d, 368

Antichrist, Babylon as, 366

An'-ti-men'-i-das, n, 356

A'-nu, g, 100, 243

An-u'-nit, g, 100

A'-qa-ba, gulf of, 235

Arabia, 4, 23I, 265, see "Aribi"

A-rakh'-tu, canal, 274, 277

A-ral'-lu, 31, 104

A-ra-ma'-da, c, 194

A'-ra-me, k, 218

Arameans, migration of, 180; in west Mesopotamia, 191 f.; in north Babylonia, 227

A-ra'-mi, p, 140

A'-ram na'-ha-ra'-yim, 4

A'-ra-rat, m, 218

A-rax'-es, r, 208, 220

Ar'-bakh-a, e, 207

Ar-hel'-a, c, 128, 373

Arch, earliest known, 99

Architecture, early Babylonian, 98; in Kassite period, 145; early Assyrian, 153, 171; under Ashurnaçirpal III., 199; Shalmaneser II., 208; Tiglathpileser III.,  225; Sargon, 259 f.; Sennacherib, 278 f.; Esarhaddon, 286; Ashurbanipal, 3I4 f.; Nebuchadrezzar II., 343, 360-364

Ar-di-bel'-it, n, 277

Ar'-dys, k, 313

Ar-gis'-tis I., k, 220

Ar-gis'-tis II., 252

A'-ri-bi, p, 249, 295, 311

A-rib'-u-a, c, 195

A'-ri-och, k, 69

Aristocracy, in early Babylonia, 76; in Assyria, 152; in new Babylonia, 354 f.

Ar-me'-ni-a, 3, 161-163

Armenian Taurus, m, 162

Army, its composition in Assyria, 223; under Ashurnaçirpal III., 194 f.; under Ashurbanipal, 317

Ar'-pad, c, 216, 228 f., 248 Ar'-pakh-a, c, 206

Art, in Old Babylonia, 94 ff.; estimate of it, 97; in Kassite period, 149, 153; under Tiglathpileser I., 171 f.; Ashurnaçirpal III., 199 f.; Shalmaneser II., 208; Sargon, 260; Sennacherib, 279 f.; Esarhaddon, 286 f.; Ashurbanipal, 315 f.; in New BabyIonia, 358

Ar'-vad, c, 169

Ar-zash'-ku, k, 219

Asa, k, 2I4

Ash'-da-kos, k, 324

Ash'-dod, c, 250, 271

Ash'-du-dim' ma, c, 250

Ash'-gu-za, p, 293

Ash'-ke-naz, 293

Ash-nu'-nak, d, 125

A'-shur, god of Assyria, 128, 152

A'-shur-akh-id'-din, k, 277

A'-shur-ban'-i-pal, k, memorials, 19, 21 f.; accession, 298, 302; Egyptian wars, 303 f.; relations with Gyges, 305; wars with Elam, 306, 310 f.; rebellion of Shamashshumukin, 307-310; Arabian and western wars, 311-313; campaigns in north and northwest, 313; building operations, 314 f.; library, 22, 3I5 f.; personality, 316 f.; administration of empire, 317 f.; splendor of his court, 318 f.; darker side, 319

A'-shur-bel-ka'-la, k, 172

A'-shur-bel-ni-she'-shu, k, 135

A'-shur-dan' I., k, 142, 155

A'-shur-dan' II., 185

A'-shur-dan' III , 204, 217

A'-shur-dan-in'-pal, n, 206

A'-shur-e'-til-i'-li, k, 321 f.

A'-shur-e'-til-u'-kin-ap'-la, k, 277

A'-shur-kir'-bi, k, I78

A'-shur-mun'-ik, n, 277

A'-shur-na'-çir-pal, c, 195

A'-shur-na'-çir-pal I., k, 141.

A'-shur-na'-çir-pal II., 173

A'-shur-na'-çir-pal III., memorials excavated, 19, 22; obelisks of, 19, 141, 169, 178; statue of, 202; stele of, 188; accession, 187; northern campaigns, 187-189; eastern wars, 189-191; campaigns in western Mesopotamia, 191-193; Syrian expedition, 193; organization of conquests, 194 ff.; cruelty of, discussed, 196 f.; building operations, 199; estimate of, 201 f.

A'-shur-na-din-akh'-i I., k 136

A'-shur-na-din-akh'-i II., 178

A'-shur-na-din'-shum, k, 273 f.

A'-shur-ni-ra'-ri II., k, 204, 207, 217

A'-shur-rish-i'-shi, k, 159

A'-shur-u-bal'-lit, k, 136, 153

A'-shur-u-tir-aç'-bat, c, 169

As'-kal-on, c, 235, 270, 294

As'-sur, old capital of Assyria, 19, 128, 243

Assyria, people and land, 127‑ 129; origin of kingdom, 128 f.; first mention of, 128; religion of, 152; its attitude toward Babylonia, 150 f.; military bent, 151; early organization, 152; traditional policy, 160; strength and weakness of, 326-329; contribution to historical progress, 329 f.

Astronomy, 93 f.

As-ty'-a-ges, k, 368, 371

At-li'-la, c, 195

Authors, Babylonian, 89

A'-za, k, 251

Azariah, k, 230

A'-zaz, c, 216

A-ze'-kah, c, 341

A'-zi-ba'-al, k, 305

Az -ri-ya'-u, k, 230

A-zu'-ri, k, 250 

BA'-AL, king of Tyre, 294, 296 f., 303, 305

Ba'-a-sha, k, 214

Bab'-el, 360

Bab'-i-te, pass of, 189

Babylon, explorations and excavations on site of, 15, 20, 24; late appearance in history of Old Babylonia, 53, 107; first dynasty of, 66; the capital of Khammurabi's empire, 115; second dynasty, 121; third dynasty, 121; later dynasties, 156, 178; destroyed by Sennacherib, 276 f.; rebuilt by Esarhaddon, 287; in rebellion of Shamashshumukin, 307– 310; under the Kaldi, 360– 364; the pride of Nebuchadrezzar II., 342-345; its contributions to civilization, 364 f.; its fall, 374-376

Babylonia, geology and geography, 3, 5; climate and productions, 8-11; dominant forces of its life in the early period, 105; central situation of, 49 f.; under Kassites, 148; traditional policy of, 160; relation to Egypt in Kassite period, 133; its problem for Assyria, 266; under the Kaldi, 338, 342 f., 351 f.

Babylonian Chronicle, 212

Bactria, d, 148

Bagdad, c, 15, 112

Bag-dat'-ti, k, 252

Bah'-li, c, 216

Bal'-a-wat, c, 22

Ba'-likh, r, 4, 6, 191

Ba'-ra'-se, d, 60

Bar-çur', k, 230

Bar-rek'-ub, k, 233 f.

Bar-ta'-tu-a, k, 292

Bav-i-an', d, 279

Ba'-zi, d, 178

Ba'-zu, d, 295

Be-hist-un', inscription, 18, 25 Bel, god of Nippur, 53, 100, 115, 145; "taking the hands of," 158; see " Marduk " Bel'-akh-i-er'-ba, o, 256 Bel-ib'-ni k, 268, 272 f.

Bel'-ku-dur-u'-çur, k, 142

Bel'-na-din-ap'-lu, k, 156, 159

Bel'-ni-ra'-ri, k, 137

Bel pi-kha'-ti, 238

Bel'-shar-u'-çur, k, 372

Belshazzar, k, 354, 372, 374-376

Bel'-shum-id'-din, k, 142

Benhadad II., k, 214 f.

Benhadad III. (Mari), 216

Benjamin of Tudela, 15

Berosus, 38, 323, 349

Beth na-ha-rin', 4

Birs Nimrud, c, 20, 22

Bit A-di'-ni, d, 191, 198, 213

Bit A-gu'-si, d, 214

Bit A-mu-ka'-ni, d, 236

Bit Da'-i-uk'-ki, d, 251

Bit Da-kur'-ri, d, 257 f., 288

Bit Ja'-kin, d, 236

Bitlis, r, 188

Bitumen, 11

Boc-chor'-is, k, 247, 249

Bok-en-renf', k, 247

Bor'-sip-pa, c, 53, 364

Botta, 18

Brick-making, 73

Brotherhood of nations, 147

Bu'-du-il, k, 294

Bur'-na-bur'-y-ash I., k, 135 f.

Bur'-na-bur'-y-ash II., 136, 145

Bur Sin II., k, 65

Bu'-sa-los-sor'-us, o, 324

Byblos, c, 194 


CA'-LAN, see "Kalkhi"

Cal'-neh, c, 53

Canals, 72

Canons of the Tigris and Euphrates, 7 f.

Caspian sea, 221, 252

Cavalry in Assyrian army, 194

Caucasus, m, 162

Ched'-or-la'-o-mer, k, 69

China, 148

Chronicle of first Babylonian dynasty, 108

Chronology, materials for, 39-43

Çid'-qa, k, 270

Çil Bel, k, 271, 294

Cilicia (see "Qui"), 182, 216, 294, 305, 313

Çi-mir'-ra, d, 248

Cities of Old Babylonia, 51-53; of Assyria, 152

Classes of society in Old BabyIonia, 75

Clay, 28

Clothing in Old Babylonia, 78

Coat of arms, 84

Coinage, 71, 355

Colonies of Assyria, 196

Column in Old Babylonia, 99

Commerce in Old Babylonia, 74; in New Babylonia, 353 f.

Contracts, 84

Correspondence, 33

Cosmogony of Old Babylonians, 92

Creation Epic, 31, 116

Croesus, k, 373

Ctesias, 38

Ctesiphon, c, 17

"Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia," 21

Cy-ax'-ar-es, k, 323, 333

Cyprus, 250, 255, 294 f.

Cyrus, 368 f., 871-376; cylinder of, 375


DA'-GAN, g, 243

Da'-in A'-shur, o, 206

Da'-i-uk'-ki, d, 252

Damascus, foundation of kingdom, 83; relations with Assyria, 213, 215, 229, 232‑

234, 248

Dam-dam-u'-sa, c, 195

Dam-ku, g, 244

David, 183

Decimal System, 93

Decipherment of Babylonio‑Assyrian language, 25 ff. De'-i-o-ces, k, 323

Delitzsch, 26

Deluge, Babylonian story of, 21 f., 31, 90

Dem-a-vend', m, 228

Deportation, Assyrian policy of, 170, 239 f.

Der, c, 157

De Sarzec, 23

Descent of Ishtar, 31

Dib'-ba-ra, g, 31

Dil'-mun, island, 259

Diploma, ancient Babylonian, 86 f.

Diy-ar'-bekr, c, 164

Dun'-gi I., k, 64

Dun'-gi II., 65, 137

Dur Assur, c, 195

Dur'-at-ka'-ra, c, 257

Dur l'-lu, c, 246, 306

Dur Ku'-ri-gal'-zu, c, 138, 168, 227

Dur Na'-bu, c, 257

Dur Shar-ru'-kin, c, 18, 259-261 


E'-A, g, 51, 100

Eclipse of June 15, 763 B. C., 41, 207

E-din'-gir-a-na'-gin, k, 59, 88

Edom, d, 232

E'-gi-bi, family of, 355

Egypt, Hyksos invasion of, 131; advance into Syria, 132 f.; in Kassite period, 147; in time of Sargon, 247, 249; conquered by Esarhaddon, 295-297, 300 f.; under Ashurbanipal, 303 f., 320; in     293; time of Nebuchadrezzar II., 339, 342, 353; of Cyrus, 373

E'-kal-la'-ti, c, 168, 277

Ekron, c, 269 ff.

E'-ku-a, shrine, 361

E'-kur, temple of Nippur, 23, 115, 146

Elam, place and people, 55 f.; relations with Old Babylonia, 60, 63, 64, 65; conquest of Babylonia and expulsion, 66- 68, 109 f.; relations with Nebuchadrezzar I., 157; reappearance in Babylonio-Assyrian politics, 246; relations with Sennacherib, 275; with Esarhaddon, 290; conquest by .Ashurbanipal, 311

El'-la-sar (Larsam), 52

Engraving, 97

En ki, 101

En'-lil (Bel), 100

En'-ne-a'-tum, k, 59

En'-shag-sag (kish)'-a-na, k, 59

En-te'-men-a, k, 59; silver vase of, 95

Epic, see "Creation" and "Gilgamesh"

Epochs of Babylonio-Assyrian history, 43-46

E'-rech, c, 52

E'-ri-du, c, 20, 51 f., 74

E-sag'-i-la, temple, 112

E'-sar-had'-don, k, memorials. 19, 285 f , 296 f.; governor of Babylon, 277, 285; becomes king of Assyria, 284; building operations, 286; rebuilding of Babylon, 287; policy toward Babylon, 288; eastern and northern wars, 291, western difficulties, 293 f.; Egyptian wars, 295‑ 297; arrangements for the succession, 298; estimate of, 298-301

E-ta'-na, hero, 31

E'-tem-en-an'-ki, shrine, 335

Ethiopians in Egypt, 247, 249, 295-297, 304

Euboea, 148

Eu-phra'-tes, r, source, course, and relation to Babylonian life and history, 3-6, 162

Evil-merodach, k, 349

Excavations in Babylonia and Assyria, in middle ages, 15; the preparatory period, 16 ff.; the heroic period, 18 ff.; the modern scientific period, 22

Expansion, early Babylonian, 58, 106

Ezekiel, 357

E'-zi-da, temple, 112 


FAMILY in Old Babylonia, 79

Food in Old Babylonia, 78

"Four Regions," king of, 58

Fresnel, 20

Furniture of Babylonian house, 78

Future life, 104


GAM-BU' LI, p, 257, 290, 306

Gam'-gum, c, 254

Gath, c, 250

Gaza, c, 232, 248

Gedaliah, n, 341

Gerrha, c, 354

Gil'-ga-mesh Epic, 31, 68, 89, 91, 105

Gil'-zan, d, 188, 190, 219

Gi'-mil Sin, k, 65

Gi-mir'-rai, p, 291, 293, 305

Gir'-ra, g, 31

Gish'-ban, c, 53, 59

God, idea of, in old Babylonian religion, 102

Go'-zan, c, 206 f.

Grotefend, 25

Gu-ba'-ru, o, 374

Gu'-de-a, k, 63, 88; statues of, 95; pantheon of, 100

Gu'-la, g, 298

Gur'-gum, d, 229

Gu'-ti, p, 55, 159

Gu'-ti-um, d, 69, 125 f.

Gu-za'-na, c, 206

Gyges, k, 305, 313, 320



Halys, r, 333

Hamath, c, 183, 213, 216, 229 f., 248, 367

Hanging Gardens, 22

Hanno, k, 232, 248 f.

Haran, o, 55, 58, 160, 243, 335, 368

Ha-ta'-ri-ka, c, 217

Haupt, 26

Hauran, d, 215

Hazael of Aribi, k, 295

Hazael of Damascus, k, 215

Ha'-zu, d, 295

Hebrew literature, influenced by Babylonia, 91, 357; traditions, 131; kingdom, 182 f.

Hecatĉus, 38

Hermon, m, 215

Herodotus, 38, 323, 356, 374

Hezekiah, k, 268, 270 f.

Hillah, 15

Hincks, E., 25 f.

Hiram I., k, 183

Hiram III. 367

Historical tradition, absence of continuous, 37

Hit, c, 11, 342

Hittites, see " Khatti"

Hol'-wan, pass, 74, 157, 186

Hophra, k, 341 f.

Hoshea, k, 233, 241

Hunting a kingly work, 82 


I-A-KIN'-LU, k, 303, 305

I-a'-mut-bal, d, 67, 110

I-di'-bi-il, k, 234

I-ka-u'-su, k, 294

Il-li'-pi, d, 252, 265

"Illumination of Bel," 34

I-lu-bi'-di (Ja-u-bi-di), k, 248

Im'-gur Bel, c, 206, 208

Im-me'-rum, k, 108

In'-da-bi'-gash, k, 310

India, 12, 74

Indo-European migrations in Sargon's time, 253, 291; supplant Semites in world-leadership, 376

I'-ne Sin, k, 65

Interest, 77

International relations in Kas site period, 147 f.; politics in 15th century, 133 f.; in time of Tiglathpileser III., 226 f.

I-nuh'-sa-mar, o, 110

Inundation of Tigris and Euphrates, 7

I-ran', 205

I-ran'-zu, k, 251

Ir'-ba Ad'-ad, k, 178

Ir-khul-e'-ni, k, 214

Irrigation, 72 2

Isaiah, 232, 250, 268; second

Isaiah, 357

Ish'-me Da'-gan, k, 128

Ish'-pa-ka, k, 293

Ish-pu-i'-nis, k, 219

Ish'-tar, g, 37, 52, 100, 104, 133, 319

Ish-tu-ve'-gu, k, 368

Isin, city, 109; dynasty, 65

Israel, 213; see "Hebrew" and "West-land"

Issus, 166

I-ta-ma'-ra, k, 249

I-to-ba'-al I., k, 269, 294

I-to-ba'-al II., 342

I-tu'-ha, p, 212


JA-U'-DI, d, 230

Jehoahaz, k, 215

Jehoiachin, k, 340, 350

Jehoiakim, k, 336, 339

Jehu, k, 215

Jeroboam II., k, 218

Jerusalem, c, 235, 341

Josiah, k, 322, 346

Judah, 230, 232; in Sargon's time, 249 f.; under Sennacherib, 270 f.; under Nebuchadrezzar II., 339-342, 346 f.; see "West-land"

Judaism, influenced by New Babylonia, 359 f.

Judiciary under Khammurabi, 114


KA-CAL'-LU, e, I09

Kad-ash'-man Bel, k, I35, 147

Kad-ash'-man-but-ri-as, k, 141

Kad-ash'-man-khar'-be, k, 136

Kak'-zi, c, I96

Kal'-ah Sher'-gat, c, 19

Kaldi, enter Babylonia, 18I; relations with Assyrian kings, 211, 236; lords of Babylonia, 334; civilization, 352 f.; see "Mardukbaliddin "

Kal'-khi, 19, 128; capital of Assyria, 140; under Assyrian kings, 190 f., 201, 321

Kal-li'-ma Sin, k, 138

Kam-ma'-nu, d, 254

Kan-da-la'-nu, k, 310, 320

Ka'-ra-in'-dash, k, 135, 145

Ka'-ra-khar'-dash, k, 136

Ka-ral', k, 230

Kar Ashurnaçirpal, c, 193

Kar Esarhaddon, c, 294

Ka-ras'-tu, o, 159 

Kar-dun'-i-ash, d, 124, 145

Kar-kash'-shi, n, 292

Kar'-khem-ish, c, 193, 213, 229, 253 f.; spoil of, 199; tribute of, 203; battle of, 335

Kar-zi-yabk'-khu, d, 157 f.

Ka'-shi-a'-ri, m, 162

Kash'-shu, see " Kassites "

Kash'-ta-rit, n, 292

Kasr, 360

Kas'-si, 139

Kassites, native home, 123; appearance in Babylonia, 113, 124; conquest, 124; influence on Babylonian life, 144; antagonism of Assyria to, 132; periods of their rule, 122 f.; literature under, 145 f.; religious policy of, 145 f.

Kedarenes, p, 312

Ken'-gi, d, 59

Kha-bur', r, 4, 6 f., 191

Khal'-di-a, d, 218

Khal'-dis, g, 218

Khal'-la-bi, c, 112

Khal-lu'-shu, k, 273-275

Khal'-man (Aleppo), 183, 213, 228

Kha-lu'-le, c, 276

Kham'-mu-ra'-bi, inscriptions of, 109; wars, 110; buildings and canals, 111 f.; relation to Assur, 128; organization of his empire, 114; services to religion and literature, 88, 115-117

Kha'-ni, p, 125

Kha'-ti, p, 133

Khat'-ti, p, 139, 155, 165 f.

Khe'-bar, r, 340

Khin-da'-nu, c, 216

Khor'-sa-bad, c, 18

Khub-ush'-ki-a, d, 188, 190, 219

Khum'-ba-ba, k, 68

Khum-ba'-ni-gash, k, 246, 306

Khum'-ma-khal'-dash I., k, 289 f.

Khum'-ma-khal'-dash II., 289 f.

Khum'-ma-khal'-dash III., 310 f., 319

Khu-nu'-sa, c, 167

Khur'-ba-ti'-la, k, 137

Khus'-ur, r, 278 f.

Kimmerians, see "Gimirrai"

Ki'-ne-la-da'-nos, k, 320

King, in Old Babylonia, 81 f. 105 f.; worshipped as god, 66, 82, 147 f.; significance of, in Babylonia, 236 f., 307, 356

Kings' lists, 41 f.

Kir, c, 234

Kir'-bit, d, 304

Kir'-khi, p, 164, 187 f.

Kir-ru'-ri, p, 188, 206

Kir'-zan, d, 219

Kish, c, 53, 59, 109, 112, 267

Kou-yun'-jik, 18, 279

Ku'-dur-Iag'-a-mar, k, 69

Ku'-dur-mab'-uk, k, 67

Ku'-dur-na-khun'-di, k, 67, 275

Kul-la'-ni, c, 230 Ku-lu'-nu, c, 53

Ku'-ri-gal'-zu I., k, 134 ff.

Ku'-ri-gal'-zu II., 137 f., 145

Kur'-ti, p, 164

Ku'-tha, c, 23, 53

Ku'-ti, p, 139



Labor, differentiation of, 73

La'-bo-so-ar'-chod, k, 349

Lachish, c, 271, 341

La'-gash, see "Shipurla"

Land-making at shore of gulf, 5

Land values under Khammurabi, 114

Lar'-sam, c, 20, 52, 66, 67, 112

Law, literature of, 34; of family, 79; importance of, in Old Babylonia, 83 f.

Layard, 14 f., 18 f.

Libnah, c, 271

Library, 90; of Assyrian kings, 209; of Ashurbanipal, 19, 21, 315 f.

Li'-mu, and limu lists in Assyria, 40 f., 152, 186, 205 f. 

Literature, relations of Babylonian and Assyrian, 30; under Khammurabi, 116; under Kassites, 150; under Sennacherib, 280; under Ashurbanipal, 315 f.; in New Babylonia, 357; purpose of, in Old Babylonia, 86; forms, 87; religious element, 31; historical element, 32; diplomatic and legal, 33 f.; scientific, 34; light, 35; general characteristics, 35 f., 88 f.; value and influence of, 90 f.

Loftus, 20

Lu-bar'-na, k, I93

Lub'-di, p, 313

Lu'-gal-zag'-gi-si, k, 60

Lu'-li, k, 268

Lul'-lu-bi, p, 55, 139, 157, 159

Lu'-ti-pris, k, 218

Lydia, 305, 313, 320, 333, 373


MA'-DAI, 220; see "Media," etc.

Madyes, k, 323

Ma'-i-ça, c, 194

Ma'-i-ra'-tu, 73

Ma'-khal-la'-ta, c, 194

Ma'-mi-ti-ar'-shu, k, 290

Manasseh, k, 294, 303, 312

Mau'-eu-a'-te, c, 216 f.

Man'-da, see "Media," etc.

Man'-nai, p, 220, 251, 291 f., 313

Manufacturing in Old and New Babylonia, 73 f., 353 f.

Mar, c, 52, 73

Ma-rash', e, 216

Mar'-duk, god of Babylon, 53, 100, 107, 115, 117, 125, 337, 348, 358, 375

Mar'-duk-bal-id'-din I., k, 17, I42, 149 f.

Mar'-duk-bal-id'-din II., of Bit Jakin, first appearance of, 236; wars with Sargon, 246 f., 257-259; king in Babylon, 255-257, 267; wars with Sennacherib, 267, 272; influence  in the west, 269; disappearance of, 273

Marduk-bel-u-sa'-te, k, 210

Marduk-na-din-akh'-i, k, 156, 168, 277

Marduk-na-din'-shum, k, 210

Marduk-sa-pik-zer'-im, k, 172

Marduk-za-kir'-shum, k, 269

Ma'-ri (Ben Hadad III), k, 216

Marriage in Babylonia, 79

Mar'-tu, see "West-land," 113

Ma'-si-us, m, 162

Ma-tan-ba'-al, k, 294

Mathematics among the Baby-Ionians, 93

Ma'-ti-i'-lu, k, 228 f.

Ma-za'-mu-a, d, 206, 220

Medes, appearance, 220; under Esarhaddon, 291; under Ashurbanipal, 313, 321; traditions of, 323; Are they the Manda? 333; relations to Nabuna'id, 368

Media, 228

Median Wall, 343

Medicine, 93, I47

Megiddo, c, 322

Menahem, k, 231

Menander of Tyre, 240 f., 270, 367

Men'-u-as, k, 220

Mer-ba'-al, k, 367

Mercenaries in Assyria, 262 f., 328

Merchants, 76

Mes'-i-lim, k, 59 Mesopotamia, geology and geography of, 3 f.; climate and productions, 8-10; fauna, 10

Metre in Babylonian poetry, 31

Michaux, 17

Migrations, 179 f.

Mil' dish, d, 165

Mi'-lid, c, 166, 216, 220, 229, 254

Mi'-li-shi'-khu, k, 142, 149

Military, see "Army"

Mil'-ki-a-sha'-pa, k, 294

Mî-lakh'-kha, d, 250

Minean Kingdom, 180

Mi'-ta, k, 251, 253-255

Mi-tan'-ni, d, 133

Mi-tin'-na, k, 235

Mi-tin'-ti of Ashdod, k, 250, 270 f.

Mi-tin'-ti of Askalon, k, 294

Money, see "Coinage"

Mo-sul', c, 15

Mu-bal'-li-tat-sir-u'-a, q, 136

Muç'-ri, p, (northern) 140, 166; (southern) 233 f., 241, 248 f., 270

Muç'-ur, d, 248

Muç-u'-ri, 294

Mugheir, see "Ur"

Mu-kal'-lu, k, 305

Mu-ra'-shu, family, 355

Mu-she'-zib Marduk, k, 275 f.

Mush'-khi, p, 155, 251, 253-255

Mu'-tak-kil Nus'-ku, k, 156

Mut-ki'-nu, c, 169, 178



Nabonassar, see "Nabunaçir," 39

Na'-bu, g, 53, 100, 210, 321, 348, 358, 364

Na'-bu-a-pal-id'-din, k, 23, 181

Nabu-ba-lat-su-iq'-bi, n, 367

Nabu-bel-shu'-me, n, 310

Nabu-ku-dur'-ri-u'-çur, k, 335

Nabu-na-çir, k, 212, 236

Nabu-na'-din-zi'-ri, k, 236

Nabu-na'-'id, k, memorials of, 23, 24, 322, 324, 335, 349 f., 352; a Babylonian, 367; activity in the west, 367 f.; relation to Medes, 368; attitude towards Cyrus, 368; his antiquarian researches, 42, 369‑ 371; building, 371; policy, 371 f., 374; last year of his reign, 374 f.

Nabu-pal-id'-din, k, 192, 210

Nabu-pal-u'-çur, k, 322, 324, 325, 333-337

Nabu-shum-ish'-kun, k, 186

Nabu-shum-li'-sher, n, 337

Nabu-shum-u'-kin, k, 236

Nabu-zer'-na-pish'-ti-li'-shin, n, 289

Na-çi-bi'-na, c, 206

Na-di'-nu, k, 236

Nahr-el-kelb', r, 159, 297

Nah-ri'-na, d, 4

Nahum, 322, 325

Na'-id Marduk, n, 290

Na-i'-ri, p, 166, 169, 187 f., 231

Na-khi'-ru, sea monster, 169, 194

Na'-mar, d, 157

Nam'-ri, p, 228

Na'-na, of Uruk, g, 67 

Na-qi'-a, q, 278, 290, 302

Na'-ram Sin, k, memorials of, 24, 61 ff, 78, 95; career of, 63; date of, 42, 61, 370 f.

Na'-zi-bu'-gas, k, 137

Na'-zi-mar-ut'-tash, k, 139

Neb-i-yun'-us, 18, 279

Nebuchadrezzar I., 156; ejects the Elamites, 157; his deed of gift, 157; his western campaign, 158 f.

Nebuchadrezzar II., memorials, 17, 20; accession, 336 f.; campaign against Necho II., 335 f.; Median alliance, 324, 338; administration of, 338 f.; wars in the west, 339-342; works for Babylonia, 22, 342 f.; estimate of his policy, 343-347; his religion and personality, 347-349

Necho I., 297, 304

Necho II., 322, 336 f., 339

Ner'-gal, g, 53, I00

Nergal-shar-u'-çur, k, 349 f., 354

Nergal-u-she'-zib, k, 274 f.

Neriglissar, k, 349

New Babylonia, under the Kaldi a renaissance of Old Babylonia, 352; literature, 352 f.; revival of agriculture and industry, 353 f.; disappearance of old aristocracy, 354 f.; city life intensified, 355; fashion, 355; the family, 356; army, 356 f.; literature and art, 357 f.; religion and morals, 358 f.      

Ni-bar'-ti Ashur, c, 193

Niebuhr, 16

Niffer, see "Nippur"

Nim'-me, d, 188

Nim'-mu-ri'-ya, k, 147

Nim-rud', c, 16, 19, 22

Ni'-na, g, 92

Nin'-e-veh, c, 15, 22, 128; Senpoenacherib's capital, 278; its area and fortifications, 278 f.; under Ashurbanipal, 314; traditions of its fall, 323-324; date of its capture, 326

Nin-gir'-su, g, 100

Nin'-ib, g, 112, 191

Ninib-a' -pal-e'-kur, k, I42

Ninus, k, 358

Nip'-pur, c, 20, 23, 52 f., 74, 145, 322

Ni'-pur, m, 265

Nir'-bi, p, 189

Ni-sa'-ba, g, 314

Ni'-san, 94

Ni'-si-bis, c, 206

Nis'-roch, g, 278

Ni-to'-cris, q, 354

Nowawis, see "Eridu"

Nu'-khush-ni'-shi, canal, 111

Nur Ad'-ad, k, 66

Nus'-ku, g, 278 


O-AN'-NES, hero, 51 f.

Officials in Assyria, 196

Oman, d, 12

Omri, k, 214; "and of Omri," 216

Opis, c, 374; see "Api"

Oppert, 20, 25 f.

Orontes, r, 193


PA'-DAN, d, 125 f.

Pa'-'e, k, 311, 319

Pa'-di, k, 269, 271

Pa-gu'-tu, I69, 194

Pa-las'-tu, d, 216

Pan-am'-mu, k, son of Karal, 230

Pan-am'-mu, k, son of Bar Çur,

230, 231, 233 f.

Paq-ru'-ru, k, 304

Parallelism in Babylonian  poetry, 36

Par'-su-a, d, 220

Parties, strife of, in Assyria, 223 f.; under Sargon II , 243; under Esarhaddon, 2S8 f.; in Babylonia under the Kaldi, 337 f., 350, 371 f., 374

Pa'-she, dynasty of, 156

Pa'-te-si, o, 81, 128

Pa'-tin, d, 183, 193, 205, 213, 216, 228

Pekah, k, 232 f.

Penitential Psalms, 102

Persian gulf, 5

Persians, in Elam, 321; under Cyrus, 368

Philistines, 182, 232

Phœnician artists in Assyria, 153

Phraortes, k, 323

Phrygia, c, 182, 291

Pi'-ru, k, 249

Pi'-sa-mil'-ku, k, 304

Pi-si'-ris, k, 253

Place, Victor, 18

Poetry, early Babylonian, 89

Post system, 114

Property, 77

Provincial government in Assyrian Empire, 238, 261 f., 300, 317; in New Babylonia, 347

Psamtik I., k, 304, 320, 323

Ptolemy, Canon of, 39, 212, 320, 322

Pu'-di-i'-lu, k, 137f.

Pul (Pulu), k, 231, 236

Pur Sa-ga'-li, o, 41

Pur'-u-kuz'-zi, p, 155

Pu'-zur-a'-shur, k, 135


QAR'-QAR, c, 214, 248

Qa'-ush-gab'-ri, k, 294

Qi'-pu, o, 196, 234

Quadruple Alliance 373

Qu'-i (Cilicia), d, 216, 229, 254

Qu-ma'-ni, d, 167

Qum'-mukh, d, 155, 164 f., 187, 205, 229, 255


RA-CAP'-PA, c, 205

Ra-da'-nu., r, 7

a'-nu, r, 7

Rameses II., k, 146

Ra-phi'-a, c, 249

San'-ga-ra, k, 193

Sa'-pi-a, c, 236

Sar'-a-cus, k, 323 f.

Sar'-da-na-pa'-lus, k, 318, 323 f.

Sar-dur'-is I., k, 218

Sar-dur'-is II., 219

Sar-dur'-is III., 229

Sar-dur'-is IV., 3I3

Sargon I., of Agade, inscriptions and career of, 61 ff.; date of, 42, 370; services to literature, 88

Sargon II., of Assyria, accession, 242 f.; political and religious policy, 243-245; Babylonian difficulties and triumphs, 245 f., 255-259; western expeditions, 248-250; in the north and northwest, 250-255; his new city and palace, 18, 259-261; his administration and organization of the Empire, 261- 264; death, 264

Sayce, A. H., 26

Schrader, E., 26

Science in Old Babylonia, 34, 92

Scythians, 293, 323

Seal cylinders, 96, 355

Sem-ir'-a-mis, q, 212, 358

Semitic population of Babylonia, 54

Sen'-ke-reb, see "Larsam"

Sen-nach'-er-ib, crown prince, 253; accession, 264; Babylonian difficulties, 266-268, 272-277, 168; western campaigns, 269-272, 265; naval expedition, 273 f.; family troubles, 277 f.; building operations, 19, 278 f.; estimate of his work, 280-283

Se'-we (So), k, 241

Sha'-ba-ko, k, 249

Sha'-bi, k, 241

Sha'-bi-to'-ku, k, 295

Shak'-kan-ak Bel, 262, 289

Shale-nu, o, 196

Shal-man-e'-ser I., capital at Kalkhi, 19, 140; campaigns, 139-141; temple-building, 153 

Shalmaneser II., memorials, 19, 204, 208; tribute list, 205; campaigns in Babylonia, 210 f.; western expeditions, 213‑ 216; wars with Urartu, 219; rebellion of his son, 206; his public works, 207 f.; religion, 209; art of his time, 22, 208 Shalmaneser III., 204, 220 Shalmaneser IV., 237, 240-242 Shal-man'-u-a-shar'-i-du, 153 Sham'-ash, sun god, 52, 100, 292, 359, 370, 37I

Sham'-ash-mu-dam'-miq, k, I86

Sham'-ash-shum-u'-kin, k, 298, 302, 307-3I0

Sham'-shi Ad'-ad I., k, 128

Sham'-shi Ad'-ad III., 172

Sham'-shi Ad'-ad IV., monolith, 19; campaigns in Babylonia, 211; wars with Urartu, 219

Sha-nit'-ka, g, 244

Shar-ga'-ni-shar-a'-li, see "Sargon I."

Shar Kish-sha'-ti, o, 140

Shar'-ru-i'-lu, g, 244

Shar'-ru-lu-da'-ri, k, 304

Shar'-ru-u'-kin, k, 243

Shatt-el-Hai, canal, 52

Shesh'-onk I., k, 185

Shir-pur'-la, c, 23, 52, 59

Shu-ba'-ri, p, 165, 167, 324, 335

Shu-bar'-ti, p, 165

Shu'-ka-mu'-na, g, 125

Shu-mash'-ti, p, 165

Shumer and Akkad, d, 58

Shu-par'-shak, o, 238, 245

Shup'-ri-a, c, 293

Shu'-tur-na-khun'-di, k, 256, 258

Shu'-zub, the Babylonian, 274

Shu'-zub, the Kaldean, 272, 275

Si'-bi, k, 249

Sidon, c, 194, 215; favored by Sennacherib, 269, 274; rebellion and subjugation of, 293 f.

Si-ma'-nu, month, 73

Sin, moon god, 52, 100

Sinai, 74

Sin-id'-din-am, k, 66, 67

Sin-id'-din-am, o, 110

Sin-ga-mil', k, 65

Sin-ga-shid', k, 65

Sin'-mu-bal'-lit, k, 108 f., 110

Sin'-shar-ish'-kun, k, 321 f.

Sin'-shum-li'-sir, k, 322

Sin-ukh'-tu, d, 253

Sip'-par, c, 23 f., 53, 112, 168, 374

Slavery and slaves, 75

Smith, George, 21 f.

So (Sewe), k, 248 f.

Solomon, 183

Sparta, 373

Spirit worship, 101

Saint Albert, Emmanuel de, 16

State, Early Babylonian, 80 f.

Sub'-nat, r, 7

Su'-khi, p, 192

Sumerian problem, philological side, 29 f.; historical side, 54; theoretic constructions of early history, 61

Su'-mu-a'-bu, k, 108

Su-mu'-la-i'-lu, k, 108 f.

Su'-ru, p, 191 f.

Surveying, 77

Su'-sa, c, 306, 311

Su'-ti, p, 136, 139, 181, 256

Su-zi'-gas, k, 137

"Synchronistic History," 33, 126, 209

Syria, under Babylonian influence, 132, 154; under Egyptian rule, 133; advance about 1000 B. C., 182-184; leading states in time of Shalmaneser II., 213; see " West-land" 

TA-BAL', d, 216, 229, 253 f., 265, 305

Tablets of clay, 90

Tab'-u-a, q, 295

Ta-har'-qa, k, 295, 297, 303 f.

Talbot, Fox, 25 f.

Ta-li'-mu, 337 f.

Tam-ma-ri'-tu, k, 306, 310, 319

Tan'-da-ma'-ni, k, 304

Tanis, e, 183

Ta-nut'-a-mon, k, 304

Tar'-qu, see "Taharqa"

Tarsus, c, 216

Tar'-zi, c, 216

Tash-ri'-tu, month, 72

Tas'-shi-gu-ru'-mash, k, 125

Taurus, m, 6 f., 162

Taxation, 72, 83

Taylor, J. E., 20

Tef'-nakht, k, 247

Te'-la, c, 196

Tel Ede, see "Mar"

Tel-el-A-mar'-na letters, 33, 134

Tel Ibrahim', see "Kutha"

Tello', see " Shirpurla "

Te'-ma, c, 372

Temple, centre of ancient Babylonian life, 80, 98, 223

Tenant farmers, 72, 76

Ter'-e-don, c, 353

Te-um'-man, k, 306, 318

Te-ush'-pa, k, 291

Text books, 86

Thar'-gal, k, 69

Thebes, 297, 304

Thutmose' III., 134

Ti'-a-mat, g, 103, 116

Ti'-dal, k, 69

Tig'-lath-pi-le'-ser I., memorials, 26, 32, 128, 169, 171 f.; accession, 160; northwestern wars, 164 f., 169; western expeditions, 168 f.; Babylonian war, 168; Elamite campaign, 169; policy of expansion, 166; incorporation, 170; organization of conquests, 170; economic measures, 171 ; art in his time, 171 f.; length of reign, 169

Tiglathpileser II., 185

Tiglathpileser III., accession, 207, 224, 227; religion in his reign, 224; memorials, 225 f.; Babylonian campaigns, 227, 235; Eastern wars, 228; wars in the west, 228-231, 232-235; campaigns against Urartu, 231 f.; king of Babylon, 236 f.; estimate of, as an organizer of empire, 237-240

Tigris, r, source, 3, 162; course and characteristic features, 7

Til Ab'-ni, c, 206

Time in Old Babylonia, 94

Titles, early royal, 58

Totality, king of, 58

Tower of Babel, 15

Triads of gods, 101, 244

Tribute, gathered from conquered lands described, 198; under Shalmaneser II, 204 f.; list of 734 B. C., 234; of Esarhaddon, 294; of Ashurbanipal, 303

Tug-dam'-mi, k, 313

Tu-kul'-ti-a'-shur-aç'bat, c, 195

Tu-kul'-ti Nin'-ib I., k, 141, 237

Tu-kul'-ti Nin'-ib II., 186

Tul-liz', c, 306

Tur'-nat, r, 17, 374

Tur'-tan, o, 40, 204

Tur-us'-pa, c, 231

Tush'-kha, c, 189, 196, 206

Tu-tam'-mu, k, 229

Tyre, I83, 194, 215, 229, 235, 241, 268 f,, 270, 296 f., 342, 367


U'-A-I'-TE, k, 311, 319

U-al'-li, k, 313

U'-da, c, 195

U-ish'-dish, k, 251 f. 

U-kar-i'-nu, wood, 194

U-kin'-zir, k, 236

Uk'-nu, r, 227, 257

U'-la, r, 157, 306

Ul-lu-su'-nu, k, 252

U'-lul-a'-a, k, 240

Um'-man-man'-da, p, 324 f.

Um'-man-me-na'-nu, k, 275, 289

Un'-qi, d, 228 f.

U'-pi, c, 168, 274, 374

Ur, c, excavations, 20; position and importance, 52, 74, 181; dynasties of, 64 f.; in later history, 308 f.

Ur-ar'-tu, d, rise of, 182; early culture of, 209, 219; early history, 218 f.; wars with Shalmaneser II., and his house, 207, 2I9-221; wars with     Tiglathpileser III., 228 f., 231 f.; in Sargon's time, 251 f.; in Esarhaddon's time, 284 f., 291, 293; in time of Ashurbanipal, 312, 321

Ur-a'-si, o, 196

Ur Ba'-u, k, 63

Ur Gur, k, 64, 93

Ur-mi'-a, lake of, 219, 221

Ur Ni'-na, k, 59, 83, 94

Ursa III. (Rusas), 313

Ur-ta'-ki, k, 290, 306

Ur'-u-a-zag'-ga, c, 121

Ur'-uk, c, excavations, 20; position, 52; early history, 65, 67 f.; in later times, 275, 308 f., 322

Ur'-u-kag'-in-a, k, 72

Ur'-u-ki, c, 121

Ush-pi'-na, k, 219

U'-shu, wood, 194, 312

U-tar'-gu, k, 290

Uzziah, k, 230


VAN, lake of, 163; city of, 231

Vulture stele, 59, 83, 95



War'-ka, see "Uruk"

West-land, early conquests by Babylonian kings, 60, 63, 66, 69, 113; in Kassite period, 154; entered by Nebuchadrezzar I., 158; by Tiglathpileser I., 169 f.; by Ashurnaçirpal III., 193; under Shalmaneser II., 213-216; under his successors, 216 f.; under Tiglathpileser III, 228 f., 232 f.; under Sargon, 245-250; under Sennacherib, 268-272; under Esarhaddon, 293-295; under Ashurbanipal, 308, 312; under Necho II., 322; under Nebuchadrezzar II., 338 f.; under Nabuna'id, 367

Wife in Old Babylonia, 80

"Wisdom," Babylonian, 31

Women rulers, 66

Worship in old Babylonia, 103 f.

Writing, origin, and character of Babylonio-Assyrian, 26 f.; material basis of, 27  

YA-I'-LU, k, 295, 311

Yal'-man, m, 186

Year, agricultural, 72

Yem'-en, d, 74


ZAB, upper and lower, r, 7, 140

Za-bi'-hi, q, 231

Za'-bil ku-du'-ri, o, 196

Za'-hum, k, 108 f.

Zag-mu'-ku, festival, 361

Zagros, m, 4, 12

Za-ma'-ma, g, 112

Za-ma'-ma-shum-id'-din, k, 142

Za'-mu-a, d, 189, 198

Zar'-i-lab, c, 112

Zar-pa'-nit, g, 125

Zechariah, 357

Zedekiah, k, 340 f.

Zi ki'-a, 101

Zi a'-na 101

Zi-kir'-tu, d, 251 f.

Zig'-gu-rat, 98, 361

Zobah, d, 183

Zu, g, 31



Genesis XIV. 69, 110        III Kings xxv. 27 ff., 350

I Samuel xxx. 8, 292           II Chronicles xxviii. 17, 18, 232
I Kings xxii. 5, 15, 292                 "     xxxiii. 11, 312
II Kings xiv. 23-29, 2I8                 "     xxxvi. 6 f., 339
      "     xv. 19, 20, 231      Ezra iv. 2, 300
      "     xv. 26, 233                  "      iv. I0, 317
      "     xvi. 5, 232               Isaiah vii. 1-4, 232
      "     xvi. 9, 234                   "     xx. 3, 250
      "     xvi. I0 ff., 235              "     xxxvi. and xxxvii., 271
      "     xvii. 3, 4, 241           Jeremiah xxvii, 3, 341
      "     xvii. 24-41, 317               "     xxix. 3, 34I
      "     xviii. 5, 217                      "     xxxiv. 7, 341
      "     xviii. and xix., 271           "   xlvi. 2, 335
      "     xix. 36 f., 278                   "     xlix- 29, 340
      "     xx. 1, 268                         "     li. 59, 341
      "     xx. 12 f., 269           Ezekiel xvii. 4, 5, 354
      "     xxiv. 1, 336                    "     xxiii. 14 f., 356
      "     xxiv. 2, 340                    "     xlvii. 16, 240
      "     xxiv. 3, 339               Nahum ii. 1, 325
      "     xxiv. 7, 339               Habakkuk i. 8, 9, 357

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