THE AUSTRALIAN CHILD His school and his games — “Bobbies and bushrangers” — Riding to school.
is the child among civilized nations, and her life throughout is a good
deal like that of a child in some regards — more gay and free, less
weighed down with conventions and thoughts of rules than the life of an
older community. So Australia is a very happy place for children. There
is not so much of the “clean pinny” in life — and what wholesome child
ever really enjoyed the clean pinny and the tidied hair part of life? But
don’t run away with the idea that the Australians, either adults or
children, are a dirty people. That would be just the opposite to the
truth. Australians are passionately fond of the bath. In the poorest
home there is always a bath-room, which is used daily by every member
of the family. On the sea-coast swimming is the great sport, though it
is dangerous to swim in the harbours because of sharks, and protected
baths are provided where you may swim in safety; still children have to
be carefully watched to prevent them from going in for a swim in unsafe
places. The love of the water is greater than the fear of the sharks.
The little Australian is not dirty, but he has a child’s love of being
untidy, and he can generally gratify it in his country, where
conditions are so free and easy. I am sorry to say that the
Australian child is rather inclined to be a little too “free and easy”
in his manners. The climate makes him grow up more quickly than in
Great Britain. He is more precocious both mentally and physically. At a
very early age, he (or she) is entrusted with some share of
responsibility. That is quite natural in a new country where pioneering
work is being done. You will see children of ten and twelve and
fourteen years of age taking quite a part in life, entrusted with some
little tasks, and carrying them through in grown-up fashion. The effect
of all this is that in their relations with their parents Australian
children are not so obedient and respectful as they might be. This does
not work for any great harm while the child is young. Up to fifteen or
sixteen the son or daughter is perhaps more helpful and more
companionable because of the somewhat relaxed discipline. Certainly the
child has learned more how to use its own judgment. After that age,
however, the fact of a loose parental discipline may come to be an
evil. But there is, after all, no need to croak about the Australian
child, who grows up to be a good average sort of woman or man as a
general rule. It is very difficult indeed for a child in
Australia to avoid school. Education is compulsory, the Government
providing an elaborate system to see that every child gets at least the
rudiments of education; even in the far back-blocks, where settlement
is much scattered, it is necessary and possible to go to school. The
State will carry the children to school on its railways free. If there
is no railway it will send a ’bus round to collect children in
scattered localities. Failing that, in the case of families which are
quite isolated, and which are poor, the State will try to persuade the
parents to keep a governess or tutor, and will help to pay the cost of
this. The effect of all this effort is that in Australia almost every
child can read and write. Going to school in the Bush parts of
Australia is sometimes great fun. Often the children will have the use
of one of the horses, and on this two, or three, or even four children
will mount and ride off. When the family number more than four, the
case calls for a buggy of some sort; and a child of ten or twelve will
be quite safely entrusted with the harnessing of the horse and driving
it to school. In the school itself, a great effort is made to
have the lessons as interesting as possible. Nature-study is taught,
and the children learn to observe the facts about the life in the Bush.
There is a very charming writer about Australian children, Ethel
Turner, who in one of her stories gives a picture of a little Bush
school in one of the most dreary places in Australia — a little
township out on the hot plains. I quote a little of it to show the sort
of spirit which animates the school-teachers of Australia: “A new
teacher had been appointed to the half-time school, which was all the
Government could manage for so unimportant and dreary a place. His name
was Eagar, and his friends said that he suited the sound of it. Alert
of eye, energetic in movement, it may be safely said that in his own
person was stored up more motive power than was owned conjointly by the
two hundred odd souls who comprised the population of Ninety Mile. “There
was room in Ninety Mile for an eager person. In fact, a dozen such
would have sufficed long since to have carried it clean off its feet,
and to have deposited it in some more likely position. But everyone
touched in any way with the fire of life had long since departed from
the place, and gone to set their homesteads and stackyards, their shops
or other businesses elsewhere. So there were only a few limpets, who
clung tenaciously to their spot, assured that all other spots on the
globe were already occupied; and a few absolutely resigned persons.
There is no clog on the wheel of progress that may be so absolutely
depended upon to fulfil its purpose as resignation. “It was to
this manner of a village that Eagar came. In a month he had established
a cricket club; in two months a football club. The establishment of
neither was attended with any great difficulty. In three months he had
turned his own box of books into a free circulating library, and many
of his leisure hours went in trying to induce the boys to borrow from
him, and in seeing to it that, having borrowed, they actually read the
books chosen. “But his success with this was doubtful. The boys
regarded ‘Westward Ho!’ as a home-lesson, while the ‘Three Musketeers’
set fire to none of them. Even ‘Treasure Island’ left most of them
cold; though Eagar, reading it aloud, had tried to persuade himself
that little Rattray had breathed a trifle quicker as the blind man’s
stick came tap tapping along the road. The sea was nothing but a name
to the whole number of scholars (eighteen of them, boys and girls all
told). Not one of them had pierced past the township that lay ninety
miles away to the right of them; indeed, half the number had never
journeyed beyond Moonee, where the coach finished its journey. “Eagar
got up collections — moths, butterflies, birds’ eggs; he tried to
describe museums, picture-galleries, and such, to his pupils. At that
time he had no greater wish on earth than to have just enough money to
take the whole school to Sydney for a week, and see what a suddenly
widened horizon would do for them all. Had his salary come at that time
in one solid cheque for the whole year, there is no knowing to what
heights of recklessness he would have mounted, but the monthly driblets
keep the temptation far off. “One morning he had a brilliant
notion. In another week or two the yearly ‘sweep’ fever for far-distant
races would attack the place, and the poorest would find enough to take
a part at least in a ticket. “He seized a piece of paper, and
instituted what he called ‘Eagar’s Consultation.’ He explained that he
was out to collect sixty shillings. Sixty shillings, he explained,
would pay the fare-coach and train — to Sydney of one schoolboy, give
him money in his pocket to see all the sights, and bring him back the
richer for life for the experience, and leaven for the whole loaf of
them. “‘Which schoolboy?’ said Ninety Mile doubtfully, expecting
to be met with ‘top boy.’ And never having been ‘top boy’ itself at any
time of its life, it had but a distrustful admiration for the same. “‘We must draw lots,’ said Eagar. “Upon
which Ninety Mile, being attracted by the sporting element in the
affair, slowly subscribed its shilling a-piece, and the happy lot fell
to Rattray. “He was a sober, freckled little fellow of ten, who
walked five miles into Ninety Mile every morning, and five miles back
again at night all the six months of the year during which Government
held the cup of learning there for small drinkers to sip.” I need
not quote further about young Rattray’s trip to Sydney and to the great
ocean which Bush children, seeing for the first time, often think is
just a big dam built up by some great squatter to hold water for his
sheep. That extract shows the Bush school at its very hardest in the
hot back-country. Of course, not one twentieth of the population lives
in such places. I must give you a little of a description of a day in a
Bush school in Gippsland, by E. S. Emerson, to correct any impression
that all Australia, or even much of it, is like Ninety Mile: “A
rough red stave in a God-writ song was the narrow, water-worn Bush
track, and the birds knew the song and gloried in it, and the trees
gave forth an accompaniment under the unseen hands of the wind until
all the hillside was a living melody. Child voices joined in, and
presently from a bend in the track, ‘three ha’pence for tuppence, three
ha’pence for tuppence,’ came a lumbering old horse, urged into an
unwonted canter. Three kiddies bestrode the ancient, and as they swung
along they sang snatches of Kipling’s ‘Recessional,’ to an old
hymn-tune that lingers in the memory of us all. As they drew near to me
the foremost urchin suddenly reined up. The result was disastrous, for
the ancient ‘propped,’ and the other two were emptied out on the track.
From the dust they called their brother many names that are not to be
found in school books; but he, laughing, had slid down and was cutting
a twig from a neighbouring tree. ‘A case-moth! A case-moth!’ he cried.
The fallen ones scrambled to their feet. ‘What sort, Teddy? What sort?’
they asked eagerly. “But Teddy had caught sight of me. “‘Well, what will you do with that?’ I asked. “‘Take
it to school, sir; teacher tells us all about them at school.’ The
answer was spoken naturally and without any trace of shyness. “‘Did you learn that hymn you were singing at school, too?’ “‘’Tain’t a hymn, sir. It’s the “Recessional”!’ This, proudly, from the youngest. “But
they had learned it at school, and when I had given them a leg-up and
stood watching them urge the ancient down the hillside, I made up my
mind that I would visit the school where the teacher told the scholars
all about case-moths and taught them to sing the ‘Recessional’; and a
morning or two later I did.  Australian children riding to school. “The
school stands on the skirt of a thinly-clad Gippsland township, and is
attended by from forty to fifty children. Fronting it is a garden — a
sloping half-acre set out into beds, many of which are reserved for
native flowering plants and trees. School is not ‘in’ yet, and a few
early comers are at work on the beds, which are dry and dusty from a
long, hot spell. Little tots of six and seven years stroll up and watch
the workers, or romp about on grass plots in close proximity. Presently
the master’s voice is heard. ‘Fall in!’ There is a gathering up of
bags, a hasty shuffling of feet, the usual hurry-scurry of laggards,
and in a few moments two motionless lines stand at attention.
‘Good-morning, girls! Good-morning, boys!’ says the master. A chorused
‘Good-morning, Mr. Morgan!’ returns his salutation, and then the work
of the day begins. “But do the scholars look upon it as work?
Something over thirty years ago Herbert Spencer wrote: ‘She was at
school, where her memory was crammed with words and names and dates,
and her reflective faculties scarcely in the slightest degree
exercised.’ In those days, as many old State-school boys well remember,
to learn was, indeed, to work, and when fitting occasion offered, we
‘wagged it’ conscientiously, even though we did have to ‘touch our
toes’ for it when we returned. But under our modern educational system
the teacher can make the school work practically a labour of love. “The
morning being bright, the children are put through some simple
exercises and encouraged to take a few ‘deep breathings.’ Then the
lines are formed again. ‘Left turn! Quick march!’ and the scholars file
into the schoolhouse.” But we need not follow the school in its
day’s work, except to say that the ideal always is to make the work
alive and interesting. Naturally, Australian children get to like
school. In the cities the schools are very good. All the State
schools are absolutely free, and even books are provided. A smart child
can win bursaries, and go from the primary school to the high school,
and then on to the University, and win to a profession without his
education costing his parents anything at all. When I was a boy the
State of Tasmania used to send every year two Tasmanian scholars to
Oxford University, giving them enough to pay for a course there. That
has since been stopped, but many Australians come to British
Universities now — mostly to Oxford and Edinburgh — with money provided
by their parents. There are, however, excellent Universities in the
chief cities of Australia, and there is no actual need to leave the
Commonwealth to complete one’s education. In the Bush, and indeed
almost everywhere — for there is no city life which has not a touch of
the Bush life — Australian children grow to be very hardy and very
stoical. They can endure great hardship and great pain. I remember
hearing of a boy in the Maitland (N.S.W.) district whose horse stumbled
in a rabbit-hole and fell with him. The boy’s thigh was broken and the
horse was prostrate on top of him, and did not seem to wish to move.
The boy stretched out his hand and got a stick, with which he beat the
horse until it rose, keeping the while a hold of the reins. Then, with
his broken thigh, that boy mounted the horse (which was not much hurt),
rode home, and read a book whilst waiting for the doctor to come and
set his limb. Another boy I knew in Australia was bitten by a snake on
the finger; with his blunt pocket-knife he cut the finger off and
walked home. He suffered no ill effects from the snake-poison. Endurance
of hardship and pain is taught by the life of the Australian Bush. It
is no place for the cowardly or for the tender. You must learn to face
and to subdue Nature. The games of the Australian child are just
the British games, changed a little to meet local conditions. A very
favourite game is that of “Bushrangers and Bobbies” (“bobbies” meaning
policemen). In this the boys imitate as nearly as they can the old
hunting down of the bushrangers by the mounted police. The
bushranger made a good deal of exciting history in Australia. Generally
he was a scoundrel of the lowest type, an escaped murderer who took to
the Bush to escape hanging, and lived by robbery and violence. But a
few — a very few — were rather of the type of the English Robin Hood or
the Scotch Rob Roy, living a lawless life, but not being needlessly
cruel. It is those few who have given basis to the tradition of the
Australian bushranger as a noble and chivalrous fellow who only robbed
the rich (who, people argue, could well afford to be robbed), and who
atoned for that by all sorts of kindness to the poor. Many books have
been written on this tradition, glorifying the bushranger. But the
plain fact is that most of the bushrangers were infamous wretches for
whom hanging was a quite inadequate punishment. The bushranger,
as a rule, was an escaped convict or a criminal fleeing from justice.
Sometimes he acted singly, sometimes he had a gang of followers. A cave
in some out-of-the-way spot, good horses and guns, were his necessary
equipment. The site of the cave was important. It needed to be near a
coaching-road, so that the bushranger’s headquarters should be near to
his place of business, which was to stick-up mail-coaches and rob them
of gold, valuables, weapons, and ammunition. It also needed to be in a
position commanding a good view, and with more than one point of
entrance. Two bushrangers’ caves I remember well, one near to Armidale,
on the great northern high-road. It was at the top of a lofty hill,
commanding a wide view of the country. There was no outward sign of a
cave even to the close observer. A great granite hill seemed to be
crowned with just loose boulders. But in between those boulders was a
winding passage which gave entrance to a big cave with a little
fresh-water stream. A man and his horse could take shelter there. Another
famous bushranger’s cave was near Medlow, on the Blue Mountains
(N.S.W.), in a position to command the Great Western Road, along which
the gold from Lambing Flat and Sofala had to go to Sydney. This was
quite a perfect cave for its purpose. Climbing down a mountain gully,
you came to its end, apparently, in a stream of water gushing from out
a wall of rock. But behind that rock was a narrow passage leading to a
cave which opened out into a little valley with another stream, and
some good grass-land. To this valley the only means of access was the
secret passage through the cave, which allowed a man and his horse to
pass through. A gang of bushrangers kept this eyrie for many years
undiscovered. The latest big gang of bushrangers were the Kelly
brothers, who infested Victoria. Ned Kelly was famous because he wore a
suit of armour sufficiently strong to resist the rifle bullet of that
day. The Kellys were finally driven to cover in a little country hotel
in Victoria. They held the place against a siege by the police until
the police set fire to it. Some of the gang perished in the flames.
Others, including Ned Kelly himself, broke out and were shot or
captured. He was hanged in Melbourne gaol. But this is getting
far away from the Australian children’s games. It is a curious fact
that when the Australian children assemble to play “Bushrangers and
Bobbies,” everybody wants to be a bushranger, and the guardian of the
law is looked upon as quite an inferior character. Lots decide,
however, the cast. The bushrangers sally forth and stick up an
imaginary coach, or rob an imaginary country bank. The “bobbies” go in
pursuit, and there is a desperate mock battle, which allows of much
yelling and running about, and generally causes great joy. “Camping
out” is another characteristic amusement of the Australian child. In
his school holidays, parties go out, sometimes for weeks at a time,
sailing around the reaches of the sea inlets, or, inland, following the
course of some river, and hunting kangaroos and other game as they go.
Generally adults accompany these parties, but when an Australian boy
has reached the age of fifteen or sixteen he is credited with being
able to look after himself, and is trusted to sail a boat and to carry
a firearm. I can remember once on the way down to National Park
(N.S.W.) for the Field Artillery camp, at one of the suburban stations
there broke into the carriage reserved for officers, with a cheerful
impudence that defied censure, a little band of boys. They had not a
shoe among them, nor had anyone a whole suit of clothes. But they
carried proudly fishing tackle and some rags of canvas which would
help, with boughs, to build a rough shelter hut. The remainder of the
train being full, they invaded the officers’ carriage and made
themselves comfortable. They were out for a few days’ “camp” in the
National Park. For about ten shillings they would hire a rowing-boat
for three days. Railway fares would be sixpence or ninepence per head.
A good deal of their food they would catch with fishing lines; bread,
jam, a little bacon, and, of course, the “billy” and its tea were
brought with them. This was the great yearly festival, planned probably
for many weeks beforehand, calling for much thought for its
accomplishment, showing the sturdy spirit which is characteristic of
the young Australian. All the usual British games are played in
Australia: tops, hoops, marbles among the younger children; cricket,
football, lawn-tennis among their elders. The climate is especially
suited for cricket, as it is warm and bright and sunny for so long a
term of the year. On a holiday in the parks around the Australian
cities may be seen many hundreds of cricket matches. All the schools
have their teams. Most of the shops and factories keep up teams among
the employees. These teams play in competitions with all the
earnestness of big cricket. As the players grow better they join the
electorate clubs. In every big parliamentary division there is an
electorate club, made up of residents in that electorate. The club may
put into the field as many as four teams in a day — its senior team and
three junior teams. So there is an enormous amount of play — real
serious match play — every Saturday afternoon and public holiday.
Australia thus trains some of the finest cricketers of the world. For
some years now (1911) the Australian Eleven has held the championship
of the world. The Australian child of the poorer classes usually
leaves school at fourteen. The children of the richer may stay at
school and the University until nineteen or twenty. Usually they launch
out into life by then. Australia is a young country, and its conditions
call for young work.
That finishes this “Peep at
Australia.” I have tried to give the young readers some little
indication of what features of Australian life will most interest them.
The picture is of a land which appeals very strongly to the adventurous
type of the Anglo-Celtic race. I have never yet met a British man or
boy who was of the right manly type who did not love Australian life
after a little experience. The great distances, the cheery hospitality,
the sunny climate, the sense of social freedom, the generous return
which Nature gives to the man who offers her honest service — all these
appeal and make up the sum of that strong attraction Australia has to
her own children and to colonists from the Motherland. THE END