PAGES: New Acquisitions
Hammered Pewter
Copper/Pewter Enamelled Copper Recent Auction purchases: June 19, 2022:
6 Nekrassoff enamelled copper plates (Birds and Butterflies.) Paid $25 each: June 19, 2022, Same Auction: found
in a box lot, including multiple ceramic pieces, including early 1800's
Wedgwood coffee pot and Wedgwood plate. I paid $170 for the box
lot so hard to put a value on this Eagle plate, but just dividing $170
by the 14 item in the box, I paid @ $12 for it!
More to come! Under Construction
Nekrassoff Collectors' Corner: Do you collect Nekrassoff? Are you interested in sharing information and images for other collectors? Please email me to arrange to have your collection's images added to this Nekrassoff web page. Email me at: MORE TO COME SOON! Click below for New Nekrassoff information: * Nekras Pieces: The Earliest Nekrassoff * Biography of Serge and Boris Nekrassoff