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Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by HEZEKIAH HOWE & Co.,
in the Clerk's office, of the District Court of Connecticut.

1. Meat
2. Roast Beef
3. Beef Steak
4. Alamode Beef
5. Beef Liver
6. To Corn Beef
7. Mutton
8. Veal
9. Veal Cutlets
10. Calf's Head
11. Collops
12. Plaw
13. A Fillet of Veal
14. Lamb
15. Shoulder of Lamb Grilled
16. Lamb's Fry
17. Turkey
18. Goose
19. Chickens
20. Fricassee Chickens
21. Pigeons
22. Ducks
23. Baked Pig
24. Pressed Head
25. Souse
26. Tripe
27. Ham
28. Tongues
29. Curries
30. Curry Powder
31. Chicken Pie
32. Beef and Mutton Pie
33. Chicken and Veal Pot Pie
34. To Frizzle Beef
35. Warmed over Meats
36. A Ragout of cold Veal
37. Drawn Butter
38. Burnt Butter
39. Roast Meat Gravy
40. Sauce for cold Meat, Fish or Salad
41. Wine Sauce for Venison or Mutton
42. Rice Sauce
43. Oyster Sauce
44. Liver Sauce for Fish
45. Lobster Sauce
46. Chicken Salad
47. Sauce for Turtle or Calf's Head
48. Apple Sauce
49. Pudding Sauce
50. Tomato Catsup
51. Mushroom Catsup
52. Essence of Celery
53. Soup Herb Spirit
54. Veal Soup
55. Black Soup
56. Calf's Head or mock Turtle Soup
57. Chicken or Turkey Soup
58. Oyster Soup
59. Pea Soup
60. To Bake Beans
61. Poached Eggs
62. To Boil Eggs
63. Omelet
64. Fresh Fish
65. Fresh Cod
66. Halibut
67. Striped and Sea Bass
68. Black Fish

69. Shad
70. Chowder
71. Stuffed and baked Fish
72. Salt Cod
73. Fish Cakes
74. Lobsters and Crabs
75. Scollops
76. Eels
77. Clams
78. Stew Oysters
79. To Fry Oysters
80. Oyster Pancakes
81. Oyster Pie
82. Scolloped Oysters
83. Vegetables.—Potatoes
84. Turnips
85. Beets
86. Parsnips and Carrots
87. Onions
88. Artichokes
89. Squashes
90. Cabbage
91. Asparagus
92. Peas
93. Beans
94. Corn
95. Greens
96. Salads
97. To Stew Mushrooms
98. Egg Plant
99. Celeriac
100. Salsify or Vegetable Oyster
101. Tomatoes
102. Gumb
103. Southern manner of Cooking Rice
104. To Pickle Peppers
105. Mangoes
106. To Pickle Butternuts and Walnuts
107. To Pickle Cabbage and Cauliflower
108. To Pickle Onions
109. To Pickle Artichokes
110. To Pickle Cucumbers
111. To Pickle Gherkins
112. To Pickle Oysters
113. To Pickle Mushrooms
114. Wheat Bread
115. Sponge Bread
116. Rye Bread
117. Rice Bread
118. French Rolls or Twists
119. Yeast
120. Yeast Cakes
121. Biscuit
122. Butter Milk Biscuit
123. Hard Biscuit
124. York Biscuit
125. Rice Cakes
126. Rice Ruffs
127. Buck Wheat Cakes
128. Economy Cakes
129. Green Corn Cakes
130. Corn Cake
131. Indian Slap Jacks
132. Johnny Cakes
133. Hoe Cakes
134. Muffins
135. Flour Waffles
136. Quick Waffles

137. Rice Waffles
138. Rice Wafers
139. Observations respecting Sweet Cakes
140. Gingerbread
141. Soft Gingerbread
142. Ginger Snaps
143. Cider Cake
144. Cookies
145. New Year's Cookies
146. Plain Tea Cakes
147. Shrewsbury Cake
148. Tunbridge Cake
149. Jumbles
150. Simbals
151. Sugar Gingerbread
152. Rusk
153. Whigs
154. Hot Cream Cakes
155. Cross Buns
156. Nut Cakes
157. Crollers
158. Molasses Dough Cake
159. Sugar Dough Cake
160. Measure Cake
161. Cup Cake
162. French Loaf
163. Washington Cake
164. Plain Cream Cake
165. Rich Cream Cake
166. Shelah or quick Loaf Cake
167. Loaf Cake
168. Rice Cake
169. Diet Bread
170. Scotch or Lemon Cake
171. Pound Cake
172. Queen's or heart Cakes
173. Jelly Cake
174. Raised Queen's Cake
175. Sponge Cake
176. Almond Sponge Cake
177. Black or Fruit Cake
178. Almond Cheese Cake
179. Maccaroons
180. Frosting for Cake
181. Cocoanut Cakes
182. Floating Island
183. Whip Syllabub
184. Blanc Mange
185. Rice flour Blanc mange
186. Ice Cream
187. Pastry
188. Puff Paste or Confectioner's Pastry
189. Apple Pie
190. Mince Pie
191. Peach Pie
192. Tart Pie
193. Rice Pie
194. Rhubarb or Persian Apple Pie
195. Cherry and Blackberry Pies
196. Grape Pie
197. Currant and  Gooseberry Pies
198. Pumpkin Pie
199. Carrot Pie
200. Potatoe Pie
201. Marlborough Pie
202. Custard Pie
203. A Plain Custard Pie
204. Lemon Pie

205. Cocoanut Pie
206. Small Puffs
207. Boiled Custards
208. Almond Custards
209. Cold Custard or Rennet Pudding
210. Custard Pudding
211. Boiled Bread Pudding
212. A Plain Baked Bread Pudding
213. A Rich Bread Pudding
214. Flour Pudding
215. A Plain Rice Pudding
216. A Rich Rice Pudding
217. Rice Snow Balls
218. Baked Indian Pudding
219. Boiled Indian Pudding
220. Corn Pudding
221. Hasty Pudding
222. Fruit Pudding
223. Fritters
224. Apple Dumplings
225. Orange Pudding
226. Bird's Nest Pudding
227. Apple Custard Pudding
228. English Plum Pudding
229. Transparent Pudding
230. Lemon Syrup
231. Orange Syrup
232. Blackberry Syrup
233. Clarified Syrup for Sweet Meats
234. To Preserve Quinces
235. Quince Marmalade
236. To Preserve Pears
237. To Preserve Peaches
238. To Preserve Currants
239. To Preserve Barberries
240. To Preserve Ginger
241. To Preserve Apples
242. To Preserve Cymbelines or
          Mock Citron
243. To Preserve Watermelon Rinds
244. To Preserve Cherries
245. To Preserve Muskmelons
246. To Preserve Pine Apples
247. To Preserve Pumpkins
248. To Preserve Gages
249. To Preserve Strawberries
250. Blackberry and Raspberry Jam
251. Strawberry, Blackberry and
          Raspberry Jelly
252. Cranberry, Grape and Currant Jelly
253. Quince Jelly
254. Apple Jelly
255. Lemon Jelly
256. Calf's Foot Jelly
257. Coffee
258. To make Tea
259. Chocolate
260. Hop Beer
261. Spruce Beer
262. Spring Beer
263. Ginger Beer
264. A good Family Wine
265. Currant Wine
266. Raspberry Shrub
267. Noyeau
268. Spring Fruit Sherbet
269. Grape Wine
270. Smallage Cordial


1. To make Essence of Lemon
2. Essence of Ginger
3. Rose Water
4. Spice Brandy
5. Barley Water
6. Water Gruel
7. Wine Whey
8. Stomachic Tincture
9. Beef Tea
10. Carrageen or Irish Moss
11. Moss Blanc Mange
12. Elderberry Syrup
13. New Bread and Cake

          from old and rusked bread
14. To Preserve Cheese

          from Insects and Mould
15. To keep vegetables

          and herbs
16. To Preserve various
          kinds of Fruit over winter
17. To extract Essences from

          various kinds of Flowers

18. Indelible Ink for marking linen
19. Perfume Bags
20. Lip Salve
21. Bread Seals
22. To Loosen the Glass

          Stopples of Decanters or
          Smelling Bottles when
          wedged in tight
23. Cement for broken China,

          Glass and Earthenware
24. Japanese Cement or
Rice Glue
25. Cement for Alabaster
26. To extract fruit Stains
To extract Spots of paint from Silk,
          Woolen and Cotton Goods
28. To remove black stains on Scarlet
           Merinos or
29. To remove grease spots

           from Paper, Silk or Woolen
30. To extract stains from
white Cotton
           goods and
Colored Silks

31. Rules for washing Calicoes
32. Rules for washing Silks
33. Rules for washing
34. Rules for washing white

          Cotton Clothes
35. To clean silk and woolen Shawls
36. To clean Silk Stockings
37. To clean Carpets
38. To clean feather Beds
and Mattresses
39. To clean Light Kid Gloves
40. To remove Ink or grease
spots from
41. To clean Mahogany and
42. To clean stone hearths
and stoves
43. To clean Brass
44. To cleanse Vials and
Pie Plates
45. Cautions relative to
Brass and Copper
46. To keep Pickles and
Sweet Meats
47. Starch
48. To temper new Ovens
and Iron Ware

49. To temper Earthen Ware
50. Preservatives against the ravages of
51. To drive away various kinds
          household vermin
52. To keep Meat in hot
53. To Prevent polished
Cutlery from
To melt Fat for Shortening
55. To preserve Eggs fresh
a year
56. To preserve Cream for
long Voyages
57. Substitute for Milk and Cream in Tea or
58. To Cure Butter
59. To make salt Butter
60. To take rankness from
a small quantity
           of butter
61. Windsor Soap
62. To make Bayberry
or Myrtle Soap
63. Cold Soap


The writer deems that no apology need be offered for adding another to the long list of works on the truly interesting, if not noble science of gastronomy, provided she has accomplished the desirable object of producing a work that will commend itself to all persons of true taste; that is to say, those whose taste has not been vitiated by a mode of living contrary to her own. She has made that her aim, and although not an Ude or Kitchener, she does profess to have sufficient knowledge of the occult science, if properly imparted, to enlighten those not versed in culinary lore.

The utter inefficiency of most works of the kind, are well known to every experienced housekeeper, serving but to lead the uninitiated astray, who following implicitly the directions given have to lament in the language of that homely but not inapt proverb, that their cake is all dough. Among the few exceptions she would mention the Frugal Housewife by Mrs. Child, which is a very useful book, and fully answers its author's design; but that is limited as its name imports to the plainest cooking, and is not intended for those who can afford to consult their taste in preference to their purse. The writer of this short but she trusts comprehensive work, has endeavored to combine both economy, and that which would be agreeable to the palate, but she has never suffered the former to supersede the latter.

Although the mode of cooking is such as is generally practiced by good notable Yankee housekeepers, yet the New England Cook Book is not so local but that it will answer like a modern almanac, without any material alteration for almost any meridian. It is intended for all classes of society and embracing both the plainest and richest cooking, joined to such minuteness of directions as to leave as little as possible to the judgment of the practitioner, proving to the unskilled quite a desideratum, while in the hands of the head of the culinary department, it will prevent that incessant running to and fro for directions, with which housekeepers' patience are too often tried. The experienced cook may smile at the simplicity and minuteness of some of the receipts, yet if she has witnessed as much good food spoiled by improper cooking as the writer of these receipts, she will not think she has been unnecessarily plain. In regard to the seasoning of food, it has been found impossible to give any exact rules, as so much depends on the quality of the food and seasoning.

The cook should be careful not to have the natural flavor of the food overpowered by the seasoning, and where a variety of spices are used, no one should predominate over the other.

Measuring has been adopted as far as practicable, in preference to weighing, on account of its being more convenient. As many people have not a set of measures, it has been thought best to use such utensils as every one has, viz. tumblers, tea cups, wine glasses, &c. but as they may be thought rather too indefinite by some, the exact quantity will here be stated; most tumblers are a good half pint measure, wine glasses usually hold half a gill, and table spoons the fifth of a gill; by tea cups are meant the old fashioned ones, which hold very little over a gill.

In conclusion the writer would give her sincere thanks, to those of her friends who have kindly furnished her with many of their choice and rare receipts, and to the public she would not add any thing more in its favor, being strongly impressed with the truth of the adage, that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.