Mama Bear was so glad to see
Little Bear again that she gave him a great hug.
Then Little Bear handed Papa
Bear the silver dollar.
Papa Bear was so pleased! He
said: "You may have a party."
Then all the Bears clapped
their paws and danced up and down.
Just then there came a great
peal of thunder, and another and another. Then all the little Bears
began to howl:
"Oh, ow! oh, ow! We are
afraid of thunder! We are afraid of lightning!"
Mama Bear said: "Off to
bed, every one of you."
Little Bear jumped up into
Mama Bear's lap, and the other Bears all went to bed.
The Bears looked so cunning
in their little beds.
Pretty soon the storm was
over and there came a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
"See the rainbow,"
whispered Little Bear. "Do you suppose we could find the pot of
Then Mama Bear and Papa Bear
and Little Bear all went into the yard. One end of the rainbow seemed
to come
near their garden.
Now, what do you suppose
those funny Bears did? They all began to dig. They were looking for the
pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow.
Soon the other little Bears
woke up and they all came out to see what was the matter.
They had sixteen little
shovels and they
all began to dig as
fast as they could.

Pretty soon they had the
whole garden bed spaded up.
Then it began to rain
patter, patter, patter, and splash, splash, splash. The Bears all ran
for the
house. My! but they were wet!
Papa Bear built a great
fire, and Mama Bear came with a big towel, and they took turns rubbing
off one
another's wet fur.
Just then a great crash was
"Oh, ow! oh, ow!"
cried all the little Bears. "We are afraid of thunder! We are afraid of
"Do be still!"
cried Mama Bear. "We must go and see what is the matter." What do you
suppose was the matter?
Bushy Tail had jumped
through the front parlor window, and there was broken glass all over
the floor!
"Who is going to pay
for this window?" cried Papa Bear.
Bushy Tail did not answer.
"I want my dollar
back!" he roared. "I want my dollar back!"
Bushy Tail lashed his tail
in a terrible way.
The little Bears were so
afraid that they crept under the sofa and hid.
I don't know what would have
happened, I am sure, if some one had not knocked at the door just then.
Papa Bear opened the door.
There stood Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood wore
a red cap and a red cape, and she carried a basket on her arm.
"Good-by, I'll call
again," shouted Bushy Tail, and bounded through the window and was off
Bushy Tail was always very
shy with strangers.
Little Red Riding Hood said: "I
will give you
my basket of cookies if I may stay with you all night."
Little Red Riding Hood had
lost her way.
The little Bears came out
from under the sofa one by one, and Little Bear was last of all to
come out.
"I have seen you before,"
said Little Red Riding Hood. "What is your name, Little Bear?" Then
Little Bear began to cry
so hard that the others offered him somecookies,
but he cried still
harder, and they were afraid he would never stop. Little Red Riding
whispered something to him, and then he stopped crying.
I wonder what Little Red
Riding Hood said!
Little Bear let Little Red
Riding Hood sleep in his bed. He curled up on a rug, on the floor.
Little Bear liked to sleep
on the rug. The rug was close to the fire.
Red Riding Hood said:
"Are you going to sleep, Little Bear?"
Little Bear said: "I am
going to roast some apples first."
So Little Bear sat before
the fire, roasting apples. He ate one apple and gave one to Red Riding

Red Riding Hood said:
"You are a very nice little bear. Thank you for the apple."
Little Bear roasted another
apple. Then he went into the hall. His soft little feet went pitter,
patter in
the hall.
His soft little voice
called: "Curly Bear, come and get your apple."
Curly Bear came down,
rubbing his eyes.
"Be quiet," said
Little Bear. "Don't wake the rest. I cannot sit up all night roasting
apples! I must darn my stockings."
Curly Bear sat on the stairs
and ate his apple; then he went back to bed.

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