The Man in the Moon
Man in the Moon came tumbling down,
And enquired the way to Norwich;
went by the south and burned his
With eating cold pease porridge!
WHAT! have you never heard the story of the Man
in the Moon? Then I must surely tell it, for it is very amusing, and
there is
not a word of truth in it.
Man in the Moon was rather lonesome, and often he peeked over the edge
of the
moon and looked down upon the earth and envied all the people who lived
together, for he thought it must be vastly more pleasant to have
companions to
talk to than to be shut up in a big planet all by himself, where he had
whistle to keep himself company.
day he looked down and saw an alderman sailing up through the air
towards him.
This alderman was being translated (instead of being transported, owing
to a
misprint in the law) and as he came near the Man in the Moon called to
him and
is everything down on the earth?”
is lovely,” replied the alderman, “and I wouldn’t leave it if I was not
a good place to visit down there?” enquired the Man in the Moon.
Norwich is a mighty fine place,” returned the alderman, “and it’s
famous for
its pease porridge;” and then he sailed out of sight and left the Man
in the
Moon to reflect upon what he had said.
words of the alderman made him more anxious than ever to visit the
earth, and
so he walked thoughtfully home, and put a few lumps of ice in the stove
to keep
him warm, and sat down to think how he should manage the trip.
see, everything went by contraries in the Moon, and when the Man wished
to keep
warm he knocked off a few chunks of ice and put them in his stove; and
cooled his drinking water by throwing red-hot coals of fire into the
Likewise, when he became chilly he took off his hat and coat, and even
shoes, and so became warm; and in the hot days of summer he put on his
to cool off. All of which seems very queer to you, no doubt; but it
wasn’t at
all queer to the Man in the Moon, for he was accustomed to it.
he sat by his ice-cool fire and thought about his journey to the earth,
finally he decided the only way he could get there was to slide down a
he left the house and locked the door and put the key in his pocket,
for he was
uncertain how long he should be gone; and then he went to the edge of
the moon
and began to search for a good strong moonbeam.
last he found one that seemed rather substantial and reached right down
to a
pleasant-looking spot on the earth; and so he swung himself over the
edge of the
moon, and put both arms tight around the moonbeam and started to slide
But he found it rather slippery, and in spite of all his efforts to
hold on he
found himself going faster and faster, so that just before he reached
the earth
he lost his hold and came tumbling down head over heels and fell plump
into a
cool water nearly scalded him before he could swim out, but fortunately
he was
near the bank and he quickly scrambled upon the land and sat down to
catch his
that time it was morning, and as the sun rose its hot rays cooled him
somewhat, so that he began looking about curiously at all the strange
and wondering where on earth he was.
and by a farmer came along the road by the river with a team of horses
a load of hay, and the horses looked so odd to the Man in the Moon that
first he was greatly frightened, never before having seen horses except
his home in the moon, from whence they looked a good deal smaller. But
he plucked
up courage and said to the farmer,
you tell me the way to Norwich, sir?”
repeated the farmer musingly; “I don’t know exactly where it be, sir,
but it’s
somewhere away to the south.”
you,” said the Man in the Moon. — But stop! I must not call him the Man
in the
Moon any longer, for of course he was now out of the moon; so I'll
simply call
him the Man, and you'll know by that which man I mean.
the Man in the — I mean the Man (but I nearly forgot what I have just
said) — the
Man turned to the south and began walking briskly along the road, for
he had
made up his mind to do as the alderman had advised and travel to
Norwich, that
he might eat some of the famous pease porridge that was made there. And
finally, after a long and tiresome journey, he reached the town and
stopped at
one of the first houses he came to, for by this time he was very hungry
good-looking woman answered his knock at the door, and he asked
this the town of Norwich, madam?”
this is the town of Norwich,” returned the woman.
came here to see if I could get some pease porridge,” continued the
Man, “for I
hear you make the nicest porridge in the world in this town.”
we do, sir,” answered the woman, “and if you'll step inside I'll give
you a
bowl, for I have plenty in the house that is newly made.”
he thanked her and entered the house, and she asked,
you have it hot or cold, sir?”
cold, by all means,” replied the Man, “for I detest anything hot to
soon brought him a bowl of cold pease porridge, and the Man was so
hungry that
he took a big spoonful at once.
no sooner had he put it into his mouth than he uttered a great yell,
and began
dancing frantically about the room, for of course the porridge that was
cold to
earth folk was hot to him, and the big spoonful of cold pease porridge
burned his mouth to a blister!
the matter?” asked the woman.
screamed the Man; “why, your porridge is so hot it has burned me.”
she replied, “the porridge is quite cold.”
it yourself!” he cried. So she tried it and found it very cold and
But the Man was so astonished to see her eat the porridge that had
blistered his
own mouth that he became frightened
and ran out of the house and down the street as fast as he could go.

policeman on the first corner saw him running, and promptly arrested
him, and
he was marched off to the magistrate for trial.
is your name?” asked the magistrate.
haven’t any,” replied the Man; for of course as he was the only Man in
the Moon
it wasn’t necessary he should have a name.
come, no nonsense!” said the magistrate, “you must have some name. Who
I’m the Man in the Moon.”
rubbish!” said the magistrate, eyeing the prisoner severely, “you may
be a man,
but you’re not in the moon — you’re in Norwich.”
is true,” answered the Man, who was quite bewildered by this idea.
of course you must be called something,” continued the magistrate.
then,” said the prisoner, “if I’m not the Man in the Moon I must be the
Man out
of the Moon; so call me that.”
good,” replied the judge; “now, then, where did you come from?”
you did, eh? How did you get here?”
slid down a moonbeam.”
Well, what were you running for?”
woman gave me some cold pease porridge, and it burned my mouth.”
magistrate looked at him a moment in surprise, and then he said,
person is evidently crazy; so take him to the lunatic asylum and keep
would surely have been the fate of the Man had there not been present
an old
astronomer who had often looked at the moon through his telescope, and
so had
discovered that what was hot on earth was cold in the moon, and what
was cold
here was hot there; so he began to think the Man had told the truth.
he begged the magistrate to wait a few minutes while he looked through
telescope to see if the Man in the Moon was there. So, as it was now
night, he
fetched his telescope and looked at the Moon, — and found there was no
man in
it at all! “It seems to be true,” said the astronomer, “that the Man
has got
out of the Moon somehow or other. Let me look at your mouth, sir, and
see if it
is really burned.”
the Man opened his mouth, and everyone saw plainly it was burned to a
Thereupon the magistrate begged his pardon for doubting his word, and
asked him
what he would like to do next.
like to get back to the Moon,” said the Man, “for I don’t like this
earth of
yours at all. The nights are too hot.”
it’s quite cool this evening!” said the magistrate.
tell you what we can do,” remarked the astronomer; “there’s a big
balloon in
town which belongs to the circus that came here last summer, and was
pawned for
a board bill. We can inflate this balloon and send the Man out of the
Moon home
in it.”
a good idea,” replied the judge. So the balloon was brought and
inflated, and
the Man got into the basket and gave the word to let go, and then the
mounted up into the sky in the direction of the moon.
good people of Norwich stood on the earth and tipped back their heads,
watched the balloon go higher and higher, until finally the Man reached
out and
caught hold of the edge of the moon, and behold! the next minute he was
the Man
in the Moon again!
this adventure he was well contented to stay at home; and I’ve no doubt
if you
look through a telescope you will see him there to this day.