The process for
bent wood for furniture parts is the same as for any other kind of
bent-wood work. The pieces should be made close to the size, with
only enough material left on them for "cleaning up" after
the bending has been done. The pieces used for the bent work should
be good, clean, "live" lumber. Lumber dried on the stump
will not bend.
A box must be
made in
which to steam the pieces of wood to be bent. A design of a steaming
box is shown in the illustration. Such a box is made by nailing four
boards together into a square or rectangular form, the boards having
a length sufficient to take in the length of the furniture parts to
be bent. Both ends of the finished box are squared up and closed with
a board cut to the size, using felt or gunny sack in the joint to
make it as tight as possible. These ends can be nailed on, but it is
best to hold them with a bar of metal set against each one. Nailing
the ends a few times would spoil the box for further use in steaming.
A good teakettle
serve the purpose for a steam generator. A hose is attached to the
spout of the teakettle, as shown in the illustration, and to the
steaming box in a like manner. The steaming box should be provided
with a short piece of gas pipe turned into a hole bored into one of
the sides used for the top on which to attach the hose. A small hole
should be bored into one side of one end of the steaming box, and
this end should be arranged a trifle lower than the other end. The
hole will permit the water of condensation to escape. Steam should
not escape from the box when a charge of wood is being softened.
Steam which escapes from the box in the form of vapor has done no
work whatever, and is just so much waste of fuel. In order to give up
its heat to the wood, the steam must condense and come away from the
box as water. Therefore, in steaming a charge of pieces in the box,
never crowd the teakettle so hard that the steam escapes around the
heads of the box or through any other joints. The steam should be
supplied to the box just as fast as it condenses, and no faster. When
the pieces are placed in the box they should be so arranged that the
steam can find ready access to all sides of each piece.
The curve or
bend of the
piece to be made must be marked out on a wide board or on the floor.
Nail down several blocks of wood or pieces cut out like brackets on
the board or floor against the drawing, as shown in the illustration.
The wood is sprung between these blocks or forms after it has been
softened by steam. When taking the steamed pieces from the box do not
lose any time in securing them to the forms. Do not take out more
than one piece at a time, as it must be bent to the forms immediately
after taking it from the hot steam. The time of the steaming will
vary with the size of the pieces. Small strips may be steamed in 15
or 20 minutes, while large ones may require several hours to become
soft enough to bend. The pieces must be left in the forms until they
are thoroughly dry.

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