Table most plenour, it fortuned that he commanded that the high feast
of Pentecost should be holden at a city and a castle, the which in
those days was called Kynke Kenadonne, upon the sands that marched
nigh Wales. So ever the king had a custom that at the feast of
Pentecost in especial, afore other feasts in the year, he would not
go that day to meat until he had heard or seen of a great marvel. And
for that custom all manner of strange adventures came before Arthur
as at that feast before all other feasts. And so Sir Gawaine, a
little to-fore noon of the day of Pentecost, espied at a window three
men upon horseback, and a dwarf on foot, and so the three men
alighted, and the dwarf kept their horses, and one of the three men
was higher than the other twain by a foot and an half. Then Sir
Gawaine went unto the king and said, Sir, go to your meat, for here
at the hand come strange adventures. So Arthur went unto his meat
with many other kings.
so came into the hall two men well beseen and richly, and upon their
shoulders there leaned the goodliest young man and the fairest that
ever they all saw, and he was large and long, and broad in the
shoulders, and well visaged, and the fairest and the largest handed
that ever man saw, but he fared as though he might not go nor bear
himself but if he leaned upon their shoulders. Anon as Arthur saw him
there was made peace and room, and right so they went with him unto
the high dais, without saying of any words. Then this much young man
pulled him aback, and easily stretched up straight, saying, King
Arthur, God you bless and all your fair fellowship, and in especial
the fellowship of the Table Round. And for this cause I am come
hither, to pray you and require you to give me three gifts, and they
shall not be unreasonably asked, but that ye may worshipfully
and honourably grant them me, and to you no great hurt nor loss. And
the first don and gift I will ask now, and the other two gifts I will
ask this day twelvemonth, wheresomever ye hold your high feast. Now
ask, said Arthur, and ye shall have your asking.
sir, this is my petition for this feast, that ye will give me meat
and drink sufficiently for this twelvemonth, and at that day I will
ask mine other two gifts.
fair son, said Arthur, ask better, I counsel thee, for this is but a
simple asking; for my heart giveth me to thee greatly, that thou art
come of men of worship, and greatly my conceit faileth me but thou
shalt prove a man of right great worship. Sir, he said, thereof be as
it be may, I have asked that I will ask. Well, said the king, ye
shall have meat and drink enough; I never defended that none, neither
my friend nor my foe. But what is thy name I would wit? I cannot tell
you, said he. That is marvel, said the king, that thou knowest not
thy name, and thou art the goodliest young man that ever I saw. Then
the king betook him to Sir Kay the steward, and charged him that he
should give him of all manner of meats and drinks of the best, and
also that he had all manner of finding as though he were a lord's
son. That shall little need, said Sir Kay, to do such cost upon him;
for I dare undertake he is a villain born, and never will make man,
for an he had come of gentlemen he would have asked of you horse
and armour, but such as he is, so he asketh. And sithen he hath no
name, I shall give him a name that shall be Beaumains, that is
Fair-hands, and into the kitchen I shall bring him, and there he
shall have fat brose every day, that he shall be as fat by the
twelve-months' end as a pork hog. Right so the two men departed and
beleft him to Sir Kay, that scorned him and mocked him.
was Sir Gawaine wroth, and in especial Sir Launcelot bade Sir
Kay leave his mocking, for I dare lay my head he shall prove a man of
great worship. Let be, said Sir Kay, it may not be by no reason, for
as he is, so he hath asked.
so Sir Kay bade get him a place, and sit down to meat; so Beaumains
went to the hall door, and set him down among boys and lads, and
there he ate sadly. And then Sir Launcelot after meat bade him come
to his chamber, and there he should have meat and drink enough. And
so did Sir Gawaine: but he refused them all; he would do none other
but as Sir Kay commanded him, for no proffer.
as touching Sir Gawaine, he had reason to proffer him lodging, meat,
and drink, for that proffer came of his blood, for he was nearer kin
to him than he wist. But that as Sir Launcelot did was of his great
gentleness and courtesy.
thus he was put into the kitchen, and lay nightly as the boys of the
kitchen did. And so he endured all that twelvemonth, and never
displeased man nor child, but always he was meek and mild. But ever
when that he saw any jousting of knights, that would he see an he
might. And ever Sir Launcelot would give him gold to spend, and
clothes, and so did Sir Gawaine, and where there were any masteries
done, thereat would he be, and there might none cast bar nor stone to
him by two yards. Then would Sir Kay say, How liketh you my boy of
the kitchen? So it passed on till the feast of Whitsuntide. And at
that time the king held it at Carlion in the most royallest wise that
might be, like as he did yearly. But the king would no meat eat upon
the Whitsunday, until he heard some adventures. Then came there a
squire to the king and said, Sir, ye may go to your meat, for here
cometh a damosel with some strange adventures. Then was the king glad
and sat him down.
so there came a damosel into the hall and saluted the king, and
prayed him of succour. For whom? said the king, what is the
she said, I have a lady of great worship and renown, and she is
besieged with a tyrant, so that she may not out of her castle; and
because here are called the noblest knights of the world, I come to
you to pray you of succour. What hight your lady, and where dwelleth
she, and who is she, and what is his name that hath besieged her? Sir
king, she said, as for my lady's name that shall not ye know for me
as at this time, but I let you wit she is a lady of great worship and
of great lands; and as for the tyrant that besiegeth her and
destroyeth her lands, he is called the Red Knight of the Red Launds.
I know him not, said the king. Sir, said Sir Gawaine, I know him
well, for he is one of the periloust knights of the world; men say
that he hath seven men's strength, and from him I escaped once full
hard with my life. Fair damosel, said the king, there be knights here
would do their power for to rescue your lady, but because you will
not tell her name, nor where she dwelleth, therefore none of my
knights that here be now shall go with you by my will. Then must I
speak further, said the damosel.
these words came before the king Beaumains, while the damosel was
there, and thus he said, Sir king, God thank you, I have been this
twelvemonth in your kitchen, and have had my full sustenance, and now
I will ask my two gifts that be behind. Ask, upon my peril, said the
king. Sir, this shall be my two gifts, first that ye will grant me to
have this adventure of the damosel, for it belongeth unto me. Thou
shalt have it, said the king, I grant it thee. Then, sir, this is the
other gift, that ye shall bid Launcelot du Lake to make me knight,
for of him I will be made knight and else of none. And when I am
passed I pray you let him ride after me, and make me knight when I
require him. All this shall be done, said the king. Fie on thee, said
the damosel, shall I have none but one that is your kitchen page?
Then was she wroth, and took her horse and departed. And with that
there came one to Beaumains and told him his horse and armour was
come for him; and there was the dwarf come with all thing that him
needed, in the richest manner; thereat all the court had much marvel
from whence came all that gear. So when he was armed there was none
but few so goodly a man as he was; and right so he came into the hall
and took his leave of King Arthur, and Sir Gawaine, and Sir
Launcelot, and prayed that he would hie after him, and so departed
and rode after the damosel.
there went many after to behold how well he was horsed and trapped in
cloth of gold, but he had neither shield nor spear. Then Sir Kay said
all open in the hall, I will ride after my boy in the kitchen, to wit
whether he will know me for his better. Said Sir Launcelot and Sir
Gawaine, Yet abide at home. So Sir Kay made him ready and took his
horse and his spear, and rode after him. And right as Beaumains
overtook the damosel, right so came Sir Kay and said, Beaumains,
what, sir, know ye not me? Then he turned his horse, and knew it was
Sir Kay, that had done him all the despite as ye have heard afore.
Yea, said Beau-mains, I know you for an ungentle knight of the court,
and therefore beware of me. Therewith Sir Kay put his spear in the
rest, and ran straight upon him; and Beaumains came as fast upon him
with his sword in his hand, and so he put away his spear with his
sword, and with a foin thrust him through the side, that Sir Kay fell
down as he had been dead; and he alighted down and took Sir Kay's
shield and his spear, and stert upon his own horse and rode his way.
that saw Sir Launcelot, and so did the damosel. And then he bade his
dwarf stert upon Sir Kay's horse, and so he did. By that Sir
Launcelot was come, then the proffered Sir Launcelot to joust; and
either made them ready, and they came together so fiercely that
either bare down other to the earth, and sore were they bruised. Then
Sir Launcelot arose and helped him from his horse. And then Beaumains
threw his shield from him, and proffered to fight with Sir Launcelot
on foot; and so they rashed together like boars, tracing, racing, and
foining to the mountenance of an hour; and Sir Launcelot felt him so
big that he marvelled of his strength, for he fought more liker a
giant than a knight, and that his fighting was durable and passing
perilous. For Sir Launcelot had so much ado with him that he dreaded
himself to be shamed, and said, Beaumains, fight not so sore, your
quarrel and mine is not so great but we may leave off. Truly that is
truth, said Beaumains, but it doth me good to feel your might, and
yet, my lord, I showed not the utterance.
God's name, said Sir Launcelot, for I promise you, by the faith of my
body, I had as much to do as I might to save myself from you
unshamed, and therefore have ye no doubt of none earthly knight. Hope
ye so that I may any while stand a proved knight? said Beaumains.
Yea, said Launcelot, do as ye have done, and I shall be your warrant.
Then, I pray you, said Beaumains, give me the order of knighthood.
Then must ye tell me your name, said Launcelot, and of what kin
ye be born. Sir, so that ye will not discover me I shall, said
Beaumains. Nay, said Sir Launcelot, and that I promise you by
the faith of my body, until it be openly known. Then, sir, he said,
my name is Gareth, and brother unto Sir Gawaine of father and mother.
Ah, sir, said Sir Launcelot, I am more gladder of you than I was; for
ever me thought ye should be of a great blood, and that ye came not
to the court neither for meat nor for drink. And then Sir Launcelot
gave him the order of knighthood, and then Sir Gareth prayed him for
to depart and let him go.
Sir Launcelot departed from him and came to Sir Kay, and made him to
be borne home upon his shield, and so he was healed hard with the
life; and all men scorned Sir Kay, and in especial Sir Gawaine and
Sir Launcelot; and so we leave Sir Kay and turn we unto Beaumains.
he had overtaken the damosel, anon she said,. What dost thou here?
thou stinkest all of the kitchen, thy clothes be bawdy of the grease
and tallow that thou gainest in King Arthur's kitchen; weenest thou,
said she, that I allow thee, for yonder knight that thou killest. Nay
truly, for thou slewest him unhappily and cowardly; therefore turn
again, bawdy kitchen page, I know thee well, for Sir Kay named thee
Beaumains. What art thou but a lusk and a turner of broaches and a
ladle-washer? Damosel, said Beaumains, say to me what ye will, I will
not go from you whatsomever ye say, for I have undertaken to King
Arthur for to achieve your adventure, and so shall I finish it to the
end, either I shall die therefore.
thus as they rode in the wood, there came a man flying all that
ever he might. Whither wilt thou? said Beau-mains. O lord, he said,
help me, for here by in a slade are six thieves that have taken my
lord and bound him, so I am afeard lest they will slay him. Bring me
thither, said Beaumains. And so they rode together until they came
there as was the knight bounden; and then he rode unto them, and
struck one unto the death, and then another, and at the third stroke
he slew the third thief, and then the other three fled. And he rode
after them, and he overtook them; and then those three thieves turned
again and assailed Beaumains hard, but at the last he slew them, and
returned and unbound the knight. And the knight thanked him, and
prayed him to ride with him to his castle there a little beside, and
he should worshipfully reward him for his good deeds. Sir, said
Beau-mains, I will no reward have: I was this day made knight of
noble Sir Launcelot, and therefore I will no reward have, but God
reward me. And also I must follow this damosel.
when he came nigh her she bade him ride from her, For thou smellest
all of the kitchen: weenest thou that I have joy of thee, for all
this deed that thou hast done is but mishapped thee: but thou shalt
see a sight shall make thee turn again, and that lightly. Then the
same knight which was rescued of the thieves rode after that damosel,
and prayed her to lodge with him all that night. And because it
was near night the damosel rode with him to his castle, and there
they had great cheer, and at supper the knight sat Sir Beaumains
afore the damosel. Fie, fie, said she, Sir knight, ye are uncourteous
to set a kitchen page afore me; him beseemeth better to stick a swine
than to sit afore a damosel of high parage. Then the knight was
ashamed at her words, and took him up, and set him at a sideboard,
and set himself afore him, and so all that night they had good cheer
and merry rest.
on the morn the damosel and he took their leave and thanked the
knight, and so departed, and rode on their way until they came to a
great forest. And there was a great river and but one passage, and
there were ready two knights on the farther side to let them the
passage. What sayest thou, said the damosel, wilt thou match yonder
knights or turn again? Nay, said Sir Beaumains, I will not turn again
an they were six more. And therewithal he rushed into the water, and
in midst of the water either brake their spears upon other to their
hands, and then they drew their swords, and smote eagerly at other.
And at the last Sir Beaumains smote the other upon the helm that his
head stonied, and therewithal he fell down in the water, and there
was he drowned. And then Sir Beaumains spurred his horse upon the
land, where the other knight fell upon him, and brake his spear, and
so they, drew their swords and fought long together. At the last Sir
Beaumains clave his helm and his head down to the shoulders; and so
he rode unto the damosel and bade her ride forth on her way.
she said, that ever a kitchen page should have that fortune to
destroy such two doughty knights: thou weenest thou hast done
doughtily, that is not so; for the first knight his horse stumbled,
and there he was drowned in the water, and never it was by thy force,
nor by thy might. And the last knight by mishap thou camest behind
him and mishappily thou slew him.
said Beaumains, ye may say what ye will, but with whomsomever I have
ado withal, I trust to God to serve him or he depart. And therefore I
reck not what ye say, so that I may win your lady. Fie, fie, foul
kitchen knave, thou shalt see knights that shall abate thy boast.
Fair damosel, give me goodly language, and then my care is past, for
what knights somever they be, I care not, nor I doubt them not. Also,
said she, I say it for thine avail, yet mayest thou turn again with
thy worship; for an thou follow me, thou art but slain, for I see all
that ever thou dost is but by misadventure, and not by prowess of thy
hands. Well, damosel, ye may say what ye will, but wheresomever
ye go I will follow you. So this Beaumains rode with that lady till
evensong time, and ever she chid him, and would not rest. And they
came to a black laund; and there was a black hawthorn, and thereon
hung a black banner, and on the other side there hung a black shield,
and by it stood a black spear great and long, and a great black horse
covered with silk, and a black stone fast by.
sat a knight all armed in black harness, and his name was the Knight
of the Black Laund. Then the damosel, when she saw that knight, she
bade Beaumains flee down that valley, for the knight's horse was not
saddled. Gramercy, said Beaumains, for always ye would have me a
coward. With that the Black Knight, when she came nigh him, spake and
said, Damosel, have ye brought this knight of King Arthur to be your
champion? Nay, fair knight, said she, this is but a kitchen knave
that was fed in King Arthur's kitchen for alms. Why cometh he, said
the knight, in such array? it is shame that he beareth you company.
Sir, I cannot be delivered of him, said she, for with me he rideth
maugre mine head: would that ye should put him from me, other to slay
him an ye may, for he is an unhappy knave, and unhappily he hath done
this day: through mishap I saw him slay two knights at the passage of
the water; and other deeds he did before right marvellous and through
unhappiness. That marvelleth me, said the Black Knight, that any
man that is of worship will have ado with him.
know him not, said the damosel, and for because he rideth with me,
they ween that he be some man of worship born. That may be, said the
Black Knight; howbeit as ye say that he be no man of worship, he is a
full likely person, and full like to be a strong man: but thus much
shall I grant you, said the Black Knight; I shall put him down upon
one foot, and his horse and his harness he shall leave with me, for
it were shame to me to do him any more harm.
Sir Beaumains heard him say thus, he said, Sir knight, thou art full
large of my horse and my harness; I let thee wit it cost thee nought,
and whether it liketh thee or not, this laund will I pass maugre
thine head. And horse nor harness gettest thou none of mine, but if
thou win them with thy hands; and therefore let see what thou canst
do. Sayest thou that? said the Black Knight, now yield thy lady from
thee, for it beseemeth never a kitchen page to ride with such a lady.
Thou liest, said Beaumains, I am a gentleman born, and of more high
lineage than thou, and that will I prove on thy body.
in great wrath they departed with their horses, and came together as
it had been the thunder, and the Black Knight's spear brake, and
Beaumains thrust him through both his sides, and therewith his spear
brake, and the truncheon left still in his side. But
nevertheless the Black Knight drew his sword, and smote many eager
strokes, and of great might, and hurt Beaumains full sore. But at the
last the Black Knight, within an hour and an half, he fell down off
his horse in swoon, and there he died.. And when Beaumains saw him so
well horsed and armed, then he alighted down and armed him in his
armour, and so took his horse and rode after the damosel.
she saw him come nigh, she said, Away, kitchen knave, out of the
wind, for the smell of thy bawdy clothes grieveth me. Alas, she said,
that ever such a knave should by mishap slay so good a knight as thou
hast done, but all this is thine unhappiness. But here by is one
shall pay thee all thy payment, and therefore yet I counsel thee,
flee. It may happen me, said Beaumains, to be beaten or slain, but I
warn you, fair damosel, I will not flee away, nor leave your company,
for all that ye can say; for ever ye say that they will kill me or
beat me, but howsomever it happeneth I escape, and they lie on the
as they rode together, they saw a knight come driving by them all in
green, both his horse and his harness; and when he came nigh the
damosel, he asked her, Is that my brother the Black Knight that ye
have brought with you? Nay, nay, she said, this unhappy kitchen knave
hath slain your brother through unhappiness. Alas, said the Green
Knight, that is great pity, that so noble a knight as he was should
so unhappily be slain, and namely of a knave's hand, as ye say that
he is. Ah! traitor, said the Green Knight, thou shalt die for slaying
of my brother; he was a full noble knight, and his name was Sir
Pereard. I defy thee, said Beaumains, for I let thee wit I slew him
knightly and not shamefully.
the Green Knight rode unto an horn that was green, and it hung upon a
thorn, and there he blew three deadly motes, and there came two
damosels and armed him lightly. And then he took a great horse, and a
green shield and a green spear. And then they ran together with all
their mights, and brake their spears unto their hands. And then they
drew their swords, and gave many sad strokes, and either of them
wounded other full ill. And at the last, at an overthwart, Beaumains
with his horse struck the Green Knight's horse upon the side, that he
fell to the earth. And then the Green Knight avoided his horse
lightly, and dressed him upon foot. That saw Beaumains, and
therewithal he alighted, and they rushed together like two mighty
kemps a long while, and sore they bled both. With that came the
damosel, and said, My lord the Green Knight, why for shame stand ye
so long fighting with the kitchen knave? Alas, it is shame that ever
ye were made knight, to see such a lad to match such a knight, as the
weed overgrew the corn. Therewith the Green Knight was ashamed, and
therewithal he gave a great stroke of might, and clave his shield
through. When Beaumains saw his shield cloven asunder he was a little
ashamed of that stroke and of her language; and then he gave him such
a buffet upon the helm that he fell on his knees. And so suddenly
Beaumains pulled him upon the ground grovelling. And then the Green
Knight cried him mercy, and yielded him unto Sir Beaumains, and
prayed him to slay him not. All is in vain, said Beaumains, for thou
shalt die but if this damosel that came with me pray me to save thy
life. And therewithal he unlaced his helm like as he would slay him.
Fie upon thee, false kitchen page, I will never pray thee to save his
life, for I will never be so much in thy danger. Then shall he die,
said Beaumains. Not so hardy, thou bawdy knave, said the damosel,
that thou slay him. Alas, said the Green knight, suffer me not to die
for a fair word may save me. Fair Knight, said the Green Knight, save
my life, and I will forgive thee the death of my brother, and for
ever to become thy man, and thirty knights that hold of me for ever
shall do you service. In the devil's name, said the damosel, that
such a bawdy kitchen knave should have thee and thirty knights'
knight, said Beaumains, all this availeth thee not, but if my damosel
speak with me for thy life. And therewithal he made a semblant to
slay him. Let be, said the damosel, thou bawdy knave; slay him not,
for an thou do thou shalt repent it. Damosel, said Beaumains, your
charge is to me a pleasure, and at your commandment his life shall be
saved, and else not. Then he said, Sir knight with the green arms, I
release thee quit at this damosel's request, for I will not make her
wroth, I will fulfil all that she chargeth me. And then the Green
Knight kneeled down, and did him homage with his sword. Then said the
damosel, Me repenteth, Green Knight, of your damage, and of your
brother's death, the Black Knight, for of your help I had great need,
for I dread me sore to pass this forest. Nay, dread you not, said the
Green Knight, for ye shall lodge with me this night, and to-morn I
shall help you through this forest. So they took their horses and
rode to his manor, which was fast there beside.
ever she rebuked Beaumains, and would not suffer him to sit at her
table, but as the Green Knight took him and sat him at a side table.
Marvel methinketh, said the Green Knight to the damosel, why ye
rebuke this noble knight as ye do, for I warn you, damosel, he is a
full noble knight, and I know no knight is able to match him;
therefore ye do great wrong to rebuke him, for he shall do you right
good service, for whatsomever he maketh himself, ye shall prove at
the end that he is come of a noble blood and of king's lineage. Fie,
fie, said the damosel, it is shame for you to say of him such
so on the morn they all arose, and heard their mass and brake their
fast; and then they took their horses and rode on their way, and the
Green Knight conveyed them through the forest; and there the Green
Knight said, My lord Beaumains, I and these thirty knights shall be
always at your summons, both early and late, at your calling and
whither that ever ye will send us. It is well said, said Beaumains;
when that I call upon you ye must yield you unto King Arthur, and all
your knights. If that ye so command us, we shall be ready at all
times, said the Green Knight. Fie, fie upon thee, in the devil's
name, said the damosel, that any good knights should be obedient unto
a kitchen knave. So then departed the Green Knight and the damosel.
And then she said unto Beaumains, Why followest thou me, thou kitchen
boy? Cast away thy shield and thy spear, and flee away, yet I counsel
thee, betimes, or thou shalt say right soon, alas; for wert thou as
wight as ever was Wade or Launcelot, Tristram, or the good
knight Sir Lamorak, thou shalt not pass a pass here that is called
the Pass Perilous. Damosel, said Beaumains, who is afeard let him
flee, for it were shame to turn again sithen I have ridden so long
with you. Well, said the damosel, ye shall soon, whether ye will or
within a while they saw a tower as white as any snow, well matchecold
all about, and double dyked. And over the tower gate there hung a
fifty shields of divers colours, and under that tower there was a
fair meadow. And therein were many knights and squires to behold,
scaffolds and pavilions; for there upon the morn should be a great
tournament: and the lord of the tower was in his castle and
looked out at a window, and saw a damosel, a dwarf, and a knight
armed at all points. With that knight will I joust, said the lord,
for I see that he is a knight-errant. And so he armed him and horsed
him hastily. And when he was on horseback with his shield and his
spear, it was all red, both his horse and his harness, and all that
to him longeth. And when that he came nigh him he weened it had been
his brother the Black Knight; and then he cried aloud, Brother, what
do ye in these marches? Nay, nay, said the damosel, it is not he;
this is but a kitchen knave that was brought up for alms in King
Arthur's court. Nevertheless, said the Red Knight, I will speak with
him or he depart. Ah, said the damosel, this knave hath killed thy
brother, and Sir Kay named him Beaumains, and this horse and this
harness was thy brother's, the Black Knight. Also I saw thy brother
the Green Knight overcome of his hands. Now may ye be revenged
upon him, for I may never be quit of him.
this either knights departed in sunder, and they came together with
all their might, and either of their horses fell to the earth, and
they avoided their horses, and put their shields afore them and drew
their swords, and either gave other sad strokes, now here, now there,
racing, tracing, foining, and hurling like two boars, the space of
two hours. And then she cried on high to the Red Knight, Alas, thou
noble Red Knight, think what worship hath followed thee, let never a
kitchen knave endure thee so long as he doth. Then the Red Knight
waxed wroth and doubled his strokes, and hurt Beaumains wonderly
sore, that the blood ran down to the ground, that it was wonder to
see that strong battle. Yet at the last Sir Beaumains struck him to
the earth, and as he would have slain the Red Knight, he cried mercy,
saying, Noble knight, slay me not, and I shall yield me to thee with
fifty knights with me that be at my commandment. And I forgive thee
all the despite that thou hast done to me, and the death of my
brother the Black Knight. All this availeth not; said Beaumains, but
if my damosel pray me to save thy life. And therewith he made
semblant to strike off his head. Let be, thou Beaumains, slay him
not, for he is a noble knight, and not so hardy, upon thine head, but
thou save him.
How Beaumains defeated the Red Knight, and always the damosel spakemany foul words unto him
Beaumains bade the Red Knight, Stand up, and thank the damosel now of
thy life. Then the Red Knight prayed him to see his castle, and to be
there all night. So the damosel then granted him, and there they had
merry cheer. But always the damosel spake many foul words unto
Beaumains, whereof the Red Knight had great marvel; and all that
night the Red Knight made three score knights to watch Beaumains,
that he should have no shame nor villainy. And upon the morn they
heard mass and dined, and the Red Knight came before Beaumains with
his three score knights, and there he proffered him his homage and
fealty at all times, he and his knights to do him service. I thank
you, said Beaumains, but this ye shall grant me: when I call upon
you, to come afore my lord King Arthur, and yield you unto him to be
his knights. Sir, said the Red Knight, I will be ready, and my
fellowship, at your summons. So Sir Beaumains departed and the
damosel, and ever she rode chiding him in the foulest manner.
said Beaumains, ye are uncourteous so to rebuke me as ye do, for
meseemeth I have done you good service, and ever ye threaten me I
shall be beaten with knights that we meet, but ever for all your
boast they lie in the dust or in the mire, and therefore I pray you
rebuke me no more; and when ye see me beaten or yolden as recreant,
then may ye bid me go from you shamefully; but first I let you
wit I will not depart from you, for. I were worse than a fool an I
would depart from you all the while that I win worship. Well, said
she, right soon there shall meet a knight shall pay thee all thy
wages, for he is the most man of worship of the world, except King
Arthur. I will well, said Beaumains, the more he is of worship, the
more shall be my worship to have ado with him.
anon they were ware where was afore them a city rich and fair. And
betwixt them and the city a mile and an half there was a fair meadow
that seemed new mown, and therein were many pavilions fair to behold.
Lo, said the damosel, yonder is a lord that owneth yonder city, and
his custom is, when the weather is fair, to lie in this meadow to
joust and tourney. And ever there be about him an hundred knights and
gentlemen of arms, and there be all manner of games that any
gentleman can devise. That goodly lord, said Beaumains, would I fain
see. Thou shalt see him time enough, said the damosel, and so as she
rode near she espied the pavilion where he was. Lo, said she, seest
thou yonder pavilion that is all of the colour of Inde, and all
manner of thing that there is about men and women, and horses
trapped, shields and spears were all of the colour of Inde, and his
name is Sir Persant of Inde, the most lordliest knight that ever thou
lookedst on. It may well be, said Beaumains, but be he never so stout
a knight, in this field I shall abide till that I see him under his
shield. Ah, fool, said she, thou wert better flee betimes. Why, said
Beaumains, an he be such a knight as ye make him, he will not set
upon me with all his men, or with his hundred knights. For an there
come no more but one at once, I shall him not fail whilst my life
lasteth. Fie, fie, said the damosel, that ever such a stinking knave
should blow such a boast. Damosel, he said, ye are to blame so
to rebuke me, for I had liefer do five battles than so to be rebuked;
let him come and then let him do his worst.
she said, I marvel what thou art and of what kin thou art come;
boldly thou speakest, and boldly thou hast done, that have I seen;
therefore I pray thee save thyself an thou mayest, for thy horse and
thou have had great travail, and I dread we dwell over long from
the siege, for it is but hence seven mile, and all perilous passages
we are passed save all only this passage, and there I dread me sore
lest ye shall catch some hurt; therefore I would ye were hence, that
ye were not bruised nor hurt with this strong knight. But I let you
wit this Sir Persant of Inde is nothing of might nor strength unto
the knight that laid the siege about my lady. As for that, said Sir
Beaumains, be it as it be may. For sithen I am come so nigh this
knight I will prove his might or I depart from him, and else I shall
be shamed an I now withdraw me from him. And therefore, damosel, have
ye no doubt by the grace of God I shall so deal with this knight that
within two hours after noon I shall deliver him. And then shall we
come to the siege by daylight. O Jesu, marvel have I, said the
damosel, what manner a man ye be, for it may never be otherwise but
that ye be come of a noble blood, for so foul nor shamefully did
never woman rule a knight as I have done you, and ever courteously ye
have suffered me, and that came never but of a gentle blood.
said Beaumains, a knight may little do that may not suffer a damosel,
for whatsomever ye said unto me I took none heed to your words, for
the more ye said the more ye angered me, and my wrath I wreaked upon
them that I had ado withal. And therefore all the missaying that
ye missaid me furthered me in my battle, and caused me to think to
show and prove myself at the end what I was; for peradventure though
I had meat in King Arthur's kitchen, yet I might have had meat enough
in other places, but all that I did it for to prove and assay my
friends, and that shall be known another day; and whether that I be a
gentleman born or none, I let you wit, fair damosel, I have done
you gentleman's service, and peradventure better service yet will I
do or I depart from you. Alas, she said, fair Beaumains, forgive me
all that I have missaid or done against thee. With all my heart, said
he, I forgive it you, for ye did nothing but as ye should do, for all
your evil words pleased me; and damosel, said Beaumains, since it
liketh you to say thus fair unto me, wit ye well it gladdeth my heart
greatly, and now meseemeth there is no knight living but I am able
enough for him.
this Sir Persant of Inde had espied them as they hoved in the field,
and knightly he , sent to them whether he came in war or in peace.
Say to thy lord, said Beau-mains, I take no force, but whether as him
list himself. So the messenger went again unto Sir Persant and told
him all his answer. Well then will I have ado with him to the
utterance, and so he purveyed him and rode against him. And Beaumains
saw him and made him ready, and there they met with all that ever
their horses might run, and brast their spears either in three
pieces, and their horses rushed so together that both their horses
fell dead to the earth; and lightly they avoided their horses and put
their shields afore them, and drew their swords, and gave many great
strokes that sometime they hurtled together that they fell grovelling
on the ground. And at the last Beaumains smote Sir Persant above upon
the helm, that he fell grovelling to the earth; and then he leapt
upon him overthwart and unlaced his helm to have slain him.
Sir Persant yielded him and asked him mercy. With that came the
damosel and prayed to save his life. I sill well, for it were pity
this noble knight should die. Gramercy, said Persant, gentle knight
and damosel. For certainly now I wot well it was ye that slew my
brother the Black Knight at the black thorn; he was a full noble
knight, his name was Sir Pereard. Also I am sure that ye are he that
won mine other brother the Green Knight, his name was Sir Pertolepe.
Also ye won my brother the Red Knight, Sir Perimones. And now since
ye have won these, this shall I do for to please you: ye shall have
homage and fealty of me, and an hundred knights to be always at your
commandment, to go and ride where ye will command us. And so
they went unto Sir Persant's pavilion and drank the wine, and ate
spices, and afterward Sir Persant made him to rest upon a bed until
supper time, and after supper to bed again.
so on the morn the damosel and Sir Beaumains heard mass and brake
their fast, and so took their leave. Fair damosel, said Persant,
whitherward are ye way-leading this knight? Sir, she said, this
knight is' going to the siege that besiegeth my sister in the Castle
Dangerous. Ah, ah, said Persant, that is the Knight of the Red Laund,
the which is the most perilous knight that I know now living, and a
man that is without mercy, and men say that he hath seven men's
strength. God save you, said he to Beaumains, from that knight, for
he doth great wrong to that lady, and that is great pity, for she is
one of the fairest ladies of the world, and meseemeth that your
damosel is her sister: is not your name Linet? said he. Yea, sir,
said she, and my lady my sister's name is Dame Lionesse. Now shall I
tell you, said Sir Persant, this Red Knight of the Red Laund hath
lain long at the siege, well-nigh this two years, and many times he
might have had her an he had would, but he prolongeth the time to
this intent, for to have Sir Launcelot du Lake to do battle with him,
or Sir Tristram, or Sir Lamorak de Galis, or Sir Gawaine, and this is
his tarrying so long at the siege. Now my lord Sir Persant of Inde,
said the damosel Linet, I require you that ye will make this
gentleman knight or ever he fight with the Red Knight. I will with
all my heart, said Sir Persant, an it please him to take the order of
knighthood of so simple a man as I am. Sir, said Beaumains, I
thank you for your good will, for I am better sped, for certainly the
noble knight Sir Launcelot made me knight. Ah, said Sir Persant, of a
more renowned knight might ye not be made knight; for of all knights
he may be called chief of knighthood; and so all the world saith,
that betwixt three knights is departed clearly knighthood, that is
Launcelot du Lake, Sir Tristram de Liones, and Sir Lamorak de
Galis: these bear now the renown. Therefore God speed you well, said
Sir Persant, for an ye may match the Red Knight ye shall be called
the fourth of the world.
said Beaumains, I would fain be of good fame and of knighthood. And I
let you wit I came of good men, for I dare say my father was a noble
man, and so that ye will keep it in close, and this damosel, I will
tell you of what kin I am. We will not discover you, said they both,
till ye command us, by the faith we owe unto God. Truly then, said
he, my name is Gareth of Orkney, and King Lot was my father, and my
mother is King Arthur's sister, her name is Dame Morgawse, and Sir
Gawaine is my brother, and Sir Agravaine and Sir Gaheris, and I am
the youngest of them all. And yet wot not King Arthur nor Sir Gawaine
what I am.
the book saith that the lady that was besieged had word of her
sister's coming by the dwarf, and a knight with her, and how he had
passed all the perilous passages. What manner a man is he? said the
lady. He is a noble knight, truly, madam, said the dwarf, and but a
young man, but he is as likely a man as ever ye saw any. What is he?
said the damosel, and of what kin is he come, and of whom was he made
knight? Madam, said the dwarf, he is the king's son of Orkney, but
his name I will not tell you as at this time; but wit ye well, of Sir
Launcelot was he made knight.
said the lady, I am glad of these tidings, therefore go thou in
an hermitage of mine hereby, and there shalt thou bear with thee of
my wine in two flagons of silver, they are of two gallons, and also
two cast of bread with fat venison baked, and dainty fowls; and a cup
of gold here I deliver thee, that is rich and precious; and bear all
this to mine hermitage, and put it in the hermit's hands. And sithen
go thou unto my sister and greet her well, and commend me unto that
gentle knight, and pray him to eat and to drink and make him strong,
and say ye him I thank him of his courtesy and goodness, that he
would take upon him such labour for me that never did him bounty nor
courtesy. Also pray him that he be of good heart and courage, for he
shall meet with a full noble knight, but he is neither of bounty,
courtesy, nor gentleness; for he attendeth unto nothing but to
murder, and that is the cause I cannot praise him nor love him.
this dwarf departed, and came to Sir Persant, where he found the
damosel Linet and Sir Beaumains, and there he told them all as ye
have heard; and then they took their leave, but Sir Persant took an
ambling hackney and conveyed them on their ways, and then beleft
them to God; and so within a little while they came to that
hermitage, and there they drank the wine, and ate the venison and the
fowls baken.
the morn Beaumains and the damosel Linet heard their mass and brake
their fast. And then they took their horses and came to a plain, and
saw where were many pavilions and tents, and a fair castle, and there
was much smoke and great noise; and when they came near the siege Sir
Beaumains espied upon great trees, as he rode, how there hung full
goodly armed knights by the neck, and their shields about their necks
with their swords, and gilt spurs upon their heels, and so there hung
nigh a forty knights shamefully with full rich arms.
Sir Beaumains abated his countenance and said, What meaneth this?
Fair sir, said the damosel, abate not your cheer for all this sight,
for ye must courage yourself, or else ye be all shent, for all these
knights came hither to this siege to rescue my sister Dame Lionesse,
and when the Red Knight of the Red Launds had overcome them, he put
them to this shameful death without mercy and pity. And in the same
wise he will serve you, but if you quit you the better.
Jesu defend me, said Beaumains, from such a villainous death and
shenship of arms. For rather than I should so be faren withal, I
would be slain manly in plain battle. So were ye better, said the
damosel; for trust not, in him is no courtesy, but all goeth to the
death or shameful murder, and that is pity, for he is a full noble
knight of prowess.
then they rode to the dykes, and saw them double dyked with full
warlike walls; and there were lodged many great lords nigh the walls;
and there was great noise of minstrelsy; and the sea beat upon the
one side of the walls, where were many ships and mariners' noise with
"hale and how." And also there was fast by a sycamore tree,
and there hung an horn, the greatest that ever they saw, of an
elephant's bone; and this Knight of the Red Launds had hanged it up
there, that if there came any errant-knight, he must blow that horn,
and then will he make him ready and come to him to do battle. But,
sir, I pray you, said the damosel Linet, blow ye not the horn till it
be high noon, for now it is about prime, and now increaseth his
might, that as men say he hath seven men's strength. Ah, fie for
shame, fair damosel, say ye never so more to me; for, an he were as
good a knight as ever was, I shall never fail him in his most might,
for either I will win worship worshipfully, or die knightly in the
field. And therewith he spurred his 'horse straight to the sycamore
tree, and blew so the horn eagerly that all the siege and the castle
rang thereof. And then there leapt out knights out of their tents and
pavilions, and they within the castle looked over the walls and out
at windows.
the Red Knight of the Red Launds armed him hastily, and two barons
set on his spurs upon his heels, and all was blood red, his armour,
spear and shield. And an earl buckled his helm upon his head, and
then they brought him a red spear and a red steed, and so he rode
into a little vale under the castle, that all that were in the castle
and at the siege might behold the battle.
said the damosel Linet unto Sir Beaumains, look ye be glad and light,
for yonder is your deadly enemy, and at yonder window is my lady
sister, Dame Lionesse. Where? said Beaumains. Yonder, said the
damosel, and pointed with her finger. That is truth, said Beaumains.
She beseemeth afar the fairest lady that ever I looked upon; and
truly, he said, I ask no better quarrel than now for to do battle,
for truly she shall be my lady, and for her I will fight. And ever he
looked up to the window with glad countenance, and the Lady Lionesse
made curtsey to him down to the earth, with holding up both their
that the Red Knight of the Red Launds called to Sir Beaumains, Leave,
sir knight, thy looking, and behold me, I counsel thee; for I warn
thee well she is my lady, and for her I have done many strong
battles. If thou have so done, said Beaumains, meseemeth it was but
waste labour, for she loveth none of thy fellowship, and thou to love
that loveth not thee is but great folly. For an I understood that she
were not glad of my coming, I would be advised or I did battle for
her. But I understand by the besieging of this castle she may forbear
thy fellowship. And therefore wit thou well, thou Red Knight of the
Red Launds, I love her, and will rescue her, or else to die. Sayst
thou that? said the Red Knight, meseemeth thou ought of reason to be
ware by yonder knights that thou sawest hang upon yonder trees. Fie
for shame, said Beaumains, that ever thou shouldest say or do so
evil, for in that thou shamest thyself and knighthood, and thou mayst
be sure there will no lady love thee that knoweth thy wicked customs.
And now thou weenest that the sight of these hanged knights should
fear me. Nay truly, not so; that shameful sight causeth me to have
courage and hardiness against thee, more than I would have had
against thee an thou wert a well-ruled knight. Make thee ready, said
the Red Knight of the Red Launds, and talk no longer with me.
Sir Beaumains bade the damosel go from him; and then they put their
spears in their rests, and came together with all their might that
they had both, and either smote other in midst of their shields that
the paitrelles, surcingles, and cruppers brast, and fell to the earth
both, and the reins of their bridles in their hands; and so they lay
a great while sore astonied. Then they avoided their horses and put
their shields afore them, and drew their swords and ran together like
two fierce lions.
they fought till it was past noon, and never would stint, till at the
last they lacked wind both; and when they had rested them a while
they went to battle again, tracing, racing, foining as two boars. And
thus they endured till evensong time, that there was none that beheld
them might know whether was like to win the battle; and their armour
was so far hewn that men might see their naked sides; and in other
places they were naked, but ever the naked places they did defend.
And the Red Knight was a wily knight of war, and his wily fighting
taught Sir Beaumains to be wise; but he abought it full sore ere he
did espy his fighting.
thus by assent of them both they granted either other to rest; and so
they set them down upon two molehills there beside the fighting
place, and either of them unlaced his helm, and took the cold
wind. And then when Sir Beaumains' helm was off, he looked up to the
window, and there he saw the fair lady Dame Lionesse, and she made
him such countenance that his heart waxed light and jolly; and
therewith he bade the Red Knight of the Red Launds make him ready,
and let us do the battle to the utterance. I will well, said the
knight, and then they laced up their helms and fought freshly; but
the Red Knight of the Red Launds awaited him, and at an overthwart
smote him within the hand, that his sword fell out of his hand; and
yet he gave him another buffet upon the helm that he fell grovelling
to the earth, and the Red Knight fell over him, for to hold him down.
cried the maiden Linet on high: O Sir Beaumains, where is thy courage
become? Alas, my lady my sister beholdeth thee, and she sobbeth and
weepeth, that maketh mine heart heavy. When Sir Beaumains heard her
say so, he abraid up with a great might and gat him upon his feet,
and lightly he leapt to his sword and gripped it in his hand, and
doubled his pace unto the Red Knight, and there they fought . a new
battle together. But Sir Beaumains then doubled his strokes, and
smote so thick that he smote the sword out of his hand, and then he
smote him upon the helm that he fell to the earth, and Sir Beaumains
fell upon him, and unlaced his helm to have slain him; and then he
yielded him and asked mercy, and said with a loud voice: O noble
knight, I yield me to thy mercy.
Sir Beaumains bethought him upon the knights that the Red Knight had
made to be hanged shamefully, and then he said: I may not with my
worship save thy life, for the shameful deaths that thou hast caused
many full good knights to die. Sir, said the Red Knight of the Red
Launds, hold your hand and ye shall know the causes why I put them to
so shameful a death. Say on, said Sir Beaumains. Sir, I loved once a
lady, a fair damosel, and she had her brother slain; and she said it
was Sir Launcelot du Lake, or else Sir Gawaine; and she prayed me as
that I loved her heartily, that I would make her a promise by the
faith of my knighthood, for to labour daily in arms until I met
with one of them; and all that I might overcome I should put them
unto a villainous death; and this is the cause that I have put
all these knights to death, and so I ensured her to do all the
villainy unto King Arthur's knights, and that I should take vengeance
upon all these knights
came there many earls, and barons, and noble knights, and prayed that
knight to save his life, and take him to your prisoner. Fair lords,
said Beaumains, wit you well I am full loath to slay this knight,
nevertheless he hath done passing ill and shamefully; but insomuch
all that he did was at a lady's request I blame him the less; and so
for your sake I will release him that he shall have his life upon
this covenant, that he go within the castle, and yield him there to
the lady, and if she will forgive and quit him, I will well; with
this he make her amends of all the trespass he hath done against her
and her lands. And also, when that is done, that ye go unto the court
of King Arthur, and there that ye ask Sir Launcelot mercy, and Sir
Gawaine, for the evil will ye have had against them. Sir, said the
Red Knight of the Red Launds, all this will I do as ye command, and
siker assurance and borrows ye shall have. And so then when the
assurance was made, he made his homage and fealty, and all those
earls and barons with him.
then the maiden Linet came to Sir Beaumains, and unarmed him and
searched his wounds, and stinted his blood, and in like wise she did
to the Red Knight of the Red Launds. And there they sojourned ten
days in their tents; and the Red Knight made his lords and servants
to do all the pleasure that they might unto Sir Beaumains.
How Dame Lionesse came forth arrayed like a princess
so within a while the Red Knight of the Red Launds went unto the
castle, and put him in her grace. And so she received him upon
sufficient surety, so all her hurts were well restored of all that
she could complain. And then came forth Dame Lionesse arrayed like a
princess, and there she made Sir Gareth passing good cheer, and he
her again; and they had goodly language and lovely countenance
together. And then she let fetch to-fore him Linet, the damosel that
had ridden with him many wildsome ways. Then was Sir Gareth more
gladder than he was to-fore. And then they troth-plight each other to
love and never to fail whiles their life lasteth.
turn we unto King Arthur, that at the next feast of Pentecost held
his feast. And there came the Green Knight with thirty knights and
yielded them all unto King Arthur. And so there came the Red Knight,
his brother, and yielded him to King Arthur and threescore knights
with him. Also there came the Blue Knight, brother to them, with an
hundred knights. These three brethren told King Arthur how they were
overcome by a knight that a damosel had with her, and called him
Beaumains. I marvel, said the King, what knight he is and of what
lineage he is come. He was with me a twelvemonth and poorly and
shamefully he was fostered, and Sir Kay in scorn named him Beaumains.
So right as the king stood so talking with these three brethren there
came Sir Launcelot du Lake and told the king there was come a goodly
lord with five hundred knights with him. Then the king went out of
Carlion, for there was the feast, and there came to him this lord,
and saluted the king in the most goodly manner. Sir, he said, my name
is the Red Knight of the Red Launds, and I am sent to you of a knight
that is called Beaumains, for he won me in pleyn battle, and both I
and these five hundred knights shall always be at your summons to do
you service as may lie in our powers. Well, my fair lords, said King
Arthur, wit you well I shall do you honour for the love of Sir
Beaumains. So then the king and they went to meat, and were served in
the best manner. And as they sat at the meat, there came in the Queen
of Orkney, with ladies and knights a great number. And then Sir
Gawaine, Sir Agravaine, and Gaheris arose, and went to her and
saluted her upon their knees, and asked her blessing; for in fifteen
year they had not seen her. Then she spake on high to her brother
King Arthur: Where have ye done my young son Sir Gareth? He was here
amongst you a twelvemonth, and ye made a kitchen knave of him, the
which is shame to you all. Alas, where have ye done my dear son that
was my joy and bliss? O dear mother, said Sir Gawaine, I knew him
not. Nor I, said the king, that now me repenteth, but thanked be God
he is proved a worshipful knight as any is now living of his
years, and I shall never be glad till I may find him.
brother, said the Queen unto King Arthur, and unto Sir Gawaine, and
to all her sons, ye did yourself great shame when ye amongst you kept
my son in the kitchen and fed him like a poor hog. Fair sister, said
King Arthur, ye shall right well wit I knew him not, nor no more did
Sir Gawaine, nor his brethren; but sithen it is so, said the king,
that he is thus gone from us all, we must shape a remedy to find him.
then goodly letters were made, and a messenger sent forth, that night
and day he went till he came unto the Castle Perilous. And then the
lady Dame Lionesse was sent for. And when she understood this
message, she bade him ride on his way unto King Arthur, and she would
come after in all goodly haste.
Dame Lionesse departed and came to King Arthur, where she was nobly
received, and there she was sore questioned of the king and of
the Queen of Orkney. And she answered, where Sir Gareth was she could
not tell. But thus much she said unto Arthur: Sir, I will let cry a
tournament that shall be done before my castle at the Assumption of
our Lady, and the cry shall be this: that you, my lord Arthur, shall
be there, and your knights, and I will purvey that my knights shall
be against yours; and then I am sure ye shall hear of Sir Gareth.
This is well advised, said King Arthur; and so she departed. And the
king and she made great provision to that tournament.
so the cry was made in England, Wales, and Scotland, Ireland,
Cornwall, and in all the out Isles, and in Brittany and in many
countries; that at the feast of our Lady the Assumption next coming,
men should come to the Castle Perilous beside the Isle of Avilion;
and there all the knights that there came should have the choice
whether them list to be on the one party with the knights of the
castle, or on the other party with King Arthur. And two months was to
the day that the tournament should be. And so there came many good
knights that were at their large, and held them for the most part
against King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table and came on
the side of them of the castle.
then Sir Gareth prayed Dame Lionesse and the Red Knight of the Red
Launds, and Sir Persant and his brother, and Sir Gringamore, that in
no wise there should none of them tell not his name, and make no more
of him than of the least knight that there was, For, he said, I will
not be known of neither more nor less, neither at the beginning
neither at the ending. Then Dame Lionesse said unto Sir Gareth: Sir,
I will lend you a ring, but I would pray you as you love me heartily
let me have it again when the tournament is done, for that ring
increaseth my beauty much more than it is of itself. And the virtue
of my ring is that that is green it will turn to red, and that is red
it will turn in likeness to green, and that is blue it will turn to
likeness of white, and that is white it will turn in likeness to
blue, and so it will do of all manner of colours. Also who that
beareth my ring shall lose no blood, and for great love I will give
you this ring. Gramercy, said Sir Gareth, mine own lady, for this
ring is passing meet for me, for it will turn all manner of
likeness that I am in, and that shall cause me that I shall not be
upon the Assumption Day, when mass and matins were done, there were
heralds with trumpets commanded to blow to the field. And so there
came out Sir Tristram, Sir Sadok, and Sir Dinas, knights of the
castle, and there encountered Sir Tristram with Sir Bedivere,
and there Sir Bedivere was smitten to the earth both horse and man.
And Sir Sadok encountered with Sir Petipase, and there Sir Sadok was
overthrown. And there Uwaine les Avoutres smote down Sir Dinas, the
Seneschal. Then came in Sir Persant of Inde, a knight of the castle,
and there encountered with him Sir Launcelot du Lake, and there he
smote Sir Persant, horse and man, to the earth. Then came Sir
Pertolepe, the Green Knight, and smote down Sir Lionel, brother to
Sir Launcelot. All this was marked by noble heralds, who bare him
best, and their names.
then came into the field Sir Perimones, the Red Knight, Sir Persant's
brother, that was a knight of the castle, and he encountered with Sir
Ector de Maris, and either smote other so hard that both their horses
and they fell to the earth. And then came in the Red Knight of the
Red Launds, and Sir Gareth, from the castle, and there encountered
with them Sir Bors de Ganis and Sir Bleoberis, and there the Red
Knight and Sir Bors either smote other so hard that their spears
brast, and their horses fell grovelling to the earth. Then Sir
Bleoberis brake his spear upon Sir Gareth, but of that stroke Sir
Bleoberis fell to the earth. When Sir Galihodin saw that he bade
Sir Gareth keep him, and Sir Gareth smote him to the earth. Then Sir
Galihud gat a spear to avenge his brother, and in the same wise Sir
Gareth served him, and Sir Dinadan and his brother, La Cote Male
Taile, and Sir Sagramore le Desirous, and Sir Dodinas le Savage. All
these he bare down with one spear.
King Agwisance of Ireland saw Sir Gareth fare so, he marvelled what
he might be that one time seemed green, and another time, at his
again coming, he seemed blue. And thus at every course that he rode
to and fro he changed his colour, so that there might neither king
nor knight have ready cognisance of him. Then Sir Agwisance, the King
of Ireland, encountered with Sir Gareth, and there Sir Gareth smote
him from his horse, saddle and all. And then came King Carados of
Scotland, and Sir Gareth smote him down horse and man. And in the
same wise he served King Uriens of the land of Gore. And then Sir
Galahault, the noble prince, cried on high: Knight with the many
colours, well hast thou jousted; now make thee ready that I may joust
with thee. Sir Gareth heard him, and he gat a great spear, and so
they encountered together, and there the prince brake his spear; but
Sir Gareth smote him upon the left side of the helm that he reeled
here and there, and he had fallen down had not his men recovered him.
same knight with the many colours is a good knight, said King Arthur.
Wherefore the king called unto him Sir Launcelot, and prayed him to
encounter with that knight. Sir, said Launcelot, I may well find in
my heart for to forbear him as at this time, for he hath had travail
enough this day; and when a good knight doth so well upon some day,
it is no good knight's part to let him of his worship, and namely,
when he seeth a knight hath done so great labour; for peradventure,
said Sir Launcelot, his quarrel is here this day, and peradventure he
is best beloved with this lady of all that be here; for I see well he
paineth him and enforceth him to do great deeds, and therefore, said
Sir Launcelot, as for me, this day he shall have the honour; though
it lay in my power to put him from it I would not.
Sir Gareth rode out on the one side to amend his helm; and then said
his dwarf: Give me your ring, that ye lose it not while that ye
drink.' And so when he had drunk he gat on his helm, and eagerly took
his horse and rode into the field, and left his ring with his dwarf;
and the dwarf was glad the ring was from him, for then he wist well
he should be known. And then when Sir Gareth was in the field all
folks saw him well and plainly that he was in yellow colours; and
there he rased off helms and pulled down knights, that King Arthur
had marvel what knight he was, for the king saw by his hair that it
was the same knight. But before he was in so many colours, and now he
is but in one colour; that is yellow. Now go, said King Arthur unto
divers heralds, and ride about him, and espy what manner knight he
is, for I have spered of many knights this day that be upon his
party, and all say they know him not. And so an herald rode nigh
Gareth as he could; and there he saw written about his helm in gold,
This helm is Sir Gareth of Orkney. Then the herald cried as he were
wood, and many heralds with him: — This is Sir Gareth of Orkney in
the yellow arms; wherby all kings and knights of Arthur's beheld him
and awaited; and then they pressed all to behold him, and ever the
heralds cried: This is Sir Gareth of Orkney, King Lot's son. And when
Sir Gareth espied that he was discovered, then he doubled his
strokes, and smote down Sir Sagramore, and his brother Sir Gawaine. O
brother, said Sir Gawaine, I weened ye would not have stricken me.
when he heard him say so he thrang here and there, and so with great
pain he gat out of the press, and there he met with his dwarf. O boy,
said Sir Gareth, thou hast beguiled me foul this day that thou kept
my ring; give it me anon again, that I may hide my body withal; and
so he took it him. And then they all wist not where he was become;
and Sir Gawaine had in manner espied where Sir Gareth rode, and then
he rode after with all his might. That espied Sir Gareth, and rode
lightly into the forest, that Sir Gawaine wist not where he was
become. And then fell there a thunder and a rain, as heaven and earth
should go together. And Sir Gareth was not a little weary, for of all
that day he had but little rest, neither his horse nor he. So this
Sir Gareth rode so long in that forest until the night came. And ever
it lightened and thundered, as it had been wood. At the last by
fortune he came to a castle, and there he heard the waits upon the
Sir Gareth rode unto the barbican, and prayed the porter fair to let
him into the castle. The porter answered ungoodly again, and said,
Thou gettest no lodging here. Fair sir, say not so, for I am a knight
of King Arthur's, and pray the lord or the lady of this castle to
give me harbour for the love of King Arthur. Then the porter went
unto the duchess, and told her how there was a knight of King
Arthur's would have harbour. Let him in, said the duchess, for I will
see that knight, and for King Arthur's sake he shall not be
harbourless. Then she went up into a tower over the gate, with great
torch-light. When Sir Gareth saw that torch-light he cried on high:
Whether thou be lord or lady, giant or champion, I take no force so
that I may have harbour this night; and if it so be that I must needs
fight, spare me not to-morn when I have rested me, for both I and
mine horse be weary. Sir knight, said the lady, thou speakest
knightly and boldly; but wit thou well the lord of this castle loveth
not King Arthur, nor none of his court, for my lord hath ever been
against him; and therefore thou were better not to come within this
castle; for an thou come in this night, thou must come in under such
form, that wheresomever thou meet my lord, by stigh or by street,
thou must yield thee to him as prisoner. Madam, said Sir Gareth, what
is your lord, and what is his name? Sir, my lord's name is the Duke
de la Rowse. Well madam, said Sir Gareth, I shall promise you in what
place I meet your lord I shall yield me unto him and to his good
grace; with that I understand he will do me no harm: and if I
understand that he will, I will release myself, an I can, with
my spear and my sword. Ye say well, said the duchess; and then she
let the drawbridge down, and so he rode into the hall, and there he
alighted, and his horse was led into a stable; and in the hall he
unarmed him and said, Madam, I will not out of this hall this night;
and when it is daylight, let see who will have ado with me, he shall
find me ready. Then was he set unto supper, and had many good dishes.
Then Sir Gareth list well to eat, and knightly he ate his meat, and
eagerly; there was many a fair lady by him, and some said they never
saw a goodlier man nor so well of eating. Then they made him passing
good cheer, and shortly when he had supped his bed was made there; so
he rested him all night.
on the morn he heard mass, and brake his fast and took his leave at
the duchess, and at them all; and thanked her goodly of her lodging,
and of his good cheer. So Sir Gareth departed and rode up into a
mountain, and there he found a goodly knight that bade him, Abide sir
knight, and joust with me. What are ye? said Sir Gareth. My name is,
said he, the Duke de la Rowse. Ah sir, ye are the same knight that I
lodged in your castle; and there I made promise unto your lady that I
should yield me unto you. Make thee ready, said the duke, for I will
have ado with you. So they let their horses run, and there Sir Gareth
smote the duke down from his horse. But the duke lightly avoided his
horse, and dressed his shield and drew his sword, and bade Sir Gareth
alight and fight with him. So he did alight, and they did great
battle together more than an hour, and either hurt other full sore.
At the last Sir Gareth gat the duke to the earth, and then he yield
him to him. Then must ye go, said Sir Gareth, unto Sir Arthur my lord
at the next feast, and say that I, Sir Gareth of Orkney, sent you
unto him. It shall be done, said the duke, and I will do to you
homage and fealty with an hundred knights with me; and all the days
of my life to do you service where ye will command me.
the duke departed, and Sir Gareth stood there alone; and there he saw
an armed knight coming toward him. Then Sir Gareth took the duke's
shield, and mounted upon horseback, and so without biding they
ran together as it had been the thunder. And there that knight hurt
Sir Gareth under the side with his spear. And then they alighted and
drew their swords, and gave great strokes that the blood trailed to
the ground. And so they fought two hours.
the last there came the damosel Linet, that some men called the
damosel Savage, riding upon an ambling mule; and there she cried all
on high, Sir Gawaine, Sir Gawaine, leave thy fighting with thy
brother Sir Gareth. And when he heard her say so he threw away his
shield and his sword, and ran to Sir Gareth, and took him in his
arms, and sithen kneeled down and asked him mercy. What are ye, said
Sir Gareth, that right now were so strong and so mighty, and now so
suddenly yield you to me? O Gareth, I am your brother Sir Gawaine,
that for your sake have had great sorrow and labour. Then Sir Gareth
unlaced his helm, and kneeled down to him, and asked him mercy. Then
they rose both, and embraced either other in their arms, and wept a
great while ere they might speak, and either of them gave other the
prize of the battle. And there were many kind words between them.
my fair brother, said Sir Gawaine, perdy I owe of right to worship
you an ye were not my brother, for ye have worshipped King
Arthur and all his court, for ye have sent him more worshipful
knights this twelvemonth than six the best of the Round Table have
done, except Sir Launcelot.
came the damosel Savage that was the Lady Linet, that rode with Sir
Gareth so long, and there she did staunch Sir Gareth's wounds and Sir
Gawaine's. Now what will ye do? said the damosel Savage; meseemeth
that it were well done that Arthur had witting of you both, for your
horses are so brised that they may not bear. Now, fair damosel, said
Sir Gawaine, I pray you ride unto my lord mine uncle, King Arthur,
and tell him what adventure is to me betid here, and I suppose he
will not tarry long. Then she took her mule, and lightly she came to
King Arthur that was but two mile thence. And when she had told him
tidings the king bade get him a palfrey. And when he was upon his
back he bade the lords and ladies come after, who that would; and
there was saddling and bridling of queens' horses and princes'
horses, and well was him that soonest might be ready.
when the king came thereas they were, he saw Sir Gawaine and Sir
Gareth sit upon a little hill-side, and then the king avoided his
horse. Wit ye well the king made great joy, and many a piteous
complaint he made to Sir Gareth, and ever he wept as he had been a
child. With that came his mother, the Queen of Orkney, Dame Morgawse,
and when she saw Sir Gareth readily in the visage she might not weep,
but suddenly fell down in a swoon, and lay there a great while like
as she had been dead. And then Sir Gareth recomforted his mother in
such wise that she recovered and made good cheer.
said King Arthur unto the damosel Savage: I marvel that your sister,
Dame Lionesse, cometh not to visit her knight, my nephew Sir Gareth,
that hath had so much travail for her love. My lord, said the damosel
Linet, ye must of your good grace hold her excused, for she knoweth
not that my lord, Sir Gareth, is here. Go then for her, said King
Arthur, that we may be appointed what is best to be done, according
to the pleasure of my nephew. Sir, said the damosel, that shall be
done, and so she rode unto her sister. And as lightly as she might
she made her ready; and she came on the morn with her brother Sir
Gringamore, and with her forty knights. And so when she was come she
had all the cheer that might be done, both of the king, and of many
other kings and queens.
among all these ladies she was named the fairest, and peerless. Then
the king asked his nephew, Sir Gareth, whether he would have that
lady to his wife. My lord, wit you well that I love her above all
ladies living. Now, fair lady, said King Arthur, what say ye? Most
noble King, said Dame Lionesse, wit you well that my lord, Sir
Gareth, is to me more liefer to have and wield as my husband, than
any king or prince that is christened; and if I may not have him I
promise you I will never have none. For, my lord Arthur, said Dame
Lionesse, wit ye well he is my first love, and he shall be the last;
and if ye will suffer him to have his will and free choice I dare say
he will have me. That is truth, said Sir Gareth; an I have not you
and wield not you as my wife, there shall never lady nor gentlewoman
rejoice me. What, nephew, said the king, is the wind in that door?
for wit ye well I would not for the stint of my crown to be causer
to. withdraw your hearts; and wit ye well ye cannot love so well but
I shall rather increase it than distress it. And also ye shall have
my love and my lordship in the uttermost wise that may lie in my
power. And in the same wise said Sir Gareth's mother.
there was made a provision for the day of marriage; and by the king's
advice it was provided that it should be at Michaelmas following, at
Kink Kenadon by the seaside, for there is a plentiful country. And so
it was cried in all the places through the realm. And then Sir Gareth
sent his summons to all these knights and ladies that he had won in
battle to-fore, that they should be at his day of marriage at Kink
Kenadon by the sands. And then Dame Lionesse, and the damosel Linet
with Sir Gringamore, rode to their castle; and a goodly and a rich
ring she gave to Sir Gareth, and he gave her another. And King Arthur
gave her a rich pair of beads of gold; and so she departed; and King
Arthur and his fellowship rode toward Kink Kenadon, and Sir Gareth
brought his lady on the way, and so came to the king again and rode
with him. Lord the great cheer that Sir Launcelot made of Sir Gareth
and he of him, for there was never no knight that Sir Gareth loved so
well as he did Sir Launcelot; and ever for the most part he would be
in Sir Launcelot's company; for after Sir Gareth had espied Sir
Gawaine's conditions, he withdrew himself from his brother, Sir
Gawaine's, fellowship, for he was vengeable, and where he hated he
would be avenged with murder, and that hated Sir Gareth.
it drew fast to Michaelmas; and thither came Dame Lionesse, the lady
of the Castle Perilous, and her sister, Dame Linet, with Sir
Gringamore, her brother, with them, for he had the conduct of these
ladies. And there they were lodged at the device of King Arthur. And
upon Michaelmas Day the Bishop of Canterbury made the wedding betwixt
Sir Gareth and the Lady Lionesse with great solemnity. And King
Arthur made Gaheris to wed the Damosel Savage, that was Dame Linet;
and King Arthur made Sir Agravaine to wed Dame Lionesse's niece, a
fair lady, her name was Dame Laurel.
so when this solemnization was done, then came in the Green Knight,
Sir Pertolepe, with thirty knights, and there he did homage and
fealty to Sir Gareth, and these knights to hold of him for evermore.
Also Sir Pertolepe said: I pray you that at this feast I may be your
chamberlain. With a good will, said Sir Gareth, sith it liketh you to
take so simple an office. Then came in the Red Knight, with three
score knights with him, and did to Sir Gareth homage and fealty, and
all those knights to hold of him for evermore. And then this Sir
Perimones prayed Sir Gareth to grant him to be his chief butler at
that high feast. I will well, said Sir Gareth, that ye have this
office, and it were better. Then came in Sir Persant of Inde, with an
hundred knights with him, and there he did homage and fealty, and all
his knights should do him service, and hold their lands of him for
ever; and there he prayed Sir Gareth to make him his sewer-chief at
the feast. I will well, said Sir Gareth, that ye have it, and it were
better. Then came the Duke de la Rowse, with an hundred knights with
him, and there he did homage and fealty to Sir Gareth, and so to hold
their lands of him for ever. And he required Sir Gareth that he might
serve him of the wine that day of that feast. I will well, said Sir
Gareth, and it were better.
came in the Red Knight of the Red Launds, that was Sir Ironside, and
he brought with him five hundred knights, and there he did homage and
fealty, and all these knights to hold their lands of him for ever.
And then he asked Sir Gareth to be his carver. I will well, said Sir
Gareth, an it please you.
then the kings and queens, princes and earls, barons and many bold
knights, went unto meat; and well may ye wit there were all manner of
meat plenteously, all manner revels and games, with all manner of
minstrelsy that was used in those days. Also there was great jousts
three days. But the king would not suffer Sir Gareth to joust,
because of his new bride; for, as the French book saith, that Dame
Lionesse desired of the king that none that were wedded should joust
at that feast.