FOR once Mrs. Robin had
reason to complain that her husband did not do his share of
the work. Jolly
Robin would
spend most of his time at the further end of the orchard,
talking with "that good-for-nothing Major Monkey," to use Mrs.
Robin's own words.
Whenever she flew over to
speak to her husband, the Major was most polite to her, never failing
to take
off his cap and ask after her health. But Mrs. Robin had little to say
to him.
She had, however, a great deal to say to Jolly Robin. But no matter how
she urged him to stop idling and come home and help her look after
their big
family, Jolly insisted that he and the Major "had business to attend
At last, when Mrs. Robin
gave up in despair, Jolly began to feel somewhat uncomfortable. And he
tried to
get Major Monkey to go and ask old dog Spot to come to the orchard,
instead of
waiting there uncertainly for days and days.
But Major Monkey would not
consent to such a move. He was quite firm.
"I don't want to ask
old Spot to give me a ride," he explained.
"Then how do you ever
expect to get one?" Jolly asked him anxiously.
there's a way!" was the Major's
mysterious reply. And that was all he would say.
The longer Jolly Robin
waited to see the fun, the more excited he became, and the more Major
seemed to enjoy himself.
"Old dog Spot ought to
be here soon," the Major kept saying. "I can see him now. No! I'm
Jolly Robin had so many
disappointments that one morning when the Major cried out that
at last old
Spot was actually crawling through the fence, and would be in the
orchard in
about a minute and a half, Jolly couldn't believe him.
It was true, nevertheless.
To Jolly's delight, old dog Spot came darting in and out among the
apple trees,
with his nose close to the ground. He was following a trail made by
Tommy Fox,
who had visited the henhouse the night before. And he was so
intent on what he
was doing that never once did he glance up into the apple trees, where
Monkey and Jolly Robin were watching him.

The Major waited for Old
Dog Spot.
Major Monkey dropped quickly
down to a low-hanging limb. And as luck had it, Tommy Fox's trail led
old dog
Spot right under the tree where the Major waited, hanging gracefully by
tail and one hand.
As old Spot passed below
him, Major Monkey loosened his hold on the limb and dropped squarely
upon old
Spot's back.
The moment he landed, the
Major dug his fingers into Spot's long fur and hung on grimly. And at
the same
instant old dog Spot leaped high into the air and let out a frenzied
Jolly Robin was glad that
his wife was not present, for he knew that the sight, and the sound
too, could
not have failed to terrify her.
Old Spot seemed almost out
of his mind. For a few moments the poor fellow tore about the
orchard in wide
circles, hoping in vain that he might shake that strange load off his
But he soon saw that his
rider clung to him like a burr. And wheeling suddenly, Spot shot like a
out of the orchard and flew across the meadow.
Just before he disappeared
behind a high knoll Major Monkey turned his face over his shoulder and
behind. Then, holding on with one hand, with the other he waved his red
cap at
Jolly Robin.
The next moment Jolly saw
the Major and his strange steed no more.
headed straight for the river!"
Jolly exclaimed. And he felt so worried about his friend the
Major that though
he went home at once, his wife complained that his mind wasn't
on his work and
that he was more bother than help to her.
Some time later Major Monkey
limped back to his home in the haystack, dripping wet. His fine coat
was torn.
And he had lost his red cap.
When Jolly Robin saw him he
asked the Major if he had had a good ride.
"Well," said Major
Monkey, "it was a good one; but it was too
fast. If I started to
travel south on old dog Spot's back I'd reach my journey's end before
you had
gone half way."
"Dear me!" said
Jolly Robin. "Then we can't travel together after all."
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