Where We Are Now
Hang on a bit, I’m focused on something…
I’m here.
Soon. I need a minute.
I’m checking on the
world right now…
On that thing you
won’t let me sleep on or walk across when it’s open?
The laptop? Yes. You have a funny effect on it when you walk
across the keys…
Well you bring up
websites and searches that make no sense but apparently exist. Or you turn it
off completely…
That’s a good
thing, isn’t it?
Hey! I’m right
Stop patting my cheek.
I’ll focus on you for a while.
About time, now,
scratch the top of my head. Yeah, just
like that..... [puuuuuurrrrrrrrrr]
And suddenly things aren’t so bad, listening
to Toby’s rumbling purr. It’s like listening to Paul Robeson singing ‘Old Man
River’ — deep, rumbling and full of meaning.
Toby’s doing remarkably well, considering
the cancer is still there inside him — somewhere.
We still don’t know where it is, growing slowly, killing his strong body and
spirit. For now, we seem to be in stasis — neither getting worse, nor better.
At his last checkup he was doing well. The
chemo treatment seems to be slowly shrinking the swollen lymph node in his
neck, or at least not letting it grow larger. After consult with the oncology
vet we have moved to check-ins every two months. That saves stress on Toby
(and us) for each drive we don’t have to go nearly two hours south for a
visit. But we still have to buy 2 months’ worth of chemo treatment at a time
(around $700 every two months.)
I’ve been thinking a lot about the cost
through all of this. It is not an insubstantial sum. It could be a lot by the
time this is over. Can we keep doing this, month to month? Should we? We have six
other cats, two dogs and a rabbit to care for at the same time.
Pete, the dog (‘Stinky’ as Toby not-so-affectionately
calls him) is fifteen now. With doggie dementia. And knees on his back legs
that are pretty much shot. Bacteria on his feet and in one ear, we’ve been treating
him also to vet visits and bills. Is it worth it?

Petey the Conehead…
We would have it no other way. Petey, like
Toby, is a part of this family. For a
week, we slept in the living room on a very cold and uncomfortable air mattress
so we could keep him company, while he was unable to climb the stairs. His medicines
for pain and inflammation are kicking in now and he is back to climbing (no, I’d
say hopping) up the stairs. His back
legs work in unison to make it, stair by stair, to the second floor. He knows
this is where his pack is at night and he has to be there. Look up ‘loyal’ in
the dictionary and there you’ll find a picture of Pete looking back, (hopefully
not the one with the cone of shame….)
And yet, in the last month, I worry. Constantly.
We have entered a dangerous world of fools and
sycophants threatening our very existence. Programs that are funded by you and
me to help humans in their time of need have been taken away on capricious
whims of rich asses who do not care who they hurt. Even those who once supported them are going
to lose these essential lifelines.
These fools are the worst of humanity. Why
are they here when others, more worthy than they are, slowly die with lack of
medications, food and clean water?
It's only been a month — there is much, much
more to come. Will we make it? Will we be who we were only one or two months
ago? I have to believe we will. I have hope. I believe we know where we came
from over the last two hundred and fifty years. That spirit won’t die at the
hands of thugs and idiots. We have each other... and we have our furry friends.
And yet…
And yet….
Hey! You’re doing it again!
Oh, hello! What am I doing?
Well, you stopped petting me… Again.
Oh sorry.
I’ve been looking at the world.
You know, doom scrolling…
Never mind.
You’re better off not knowing…
OK, then pet me. Yes, like that. A little lower… Puurrrrrfect......
I feel better already.
I’ve been wondering lately why I can’t find
my socks
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