This little
table will be found a very useful piece of furniture for the den or
library. Its small size permits it to be set anywhere in a room
without being in the way. Quarter-sawed oak should be used in its
construction, and the following pieces will be needed:
4 legs, 2 by 2 by 29 in.,
4 end slats, 1/2 by
2 by
10 in., S-4-S.
1 shelf, 1 by 16 by
in., S-1-S.
1 top board, 1 by
18 by
36 in., S-1-S.
If you are
convenient to
a planing mill you can secure these pieces ready cut to length,
squared and sanded. This will save you considerable labor.
The four legs
finished on all sides and chamfered at the bottom to prevent the
corners from splitting. The mortises for the shelf should be cut 9
in, from the top of each leg, as shown in the sketch. Care should be
taken to make these a perfect fit.
The shelf should
finished on the top side and the four edges, and the corners cut out
to fit the mortises in the table legs. An enlarged view of this joint
is shown in the sketch.
The top board
may have to
be made of two 9 in. boards, dove-tailed and glued together. It
should be finished on the top side and the edges. The edges can be
beveled if desired. The board is fastened to the legs by means of
screws through four small brass angles. These angles can be made or
they can be purchased at any hardware store.

The top board
and the
shelf should be mortised at each end for the 1/2 by 2-in. slats.
These slats should be finished on all sides.
The table is now
ready to
be assembled and glued together. The glue should dry at least 24
hours before the clamps are removed.
After the glue
is dry,
carefully go over the entire table with fine sandpaper and remove all
surplus glue and rough spots. It can now be finished in any one of
the mission stains which are supplied by the trade for this purpose.

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