cup of butter, two cups of
sugar, a
teacupful of sweet milk, half a grated nutmeg and five cups of sifted
flour, in which there has been sifted with it two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder; mix into a soft dough and cut into round cakes; roll
the dough as thin as pie crust. Bake in a quick oven a light brown.
These can be made of sour milk and a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in
it, or sour or sweet cream can be used in place of butter.
cookies made the same as
above, using water in place of milk. Water cookies keep longer than
milk cookies.
ONE cup of butter, one and a
half cups of sugar, one-half cup of sour milk, one level teaspoonful
of soda, a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg. Flour enough to roll; make
quite soft. Put a tablespoonful of fine sugar on a plate and dip the
tops of each as you cut them out. Place on buttered tins and bake in
a quick oven a light brown.
ONE cupful and a half of sugar,
one cupful of butter, one-half cup of sweet milk, one egg, two
teaspoonfuls of baking powder, a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, three
tablespoonfuls of English currants or chopped raisins. Mix soft and
roll out, using just enough flour to stiffen sufficiently. Cut out
with a large cutter, wet the tops with milk and sprinkle sugar over
them. Bake on buttered tins in a quick oven.
COOKIES. (Very Nice.)
ONE cup of butter, two cups of
sugar, three eggs well beaten, a teaspoonful of soda and two of cream
of tartar, spoonful of milk, one teaspoonful of nutmeg and one of
cinnamon. Flour enough to make a soft dough just stiff enough to roll
out. Try a pint of sifted flour to begin with, working it in
gradually. Spread a little sweet milk over each and sprinkle with
sugar. Bake in a quick oven a light brown.
FOUR cups of sifted flour, or
enough for a stiff dough, one teacupful of butter, two cups of sugar,
the juice of one lemon and the grated pee! from the outside, three
eggs whipped very light. Beat thoroughly each ingredient, adding,
after all is in, a half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a
tablespoonful of milk. Roll out as any cookies and bake a light
brown. Use no other wetting.
ONE cup grated cocoanut, one and
one-half cups sugar, three-fourths cup butter, one-half cup milk, two
eggs, one large teaspoonful baking powder, one-half teaspoonful
extract of vanilla and flour enough to roll out.
SUCCESS in making good fried
cakes depends as much on the cooking as the mixing. In the first
place, there should be boiling lard enough to free them from the
bottom of the kettle, so that they swim on the top, and the lard
should never be so hot as to smoke or so cool as not to be at the
boiling point; if it is, they soak grease and are spoiled. If it is
at the right heat, the doughnuts will in about ten minutes be of a
delicate brown outside and nicely cooked inside. Five or six minutes
will cook a cruller. Try the fat by dropping a bit of the dough in
first; if it is right, the fat will boil up when it is dropped in.
They should be turned over almost constantly, which causes them to
rise and brown evenly. When they are sufficiently cooked, raise them
from the hot fat and drain them until every drop ceases dripping.
ONE and a half cupfuls of sugar,
one cupful of sour milk, two eggs, two scant tablespoonfuls of melted
butter, half a nutmeg grated, a large teaspoonful of cinnamon, a
teaspoonful of salt and one of soda; make a little stiffer than
biscuit dough, roll out a quarter of an inch thick, and cut with a
fried-cake cutter, with a hole in the centre. Fry in hot lard.
can be made with sweet
milk and baking powder, using two heaping teaspoonfuls of the baking
powder in place of soda.
doughnuts" are seldom seen nowadays, but are easily made. Make a
sponge as for bread, using a pint of warm water or milk, and a large
half cupful of yeast; when the sponge is very light, add half a
cupful of butter or sweet lard, a coffeecupful of sugar, a
teaspoonful of salt and one small teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a
little water, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, a little grated nutmeg;
stir in now two well-beaten eggs, add sifted flour until it is the
consistency of biscuit dough, knead it well, cover and let rise; then
roll the dough out into a sheet half an inch thick, cut out with a
very small biscuit-cutter, or in strips half an inch wide and three
inches long, place them on greased tins, cover them well and let them
rise before frying them. Drop them in very hot lard. Raised cakes
require longer time than cakes made with baking powder. Sift powdered
sugar over them as fast as they are fried, while warm. Our
grandmothers put allspice into these cakes; that, however, is a
matter of taste.
WARM a teacupful of lard in a
pint of milk; when nearly cool add enough flour to make a thick
batter and add a small cupful of yeast; beat it well and set it to
rise; when light work in gradually and carefully three cupfuls of
sugar, the whipped whites of .six eggs, half a teaspoonful of soda
dissolved in a spoonful of milk, one teaspoonful of salt, a
teaspoonful of ground cinnamon and half of a nutmeg grated; then work
in gradually enough flour to make it stiff enough to roll out; let it
rise again and when very light roll it out in a sheet an inch thick;
cut into rounds; put into the centre of each round a large Sultana
raisin, seeded, and mold into perfectly round balls; flatten a
little; let them stand a few minutes before boiling them; have plenty
of lard in the pot and when it boils drop in the cakes; when they are
a light brown take them out with a perforated skimmer; drain on soft
white paper and roll, while warm, in fine powdered sugar.
Bakery, New York
THREE eggs, three tablespoonfuls
of melted lard or butter, three tablespoonfuls of sugar; mix very
hard with sifted flour, as hard as can be rolled, and to be rolled
very thin like pie crust; cut in squares three inches long and two
wide, then cut several slits or lines lengthwise to within a quarter
of an inch of the edges of the ends; run your two forefingers through
every other slit; lay them down on the board edgewise and dent them.
These are very dainty when fried. Fry in hot lard a light brown.
ONE pint of milk, four eggs, one
small tablespoonful of melted butter, flavoring, salt to taste; first
boil the milk and pour it, while hot, over a pint of flour; beat it
very smooth and when it is cool have ready the yolks of the eggs well
beaten; add them to the milk and flour, beaten well into it, then add
the well-beaten whites; then, lastly, add the salt and as much more
flour as will make the whole into a soft dough; flour your board,
turn your dough upon it, roll it in pieces as thick as your finger
and turn them in the form of a ring; cook in plenty of boiling lard.
A nice breakfast cake with coffee.
CAKES. (Fried.)
BEAT two eggs well, add to them
one ounce of sifted sugar, two ounces of warmed butter, two
tablespoonfuls of yeast, a teacupful of luke-warm milk and a little
salt. Whip all well together, then stir in by degrees one pound of
flour, and, if requisite, more milk, making thin dough. Beat it until
it falls from the spoon, then set it to rise. When it has risen make
butter or lard hot in a frying pan; cut from the light dough little
pieces the size of a walnut, and, without molding or kneading, fry
them pale brown. As they are done lay them on a napkin to absorb any
of the fat.
WORK one egg and a tablespoonful
of sugar to as much flour as will make a stiff paste; roll it as thin
as a dollar piece and cut it into small round or square cakes; drop
two or three at a time into the boiling lard; when they rise to the
surface and turn over they are done; take them out with a skimmer and
lay them on an inverted sieve to drain. When served for dessert or
supper put a spoonful of jelly on each.
THESE doughnuts, eaten fresh and
warm, are a delicious breakfast dish and are quickly made. Three
eggs, one cupful of sugar, a pint of sweet milk, salt, nutmeg and
flour enough to permit the spoon to stand upright in the mixture; add
two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder to the flour; beat all
until very light. Drop by the dessertspoonful into boiling lard.
These will not absorb a bit of fat and are not at all rich, and
consequently are the least injurious of this kind of cakes.

* *
USE THE very best materials in
making pastry; the shortening should be fresh, sweet and hard; the
water cold (ice-water is best) , the paste rolled on a cold board and
all handled as little as possible. When the crust is made, it makes
it much more flaky and puff much more to put it in a dish covered
with a cloth and set in a very cold place for half an hour, or even
an hour; in summer, it could be placed in the ice box.
great improvement is made in
pie crust by the addition of about a heaping teaspoonful of baking
powder to a quart of flour, also brushing the paste as often as
rolled out, and the pieces of butter placed thereon, with the white
of an egg, assists it to rise in leaves
or flakes.
As this is the great beauty of puff paste, it is as well to try this
currants are to be used in
pies, they should be carefully picked over and washed in several
waters, dried in a towel and dredged with flour before they are
suitable for use.
and all dried fruits
for pies and cakes, should be seeded, stoned and dredged with flour
before using.
should be blanched by
pouring boiling water upon them and then slipping the skin off with
the fingers. In pounding them, always add a little rose or
orange-water, with fine sugar, to prevent their becoming oily.
care is requisite in
heating an oven for baking pastry. If you can hold your hand in the
heated oven while you count twenty, the oven has just the proper
temperature and it should be kept at this temperature as long as the
pastry is in; this heat will bake to a light brown and will give the
pastry a fresh and flaky appearance. If you suffer the heat to abate,
the under crust will become heavy and clammy and the upper crust will
fall in.
good way to ascertain
when the oven is heated to the proper degree for puff paste: put a
small piece of the paste in previous to baking the whole, and then
the heat can thus be judged of.
crust can be kept a week,
and the last be better than the first, if put in a tightly covered
dish and set in the ice chest in summer and in a cool place in
winter, and thus you can make a fresh pie every day with little
baking custard, pumpkin or
squash pies, it is well, in order that the mixture may not be
absorbed by the paste, to first partly bake the paste before adding
it, and when stewed fruit is used the filling should be perfectly
cool when put in, or it will make the bottom crust sodden.
AFTER making the crust, take a
portion of it, roll it out and fit it to a buttered pie-plate by
cutting it off evenly around the edge; gather up the scraps left from
cutting and make into another sheet for the top crust; roll it a
little thinner than the under crust; lap one-half over the other and
cut three or four slits about a quarter of an inch from the folded
edge (this prevents the steam from escaping through the rim of the
pie, and causing the juices to run out from the edges). Now fill your
pie-plate with your prepared filling, wet the top edge of the rim,
lay the upper crust across the centre of the pie, turn back the half
that is lapped over, seal the two edges together by slightly pressing
down with your thumb, then notch evenly and regularly with a
three-tined fork, dipping occasionally in flour to prevent sticking.
Bake in a rather quick oven a light brown, and until the filling
boils up through the slits in the upper crust.
prevent the juice soaking
through into the crust, making it soggy, wet the under crust with the
white of an egg, just before you put in the pie mixture. If the top
of the pie is brushed over with the egg, it gives it a beautiful
TO ICE pastry, which is the
usual method adopted for fruit tarts and sweet dishes of pastry, put
the white of an egg on a plate and with the blade of a knife beat it
to a stiff froth. When the pastry is nearly baked, brush it over with
this and sift over some pounded sugar; put it back into the oven to
set the glaze and in a few minutes it will be done. Great care should
be taken that the paste does not catch or burn in the oven, which is
very liable to do after the icing is laid on.
make a meringue by adding a
tablespoonful of white sugar to the beaten white of one egg. Spread
over the top and slightly brown in the oven.
INTO one quart of sifted flour
mix two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a teaspoonful of salt; then
Measure out one teacupful of butter and one of lard, hard and cold.
Take the lard and rub into the flour until a very fine smooth paste.
Then put in just enough ice-water,
say half a cupful, containing a beaten white of egg, to mix a very
stiff dough. Roll it out into a thin sheet, spread with one-fourth of
the butter, sprinkle over with a little flour, then roll up closely
in a long roll, like a scroll, double the ends towards the centre,
flatten and re-roll, then spread again with another quarter of the
butter. Repeat this operation until the butter is used up. Put it on
an earthen dish, cover it with a cloth and set it in a cold place, in
the ice box in summer; let it remain until cold; an hour or more
before making out the crust. Tarts made with this paste cannot be cut
with a knife when fresh; they go into flakes at the touch.
may roll this pastry in any
direction, from you, toward you, sideways, any way, it matters not,
but you must have nice flour, ice-water
and very
little of it, and
strength to roll it, if you would succeed.
recipe I purchased from a
colored cook on one of the Lake Michigan steamers many years ago, and
it is, without exception, the finest puff paste I have ever seen.
ONE quart of pastry flour, one
pint of butter, one tablespoonful of salt, one of sugar, one and a
quarter cupfuls of ice-water. Wash the hands with soap and water and
dip them first in very hot and then in cold water. Rinse a large bowl
or pan with boiling water and then with cold. Half fill it with cold
water. Wash the butter in this, working it with the hands until it is
light and waxy. This frees it from the salt and butter-milk and
lightens it, so that the pastry is more delicate. Shape the butter
into two thin cakes and put in a pan of ice water to harden. Mix the
salt and sugar with the flour. With the hands, rub one-third of the
butter into the flour. Add the water, stirring with a knife. Stir
quickly and vigorously until the paste is a smooth ball. Sprinkle the
board lightly
with flour. Turn the paste on this and pound quickly and lightly with
the rolling-pin. Do not break the paste. Roll from you and to one
side; or if easier to roll from you all the time, turn the paste
around. When it is about one-fourth of an inch thick, wipe the
remaining butter, break it in bits and spread these on the paste.
Sprinkle lightly with flour. Fold the paste, one-third from each
side, so that the edges meet. Now fold from the ends, but do not have
these meet. Double the paste, pound lightly and roll down to about
one-third of an inch in thickness. Fold as before and roll down
again. Repeat this three times if for pies and six times if for
vol-au-vents, patties,
tarts, etc. Place on the ice to harden, when it has been rolled the
last time. It should be in the ice chest at least an hour before
being used. In hot weather, if the paste sticks when being rolled
down, put it on a tin sheet and place on ice. As soon as it is
chilled, it will roll easily. The less flour you use in rolling out
the paste, the tenderer it will be. No matter how carefully every
part of the work may be done, the paste will not be good if much
flour is used.
TO EVERY pound of flour allow
the yolk of one egg, the juice of one lemon, half a salt-spoonful of
salt, cold water, one pound of fresh butter.
the flour onto the
paste-board; make a hole in the centre, into which put the yolk of
the egg, the lemon juice and salt; mix the whole with cold water
(this should be iced in summer if convenient) into a soft, flexible
paste with the right hand, and handle it as little as possible; then
squeeze all the buttermilk from the butter, wring it in a cloth and
roll out the paste; place the butter on this and fold the edges of
the paste over, so as to hide it; roll it out again to the thickness
of a quarter of an inch; fold over one-third, over which again pass
the rolling-pin; then fold over the other third, thus forming a
square; place it with the ends, top and bottom before you, shaking a
little flour both under and over, and repeat the rolls and turns
twice again as before. Flour a baking-sheet, put the paste on this
and let it remain on ice or in some cool place for half an hour; then
roll twice more, turning it as before; place it again upon the ice
for a quarter of an hour, give it two more rolls, making seven in
all, and it is ready for use when required.
A GOOD rule for pie crust for a
pie requiring only an under crust, as a custard or pumpkin pie, is:
Three large
tablespoonfuls of flour sifted, rubbing into it a large
tablespoonful of cold butter, or part butter and part lard, and a
pinch of salt, mixing with cold
water enough to form a smooth, stiff paste, and rolled quite thin.
TWO AND a half cupfuls of sifted
flour, one cupful of shortening, half butter and half lard cold, a
pinch of salt, a heaping teaspoonful of baking powder sifted through
the flour. Rub thoroughly the shortening into the flour. Mix together
with half a teacupful of cold
water, or enough to form a rather stiff dough; mix as little as
possible, just enough to get it into shape to roll out; it must be
handled very lightly. This rule is for two pies.
you have a little pie crust
left do not throw it away; roll it thin, cut in small squares and
bake. Just before tea put a spoonful of raspberry jelly on each
TWO CUPFULS of flour, one-half
teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one cup of
chopped suet, freed of skin, and chopped very fine, one cupful of
water. Place the flour, sifted with the powder in a bowl, add suet
and water; mix into smooth, rather firm dough.
paste is excellent for
fruit puddings and dumplings that are boiled; if it is well made, it
will be light and flaky and the suet imperceptible. It is also
excellent for meat pies, baked or boiled. All the ingredients should
be very cold when mixing, and the suet dredged with flour after it is
chopped, to prevent the particles from adhering to each other.
BOIL and mash a dozen
medium-sized potatoes, add one good teaspoonful of salt, two
tablespoonfuls of cold butter and half a cupful of milk or cream.
Stiffen with flour sufficient to roll out. Nice for the tops of meat
IN MAKING a pie, after you have
rolled out your top crust, cut it about the right size, spread it
over with butter, then shake sifted flour over the butter, enough to
cover it well. Cut a slit in the middle, place it over the top of
your pie, and fasten the edges as any pie. Now take the pie on your
left hand and a dipper of cold water in your right hand; tip the pie
slanting a little, pour over the water sufficiently to rinse off the
flour. Enough flour will stick to the butter to fry into the crust,
to give it a fine, blistered, flaky look, which many cooks think is
much better than rolling the butter into the crust.
No. 1.
TARTS of strawberry or any other
kind of preserves are generally made of the trimmings of puff paste
rolled a little thicker than the ordinary pies; then cut out with a
round cutter, first dipped in hot water, to make the edges smooth,
and placed in small tart-pans, first pricking a few holes at the
bottom with a fork before placing them in the oven. Bake from ten to
fifteen minutes. Let the paste cool a little; then fill it with
preserve. By this manner, both the flavor and color of the jam are
preserved, which would be lost were it baked in the oven on the
paste; and, besides, so much jam is not required.
No. 2.
TARTLETS are nice made in this
manner: Roll some good puff paste out thin, and cut it into two and a
half inch squares; brush each square over with the white of an egg,
then fold down the corners, so that they all meet in the middle of
each piece of paste; slightly press the two pieces together, brush
them over with the egg, sift over sugar and bake in a nice quick oven
for about a quarter of an hour. When they are done, make a little
hole in the middle of the paste and fill it up with apricot jam,
marmalade, or red currant jelly. Pile them high in the centre of a
dish on a napkin and garnish with the same preserves the tartlets are
filled with.
ROLL out a nice puff paste thin;
cut out with a glass or cookie-cutter and with a wine-glass or
smaller cutter, cut out the centre of two out of three; lay the rings
thus made on the third, and bake at once.
be used for veal or oyster
patties, or filled with jelly, jam or preserves, as tarts. Or shells
may be made by lining patty-pans with paste. If the paste is light,
the shells will be fine. Filled with jelly and covered with meringue
(tablespoonful of sugar to the white of one egg) and browned in oven,
they are very nice to serve for tea.
the cutters are dipped in hot
water, the edges of the tartlets will rise much higher and smoother
when baking.
LARGER pans are required for
tarts proper, the size of small, shallow pie-tins; then after the
paste is baked and cooled and filled with the jam or preserve, a few
stars or leaves are placed on the top, or strips of paste,
criss-crossed on the top, all of which have been previously baked on
a tin by themselves.
fruit, stewed until thick,
makes fine tart pies, also cranberries stewed and well sweetened.
PEEL, core and slice tart apples
enough for a pie; sprinkle over about three tablespoonfuls of sugar,
a teaspoonful of cinnamon, a small level tablespoonful of sifted
flour, two tablespoonfuls of water, a few bits of butter, stir all
together with a spoon; put it into a pie-tin lined with pie paste;
cover with a top crust and bake about forty minutes.
result will be a delicious,
juicy pie.
THREE cupfuls of milk, four eggs
and one cupful of sugar, two cupfuls of thick stewed apples, strained
through a colander. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs lightly and
mix the yolks well with the apples, flavoring with nutmeg. Then beat
into this the milk and, lastly, the whites. Let the crust partly bake
before turning in this filling. To be baked with only the one crust,
like all custard pies.
SELECT fair sweet apples, pare
and grate them, and to every teacupful of the apple add two eggs well
beaten, two tablespoonfuls of fine sugar, one of melted butter, the
grated rind and half the juice of one lemon, half a wine-glass of
brandy and one teacupful of milk; mix all well and pour into a deep
plate lined with paste; put a strip of the paste around the edge of
the dish and bake thirty minutes.
LAY a crust in your plates;
slice apples thin and half fill your plates; pour over them a custard
made of four eggs and one quart of milk, sweetened and seasoned to
your taste.
PEEL sour apples and stew until
soft, and not much water left in them; then rub through a colander;
beat three eggs for each pie to be baked and put in at the rate of
one cupful of butter and one of sugar for three pies; season with
PARE and take out the cores of
the apples, cutting each apple into four or eight pieces, according
to their size. Lay them neatly in a baking dish, seasoning them with
brown sugar and any spice, such as pounded cloves and cinnamon, or
grated lemon peel. A little quince marmalade gives a fine flavor to
the pie. Add a little water and cover with puff paste. Bake for an
CRUSH finely with a rolling pin,
one large Boston cracker; put it into a bowl and pour upon it one
teacupful of cold water; add one teacupful of fine white sugar, the
juice and pulp of one lemon, half a lemon rind grated and a little
nutmeg; line the pie-plate with half puff paste, pour in the mixture,
cover with the paste and bake half an hour.
are proportions for one
STEW the apples or peaches and
sweeten to taste. Mash smooth and season with nutmeg. Fill the crusts
and bake until just done. Put on no top crust. Take the whites of
three eggs for each pie and whip to a stiff froth, and sweeten with
three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Flavor with rose-water or
vanilla; beat until it will stand alone; then spread it on the pie
one-half to one inch thick; set it back into the oven until the
meringue is well "set." Eat cold.
PIE. No. 1.
ONE-HALF cup desiccated cocoanut
soaked in one cupful of milk, two eggs, one small cupful of sugar,
butter the size of an egg. This is for one small-sized pie. Nice with
a meringue on top.
PIE. No. 2,
CUT off the brown part of the
cocoanut, grate the white part, mix it with milk and set it on the
fire and let it boil slowly eight or ten minutes. To a pound of the
grated cocoanut, allow a quart of milk, eight eggs, four
tablespoonfuls of sifted white sugar, a glass of wine, a small
cracker, pounded fine, two spoonfuls of melted butter and half a
nutmeg. The eggs and sugar should be beaten together to a froth, then
the wine stirred in. Put them into the milk and cocoanut, which
should be first allowed to get quite cool; add the cracker and
nutmeg, turn the whole into deep pie plates, with a lining and rim of
puff paste. Bake them as soon as turned into the plates.
ONE-QUARTER cake of Baker's
chocolate, grated; one pint of boiling water, six eggs, one quart of
milk, one-half cupful of white sugar, two teaspoonfuls of vanilla.
Dissolve the chocolate in a very little milk, stir into the boiling
water and boil three minutes. When nearly cold beat up with this the
yolks of all the eggs and the whites of three. Stir this mixture into
the milk, season and pour into shells of good paste. When the custard
is "set" — but not more than half done — spread over it
the whites whipped to a froth, with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. You
may bake these custards without paste, in a pudding dish or cups set
in boiling water.
PIE. No. 2.
PUT some grated chocolate into a
basin and place on the back of the stove and let it melt (do not add
any water to it); beat one egg and some sugar in it; when melted,
spread this on the top of a custard pie. Lovers of chocolate will
like this.
PIE. No. 1. (Superior.)
TAKE a deep dish, grate into it
the outside of the rind of two lemons; add to that a cup and a half
of white sugar, two heaping tablespoonfuls of unsifted flour, or one
of cornstarch; stir it well together, then add the yolks of three
well-beaten eggs, beat this thoroughly, then add the juice of the
lemons, two cups of water and a piece of butter the size of a walnut.
Set this on the fire in another dish containing boiling water and
cook it until it thickens, and will dip up on the spoon like cold
honey. Remove it from the fire, and when cooled, pour it into a deep
pie-tin, lined with pastry; bake, and when done, have ready the
whites, beaten stiff, with three small tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Spread this over the top and return to the oven to set and brown
slightly. This makes a deep, large sized pie, and very superior.
House, Washington.
PIE. No. 2.
ONE coffee cupful of sugar,
three eggs, one cupful of water, one tablespoonful of melted butter,
one heaping tablespoonful of flour, the juice and a little of the
rind of one lemon. Reserve the whites of the eggs, and after the pie
is baked, spread them over the top, beaten lightly, with a spoonful
of sugar, and return to the oven until it is a light brown.
may be cooked before it is
put into the crust or not, but it is rather better to cook it first
in a double boiler or dish. It makes a medium-sized pie. Bake from
thirty-five to forty minutes.
PIE. No. 3.
MOISTEN a heaping tablespoonful
of cornstarch with a little cold water, then add a cupful of boiling
water; stir over the fire till it boils and cook the cornstarch, say
two or three minutes; add a teaspoonful of butter and a cupful of
sugar; take off the fire, and, when slightly cooled, add an egg well
beaten and the juice and grated rind of a fresh lemon. Bake with a
crust. This makes one small pie.
PIE. No. 4.
LARGE, fresh lemons, grate
off the rind, if not bitter reserve it for the filling of the pie,
pare off every bit of the white skin of the lemon (as it toughens
while cooking); then cut the lemon into very thin slices with a sharp
knife and take out the seeds; two cupfuls of sugar, three
tablespoonfuls of water and two of sifted flour. Put into the pie a
layer of lemon, then one of sugar, then one of the grated rind, and,
lastly, of flour, and so on till the ingredients are used; sprinkle
the water over all, and cover with upper crust. Be sure to have the
under crust lap over the upper, and pinch it well, as the syrup will
cook all out if care is not taken when finishing the edge of crust.
This quantity makes one medium-sized pie.
GRATE the rind of one and use
the juice of two large oranges. Stir together a large cupful of sugar
and a heaping tablespoonful of flour; add to this the well-beaten
yolks of three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Reserve the
whites for frosting. Turn this into a pie-pan lined with pie paste
and bake in a quick oven. When done so as to resemble a finely baked
custard, spread on the top of it the beaten whites, which must be
sweetened with two tablespoonfuls of sugar; spread evenly and return
to the oven and brown slightly.
addition of the juice of
half a lemon improves it, if convenient to have it.
BEAT up the yolks of three eggs
to a cream. Stir thoroughly a tablespoonful of sifted flour into
three tablespoonfuls of sugar; this separates the particles of flour
so that there will be no lumps; then add it to the beaten yolks, put
in a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of vanilla and a little grated
nutmeg; next the well-beaten whites of the eggs; and, lastly, a pint
of scalded milk (not boiled) which has been cooled; mix this in by
degrees and turn all into a deep pie-pan lined with puff paste, and
bake from twenty-five to thirty minutes.
received this recipe from a
celebrated cook in one of our best New York bakeries. I inquired of
him "why it was that their custard pies had that look of
solidity and smoothness that our home-made pies have not." He
replied, "The secret is the addition of this bit
of flour — not that
it thickens the custard any to speak of, but prevents the custard
from breaking or wheying and gives that smooth appearance when cut."
POUR a pint of cream upon one
and a half cupfuls of sugar; let it stand until the whites of three
eggs have been beaten to a stiff froth; add this to the cream and
beat up thoroughly; grate a little nutmeg over the mixture and bake
without an upper crust. If a tablespoonful of sifted flour is added
to it, as the above Custard Pie recipe, it would improve it.
LINE a pie plate with a rich
crust and bake quickly in a hot oven. When done, spread with a thin
layer of jelly or jam, then whip one cupful of thick sweet cream
until it is as light as possible; sweeten with powdered sugar and
flavor with vanilla; spread over the jelly or jam; set the cream
where it will get very cold before whipping.
BEAT together until very light
the yolks of four eggs and four tablespoonfuls of sugar, flavor with
nutmeg or vanilla; then add the four beaten whites, a pinch of salt
and, lastly, a quart of sweet milk; mix well and pour into tins lined
with paste. Bake until firm.
Cream Part.
— "Put on a pint of milk to boil. Break two eggs into a dish
and add one cup of sugar and half a cup of flour previously mixed
after beating well, stir it into the milk just as the milk commences
to boil; add an ounce of butter and keep on stirring one way until it
thickens; flavor with vanilla or lemon.
— Three eggs beaten separately, one cup of granulated sugar, one
and a half cups of sifted flour, one large teaspoonful of baking
powder and two tablespoonfuls of milk or water. Divide the batter in
half and bake on two medium-sized pie-tins. Bake in a rather quick
oven to a straw color. When done and cool, split each one in half
with a sharp broad-bladed knife, and spread half the cream between
each. Serve cold.
cake part should be flavored
the same as the custard.
TAKE three eggs, one pint of
milk, a cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch or three of
flour; beat the sugar, cornstarch and yolks of the eggs together;
after the milk has come to a boil, stir in the mixture and add a
pinch of salt and about a teaspoonful of butter. Make crust the same
as any pie; bake, then fill with the custard, grate over a little
nutmeg and bake again. Take the whites of the eggs and beat to a
stiff froth with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, spread over the top and
brown in a quick oven.
ANY fruit custard, such as
pineapple, banana, can be readily made after the recipe of APPLE
LINE your pie plate with good
crust, fill half full with ripe cherries; sprinkle over them about a
cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of sifted flour, dot a few bits of
butter over that. Now fill the crust full to the top. Cover with the
upper crust and bake.
is one of the best of pies,
if made correctly, and the cherries in any case should be stoned.
MAKE in just the same way as the
"Cherry Pie," unless they are somewhat green, then they
should be stewed a little.
ONE cupful of mashed ripe
currants, one of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of water, one of flour,
beaten with the yolks of two eggs. Bake; frost the top with the
beaten whites of the eggs and two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and
brown in oven.
TAKE medium-sized tomatoes, pare
and cut out the stem end. Having your pie-pan lined with paste made
as biscuit dough, slice the tomatoes very thin, filling the pan
somewhat heaping, then grate over it a nutmeg; put in half a cup of
butter and a medium cup of sugar, if the pan is rather deep. Sprinkle
a small handful of flour over all, pouring in half a cup of vinegar
before adding the top crust. Bake half an hour in a moderately hot
oven, serving hot. Is good; try it.
A CANNED apricot meringue pie is
made by cutting the apricots fine and mixing them with half a cup of
sugar and the beaten yolk of an egg; fill the crust and bake. Take
from the oven, let it stand for two or three minutes, cover with a
meringue made of the beaten white of an egg and one tablespoonful of
sugar. Set back in a slow oven until it turns a golden brown. The
above pie can be made into a tart without the addition of the
meringue by adding criss-cross strips of pastry when the pie is first
put into the oven.
of the above are good if
made from the dried and stewed apricots instead of the canned and are
much cheaper.
dried apricots are a
delicious addition to mince meat. They may be used in connection with
minced apples, or to the exclusion of the latter.
PUT a quart of picked
huckleberries into a basin of water; take whatever floats; take up
the berries by the handful, pick out all the stems and unripe berries
and put them into a dish; line a buttered pie dish with a pie paste,
put in the berries half an inch deep, and to a quart of berries, put
half of a teacupful of brown sugar; dredge a teaspoonful of flour
over, strew a salt-spoonful of salt and a little nutmeg grated over;
cover the pie, cut a slit in the centre, or make several small
incisions on either side of it; press the two crusts together around
the edge, trim it off neatly with a sharp knife and bake in a quick
oven for three-quarters of an hour.
PICK the berries clean, rinse
them in cold water and finish as directed for huckleberries.
TWO TEACUPFULS of molasses; one
of sugar, three eggs, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one lemon,
nutmeg; beat and bake in pastry.
ONE cup of chopped raisins,
seeded, and the juice and grated rind of one lemon, one cupful of
cold water, one tablespoonful of flour, one cupful of sugar, two
tablespoonful s of butter. Stir lightly together and bake with upper
and under crust.
CUT the large stalks off where
the leaves commence, strip off the outside skin, then cut the stalks
in pieces 'half an inch long; line a pie dish with paste rolled
rather thicker than a dollar piece, put a layer of the rhubarb nearly
an inch deep; to a quart bowl of cut rhubarb put a large teacupful of
sugar; strew it over with a salt-spoonful of salt and a little nutmeg
grated; shake over a little flour; cover with a rich pie crust, cut a
slit in the centre, trim off the edge with a sharp knife and bake in
a quick oven until the pie loosens from the dish. Rhubarb pies made
in this way are altogether superior to those made of the fruit
PIE. (Cooked.)
SKIN the stalks, cut them into
small pieces, wash and put them in a stewpan with no more water than
what adheres to them; when cooked, mash them fine and put in a small
piece of butter; when cool, sweeten to taste; if liked, add a little
lemon-peel, cinnamon or nutmeg; line your plate with thin crust, put
in the filling, cover with crust and bake in a quick oven; sift sugar
over it when served.
A GRATED pineapple, its weight
in sugar, half its weight in butter, one cupful of cream, five eggs;
beat the batter to a creamy froth, add the sugar and yolks of the
eggs, continue beating till very light; add the cream, the pineapple
grated and the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Bake with
an under crust. Eat cold.
POP the pulps out of the skins
into one dish and put the skins into another. Then simmer the pulp a
little over the fire to soften it; remove it and rub it through a
colander to separate it from the seeds. Then put the skins and pulp
together and they are ready for pies or for canning or putting in
jugs for other use. Fine for pies.
STEW the damsons whole in water
only sufficient to prevent their burning; when tender and while hot,
sweeten them with sugar and let them stand until they become cold;
then pour them into pie dishes lined with paste, dredge flour upon
them, cover them with the same paste, wet and pinch together the
edges of the paste, cut a slit in the centre of the cover through
which the vapor may escape and bake twenty minutes.
PEEL, stone and slice the
peaches. Line a pie plate with crust and lay in your fruit,
sprinkling sugar liberally over them in proportion to their
sweetness. Allow three peach kernels chopped fine to each pie; pour
in a very little water and bake with an upper crust, or with
cross-bars of paste across the top.
WASH the fruit thoroughly, soak
over night in water enough to cover. In the morning stew slowly until
nearly done in the same water. Sweeten to taste. The crust, both
upper and under, should be rolled thin; a thick crust to a fruit pie
is undesirable.
ALL made the same as "Cherry
Pie." Line your pie-tin with crust, fill half full of berries,
shake over a tablespoonful of sifted flour {if very juicy) and as
much sugar as is necessary to sweeten sufficiently. Now fill up the
crust to the top, making quite full. Cover with crust and bake about
forty minutes.
and blackberry pies
are improved by putting into them a little ginger and cinnamon.
PRESERVED fruit requires no
baking; hence, always bake the shell and put in the sweetmeats
afterwards; you can cover with whipped cream, or bake a top crust
shell; the former is preferable for delicacy.
TAKE fine, sound, ripe
cranberries and with a sharp knife split each one until you have a
heaping coffeecupful; put them in a vegetable dish or basin; put over
them one cupful of white sugar, half a cup of water, a tablespoon
full of sifted flour; stir it all together and put into your crust.
Cover with an upper crust and bake slowly in a moderate oven. You
will find this the true way of making a cranberry pie.
AFTER having washed and picked
over the berries, stew them well in a little water, just enough to
cover them; when they burst open and become soft, sweeten them with
plenty of sugar, mash them smooth (some prefer them not mashed); line
your pie-plates with thin puff paste, fill them and lay strips of
paste across the top. Bake in a moderate oven. Or you may rub them
through a colander to free them from the skins.
CAN be made the same as
"Cranberry Tart Pie," or an upper crust can be put on
before baking. Serve with boiled custard or a pitcher of good sweet
DEEP-COLORED pumpkins are
generally the best. Cut a pumpkin or squash in half, take out the
seeds, then cut it up in thick slices, pare the outside and cut again
in small pieces. Put it into a large pot or saucepan with a very
little water; let it cook slowly until tender. Now set the pot on the
back of the stove, where it will not burn, and cook slowly, stirring
often until the moisture is dried out and the pumpkin looks dark and
red. It requires cooking a long time, at least half a day, to have it
dry and rich. When cool press through a colander.
CUT up in several pieces, do not
pare it; place them on baking tins and set them in the oven; bake
slowly until soft, then take them out, scrape all the pumpkin from
the shell, rub it through a colander. It will be fine and light and
free from lumps.
PIE. No. 1.
FOR three pies: One quart of
milk, three cupfuls of boiled and strained pumpkin, one and one-half
cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of molasses, the yolks and whites
of four eggs beaten separately, a little salt, one tablespoonful each
of ginger and cinnamon. Beat all together and bake with an under
marrow or Hubbard squash
may be substituted for pumpkin and are much preferred by many, as
possessing a less strong flavor.
PIE. No. 2.
ONE quart of stewed pumpkin
pressed through a sieve, nine eggs, whites and yolks beaten
separately, two scant quarts of milk, one teaspoonful of mace, one
teaspoonful of cinnamon and the same of nutmeg, one and one-half
cupfuls of white sugar, or very light brown. Beat all well together
and bake in crust without cover.
tablespoonful of brandy is a
great improvement to pumpkin or squash pies.
ONE quart of properly stewed
pumpkin pressed through a colander; to this add enough good, rich
milk, sufficient to moisten it enough to fill two good-sized earthen
pie-plates, a teaspoonful of salt, half a cupful of molasses or brown
sugar, a tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon or
nutmeg. Bake in a moderately slow oven three-quarters of an hour.
ONE pint of boiled dry squash,
one cupful of brown sugar, three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of
molasses, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one tablespoonful of
ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, a pinch of salt and one pint of
milk. This makes two pies, or one large deep one.
ONE pound of steamed sweet
potatoes finely mashed, two cups sugar, one cup cream, one-half cup
butter, three well-beaten eggs, flavor with lemon or nutmeg and bake
in pastry shell. Fine.
IN ORDER to succeed in having
good mince pie, it is quite essential to cook the meat properly, so
as to retain its juices and strength of flavor.
four pounds of lean beef,
the neck piece is as good as any, wash it and put it into a kettle
with just water enough to cover it; take off the scum as it reaches
the boiling point, add hot water from time to time, until it is
tender, then season with salt and pepper; take off. the cover and let
it boil until almost dry, or until the juice has boiled back into the
meat. When it looks as though it was beginning to fry in its own
juice, it is time to take up and set aside to get cold, which should
be done the day before needed. Next day, when making the mince meat,
the bones, gristle and stringy bits should be well picked out before
PIES. No. 1.
THE "Astor House,"
some years ago, was famous for its "mince pies." The chief
pastry cook at that time, by request, published the recipe. I find
that those who partake of it never fail to speak in laudable terms of
the superior excellence of this recipe when strictly followed.
pounds of lean boiled beef
chopped fine, twice as much of chopped green tart apples, one pound
of chopped suet, three pounds of raisins, seeded, two pounds of
currants picked over, washed and dried, half a pound of citron, cut
up fine, one pound of brown sugar, one quart of cooking molasses, two
quarts of sweet cider, one pint of boiled cider, one tablespoonful of
salt, one tablespoonful of pepper, one tablespoonful of mace, one
tablespoonful of allspice and four tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, two
grated nutmegs, one tablespoonful of cloves; mix thoroughly and warm
it on the range until heated through. Remove from the fire and when
nearly cool, stir in a pint of good brandy and one pint of Madeira
wine. Put into a crock, cover it tightly and set it in a cold place
where it will not freeze, but keep perfectly cold. Will keep good all
de Cuisine, Astor House,
N. Y.
PIES. No. 2.
TWO POUNDS of lean fresh beef,
boiled and, when cold, chopped fine. One pound of beef suet, cleared
of strings and minced to powder. Five pounds of apples, pared and
chopped, two pounds of raisins, seeded and chopped, one pound of
Sultana raisins, washed and picked over, two pounds of currants
washed and carefully picked over, three-quarters of a pound of citron
cut up fine, two tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one of powdered nutmeg, two
of mace, one of cloves, one of allspice, one of fine salt, two and a
quarter pounds of brown sugar, one quart brown sherry, one pint best
made by this recipe
will keep all winter. Cover closely in a jar and Set in a cool place.
Sense the Household.
preserving mince meat, look
ONE cupful of cold water, half a
cupful of molasses, half a cupful of brown sugar, half a cupful of
cider vinegar, two-thirds of a cupful of melted butter, one cupful of
raisins seeded and chopped, one egg beaten light, half a cupful of
rolled cracker crumbs, a tablespoonful of cinnamon, a teaspoonful
each of cloves, allspice, nutmeg, salt and black pepper.
the saucepan on the fire
with the water and raisins; let them cook a few minutes, then add the
sugar and molasses, then the vinegar, then the other ingredients;
lastly, add a wine-glassful of brandy. Very fine.
TURNOVERS. (Suitable for Picnics.)
MAKE a nice puff paste; roll it
out the usual thickness, as for pies; then cut it out into circular
pieces about the size of a small tea saucer; pile the fruit on half
of the paste, sprinkle over some sugar, wet the edges and turn the
paste over. Press the edges together, ornament them and brush the
turnovers over with the white of an egg; sprinkle over sifted sugar
and bake on tins, in a brisk oven, for about twenty minutes. Instead
of putting the fruit in raw, it may be boiled down with a little
sugar first and then enclosed in the crust; or jam of any kind may be
substituted for fresh fruit.
ONE pint of greengage plums,
after being rubbed through a sieve, one large cup of sugar, the yolks
of two eggs well beaten. Whisk all together until light and foamy,
then bake in small patty-pans shells of puff paste a light brown.
Then fill with the plum paste, beat the two whites until stiff, add
two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, spread over the plum paste and
set the shells into a moderate oven for a few moments.
are much more easily
handled than pieces of pie or even pies whole, and can be packed
nicely for carrying.
PUT a quart of milk into a
saucepan over the fire. When it comes to the boiling point put into
it the following mixture: Into a bowl put a heaping tablespoonful of
flour, half a cupful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir this all
together thoroughly; then add the beaten yolks of six eggs; stir this
one way into the boiling milk until cooked to a thick cream; remove
from the fire and stir into it the grated rind and juice of one large
lemon. Have ready baked and hot some puff paste tart shells. Fill
them with the custard and cover each with a meringue made of the
whites of the eggs, sweetened with four tablespoonfuls of sugar. Put
into the oven and bake a light straw color.
Mix well together the juice and
grated rind of two lemons, two cupfuls of sugar, two eggs and the
crumbs of sponge cake; beat it all together until smooth; put into
twelve patty-pans lined with puff paste and bake until the crust is
TAKE the juice of two large
oranges and the grated peel of one, three-fourths of a cup of sugar,
a tablespoonful of butter; stir in a good teaspoonful of cornstarch
into the juice of half a lemon and add to the mixture. Beat all well
together and bake in tart shells without cover.
SELECT deep individual pie-tins;
fluted tartlet pans are suitable for custard tarts, but they should
be about six inches in diameter and from two to three inches deep.
Butter the pan and line it with ordinary puff paste, then fill it
with a custard made as follows: Stir gradually into the beaten yolks
of six eggs two tablespoonfuls of flour, a salt-spoonful of salt and
half a pint of cream. Stir until free from lumps and add two
tablespoonfuls of sugar; put the saucepan on the range and stir until
the custard coats the spoon. Do not let it boil or it will curdle.
Pour it in a bowl, add a few drops of vanilla flavoring and stir
until the custard becomes cold; fill the lined mold with this and
bake in a moderate oven. In the meantime, put the whites of the eggs
in a bright copper vessel and beat thoroughly, using a baker's wire
egg-beater for this purpose. While beating, sprinkle in lightly half
a pound of sugar and a dash of salt. When the paste is quite firm,
spread a thin layer of it over the tart and decorate the top with the
remainder by squeezing it through a paper funnel. Strew a little
powdered sugar over the top, return to the oven, and when a delicate
yellow tinge remove from the oven and when cold serve.
LINE small pie-tins with pie
crust and bake. Just before ready to use, fill the tarts with
strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, or whatever berries are in
season. Sprinkle over each tart a little sugar; after adding berries
add also to each tart a tablespoonful of sweet cream. They form a
delicious addition to the breakfast table.
AFTER picking over the berries
carefully, arrange them in layers in a deep pie-tin lined with puff
paste, sprinkling sugar thickly between each layer; fill the pie-tin
pretty full, pouring in a quantity of the juice; cover with a thick
crust, with a slit in the top and bake. When the pie is baked, pour
into the slit in the top of the pie the following cream mixture: Take
a small cupful of the cream from the top of the morning's milk, heat
it until it comes to a boil, then stir into it the whites of two eggs
beaten light, also a tablespoonful of white sugar and a teaspoonful
of cornstarch wet in cold milk. Boil all together a few moments until
quite smooth; set it aside and when cool pour it into the pie through
the slit in the crust. Serve it cold with powdered sugar sifted over
blackberry and
whortleberry may be made the same.
Top and tail the gooseberries.
Put into a porcelain kettle with enough water to prevent burning and
stew slowly until they break. Take them off, sweeten well and set
aside to cool. When cold pour into pastry shells and bake with a top
crust of puff paste. Brush all over with beaten egg while hot, set
back in the oven to glaze for three minutes. Eat cold.
Sense in the
TAKE three cocoanuts, the meats
grated, the yolks of five eggs, half a cupful of white sugar, season,
a wine-glass of milk; put the butter in cold and bake in a nice puff
FOUR eggs, whites and yolks,
one-half cake of Baker's chocolate, grated, one tablespoonful of
cornstarch, dissolved in water, three tablespoonfuls of milk, four of
white sugar, two teaspoonfuls of vanilla, one salt-spoonful of salt,
one-half teaspoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of butter, melted;
rub the chocolate smooth in the milk and heat to boiling over the
fire, then stir in the cornstarch. Stir five minutes until well
thickened, remove from the fire and pour into a bowl. Beat all the
yolks and the whites of two eggs well with the sugar, and when the
chocolate mixture is almost cold, put all together with the flavoring
and stir until light. Bake in open shells of pastry. When done, cover
with a meringue made of the whites of two eggs and two tablespoonfuls
of sugar flavored with a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Eat cold.
are nice for tea, baked in
Sense in the
TAKE one cupful of sour milk,
one of sweet milk, a tablespoonful of melted butter, the yolks of
four eggs, juice and rind of one lemon and a small cupful of white
pounded sugar. Put both kinds of milk together in a vessel, which is
set in another and let it become sufficiently heated to set the curd,
then strain off the milk, rub the curd through a strainer, add butter
to the curd, the sugar, well-beaten eggs and lemon. Line the little
pans with the richest of puff paste and fill with the mixture; bake
until firm in the centre, from ten to fifteen minutes.
SIFT together a heaping
teaspoonful of baking powder and a pint of flour; add a piece of
butter as large as a walnut, a pinch of salt, one beaten egg and
sweet milk enough to make a soft dough. Roll it out half an inch
thick; butter a square biscuit tin and cover the bottom and sides
with the dough; fill the pan with quartered juicy apples, sprinkle
with a little cinnamon and molasses. Bake in rather quick oven until
the crust and apples are cooked a light brown. Sprinkle a little
sugar over the top five minutes before removing from the oven.
peaches are fine used in
the same manner.
PARE, quarter, core and boil in
half a cupful of water, until quite soft, ten large, tart apples;
beat until very smooth and add the yolks of six eggs, or three whole
ones, the juice and grated outside rind of two lemons, half a cup of
butter, one and a half of sugar (or more, if not sufficiently sweet);
beat all thoroughly, line patty-pans with a puff paste and fill; bake
five minutes in a hot oven.
If desired very nice,
cover them when removed from the oven with the meringue made of the
whites of three eggs remaining, mixed with three tablespoonfuls of
sugar; return to the oven and delicately brown.
MAKE a rich, brittle crust, with
which cover your patty-pans, smoothing off: the edges nicely and bake
well. While these "shells" are cooling, take one teacupful
(more or less according to the number of tarts you want) of perfectly
sweet and fresh cream, skimmed free of milk; put this into a large
bowl or other deep dish, and with your egg-beater whip it to a thick,
stiff froth; add a heaping tablespoonful of fine white sugar, with a
teaspoonful (a small one) of lemon or vanilla. Fill the cold shells
with this and set in a cool place till tea is ready.
TIME to bake until paste loosens
from the dish. Line shallow tin dish with puff paste, put in the jam,
roll out some of the paste, wet it lightly with the yolk of an egg
beaten with a little milk, and a tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Cut
it in narrow strips, then lay them across the tart, lay another strip
around the edge, trim off outside, and bake in a quick oven.
PEEL and grate one cocoanut;
boil one pound of sugar fifteen minutes in two-thirds of a pint of
water; stir in the grated cocoanut and boil fifteen minutes longer.
While warm, stir in a quarter of a pound of butter; add the yolks of
seven eggs well beaten. Bake in pattypans with rich paste. If
prepared cocoanut is used, take one and a half coffeecupfuls. Fine.