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to Each Other:
The Civil War
Correspondence of
Fanny and Frank Hall.
update: 1/7/2018]
Civil War Correspondence:
Frances (Webb) Hall, was the
grand-daughter of Henry Delord, a French
who settled in the newly settled town of Plattsburgh, NY in the late
He was instrumental in financing the American cause in
northern NY
during the War of 1812, losing nearly everything when Congress refused
reimburse him and his partner after the war. His only child,
Delord married Henry Webb of Wethersfield, Ct. and died soon after
birth to Frances (Fanny) Webb.
Frances Webb married Francis
Bloodgood Hall in 1856. They
were the
last generation to live at the House in Plattsburgh. After the Civil
Francis Hall became the minister of the Presbyterian Church in
and by the late 1800s had broken away and started his own church (the
Presbyterian Church). Frances (Fanny) Hall went on to train
as a doctor, aiding the poor in the area. By the late 1800s, she had
an old outbuilding next to the House to start the Cumberland Bay Works,
manufactured a special salve based upon one of Fanny's original
These Civil War Letters cover the
early years of their lives together,
both Fanny and Frank were finding out who they were, at a time of
and personal upheaval. Frank Hall struggled with his choice
of calling,
ministering to the soldiers of the 16th Regt. NYSV, or return to
and take up his first real ministry. For Fanny Hall, she
would have
to struggle with life on the 'home front', with few skills to prepare
for life without a husband around. As the letters indicate,
Fanny had
to learn how to sign a bank check and pay bills, as well as run a
and nurse her elderly grandmother (Betsey Delord Swetland) and
(William Swetland). Oddly enough, Fanny refers to herself as
'Dr. Fanny
Hall' at one point in the letters, referring to herself in this role
to the care she was providing for the grandparents. It would
the Civil War affected not only Frank, but Fanny as well, helping to
the groundwork of her medical work in later life.
One important note: Francis
Bloodgood Hall was one of the first
to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery at the
of Salem Heights, VA., (Chancellorville, May 1-3, 1863). The citation
"For voluntarily exposing himself to a heavy fire during the thickest
the fight, and carrying wounded men to the rear for treatment and
Salem Heights, Virginia, May 3, 1863."1
Hall's citation. As quoted in: Henry Delord and His Family.
Allan S. Everest.
Plattsburgh, NY: The
Kent-Delord House Museum. 1979.
(Both editions are
available from the Kent-Delord
House Museum, 17 Cumberland Avenue, Plattsburgh, NY, 12901)
Delord and His Family. Allan S. Everest.
Plattsburgh, NY: The Kent-Delord House Museum. 1979.
Love and
Duty: Letters and Diaries of the
Delord-Webb Women, 1794-1913. Virginia Mason Burdick.
Plattsburgh, NY:
Wiki Publications. 1987.
For more information,
please see The Kent-Delord House
Museum website, regarding the Museum and three-generation
family history.
The Journals and
Letters: Most of this material was transcribed
in the early 1990's, while I was the director of the Kent-Delord House
with the assistance of volunteers from the Museum. To
understand the
difficulty of transcription, I have attached a sample of one of Frank
letters to Fanny Hall during the Civil War:
The highlighted area reads: "...I
know own dear one don't sit up late.
you not go to bed by ten o'clock or thereabouts as I am confident that
& I need sleep more;..." This gives a small taste of
the problems
of transcription of hundreds of pages of letters from Fanny and Frank.
Punctuation was rare in these letters, and to make the
understandable I have had to add punctuation where necessary.
The words,
however, are complete with their own words kept intact and unedited.
To see the full letter/journal,
click on the date of the
Please Note: This is a
work in progress. There are a number
of letters
(mainly from Fanny Hall and from Frank Hall's family) that remain to be
translated. These should be completed by the spring of 2002
and items
added after the initial publication of the letters in September, 2001,
be denoted by a NEW
December 3, 1862.
Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall, From Willard's Hotel, Washington, D.C.
"When I left you, John
hurried down to the cars reaching there just in time. At first I could
not get a seat, so I camped out in the aisle, setting on my bag. But
soon a gentleman left his seat to go into the sleeping car & I
took his. I felt pretty tired so I was right glad to get it. Reached
New York about 1/2 past five or six, went right down to Astor house,
took breakfast & tried to get a poncho but no stores open..."
December 3, 1862.
Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. From Willard's Hotel, Washington, D.C.
"In the bridge they have two doors
they can shut to with musket holes or loop holes to fire through
& at the other end they have two cannon looking hard nearby so
as to sweep right through the whole length of the bridge if needful..."
December 9, 1862. Journal
1: Camp on Belle Plain, VA. 16th Regiment,
"I am sitting in a tent
before a huge fire of logs, and the high full moon is shining directly
in front of the door and over the woods where the regiment is encamped.
The camp fires are everywhere burning in front of me among the trees
and among the cracklings of the flames of the hum of the camp. Just at
this moment away off in the distance I hear some one whistling "dixie."
And near, another one has just past the tent door whistling the same
tune. A huge plain intervenes between us and the Potomac & we
are spread out in the woods just above it with many other regiments
around us. The axes are almost continually sounding & there
goes a tree just falling...."
December 11, 1862(a). Letter
from Fanny to Frank Hall, from Hartford, Ct.
"Oh, my heart goes out to
you in deep, earnest love. If I could be assured you were safe and well
I should think I could safely feel you were happy to in the performance
of your duties for I know you enter into it all with a full, warm
heart. Oh, how I wish I could in any way help you in the work. Can I? I
imagine you engaged here and there doing all you can. The excitement
must be fearful. Oh that you may be kept in the path of duty through
all. And it must need a great deal of grace and strength to do it, I am
sure. But he is faithful who hath promised...."
11, 1862(b). Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Hartford, Ct.
"Here it is, the 1l and
yours from Washington was the 8? I know, my husband, it is from no
fault of yours, no neglect. For ten years, I have
whenever we have been separated, had letters every day or other one, so
I have not a shadow of a doubt if you are able to have written, I know
you would make every effort rather than not, but then if the mails keep
the letters from me, it is not to be wondered at that I am troubled...."
12, 1862. Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Hartford, Ct.
"Have you a good servant?
Horse? Are you in any way comfortable? Oh, what a pressure of questions
come to me. Your time, I know, will be constantly occupied, but if you
can find time only for a short letter, write and tell me just how you
are, physically & mentally. A few words and wifey knows that
your duties must be great and oh, how earnestly I pray that you may be
guided and protected in them all...."
15, 1862. Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Hartford, Ct.
"Those three words, "I am well,"
nobody in the wide world can estimate the comfort of true circumstances
as we are. And my own one, now where are you? I so fearfully fear that
in your utter forgetfulness of your own self, you will in some way
expose yourself when you should not, Oh, think of your duty. Remember
wifey all alone at home and
take every precaution that you can. The sixth commandment means a great
December 16, 1862.
Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from Hartford, Ct.
" I do
not mean to doubt your love, but there it is hardly possible to realize
how a wife's heart is wrapped up in her husband. There has been so much
danger, so much exposure. I fear that I do not know what
to do. All I can do is pray for you, my husband, oh, how earnestly, how
fervently, that you may be guided & protected and kept from
harm. And be strengthened for your duties and be spared. Do you know my
heart, my husband?"
18, 1862. Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Hartford, Ct.
"I do not want to be too
persistent, but if you catch a chance to send an envelope and can write
on the inside how you are, it would be such an unspeakable comfort.
Cannot I come down & be with you and help you? Oh, do say yes,
if you can, deary."
22, 1862. Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Hartford, Ct.
"Dear hubbie, I must tell
you that Saturday the news of secretary Seward's resignation and his
outcome so that troubled me more than a little; what a selfish mortal.
Remember dearest and send some one on for me if you are sick or
injured, telegraph & write too, but do not trust only to that
send some one, will you remember & give me your promise that
you will, my husband. It will be such a comfort to me."
22, 1862. Journal 2: Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va. 16th Regiment, N.Y.S.Volunteers.
"...Then I find another
who also was dying with whom I did the same & in the room were
two rebel officers, a Col. & a Captain. The Captain was a very
fine looking young man & a cousin of ours,
a van Vetterburgh, his father having removed to Georgia from Albany. I
was polite, but dodged more than civility & past on. Then I saw
a dying Liut. of our army & next a soldier bending over the
body of his dying brother, just in the last gasps - had met the men
bringing him on a stretcher. He was unconscious. The poor man grieved
greatly. I conversed with him & then helped him to draw a ring
off of the dying man's hand. Says he, "I am not strong enough, will you
not help me." I took soap & removed it in that way, one of the
nurses telling me so to do & handing me a piece. It was hard to
go but my place was with my regiment...."
December 25, 1862. Letter
from Fanny to Frank Hall, from Hartford, Ct.
"Now, I wrote some time
ago, begging you to tell me how to endorse over that check (V.R.'s) to
y[ou]r account at the bank and then, dear hubbie, will you please send
me some checks. It is the sweetest way for me, I want it so. Don't send
any very large sum, or anyhow if you like the plan, I will send you on
the amount of any bills and you can send on the check. But you may deem
it best to send the checks to me for my endorsement. Just as hubbie
thinks best, but I meant do not send on checks for too much. Comprenez
25, 1862. Journal 3:
Camp Near White Oak Church, Va. 16th Regiment, N.Y.S.Volunteers.
"At last we reached Aquia
Creek landing, the most inhospitable place possible, docks made of wood
in the midst of a marsh & shanties upon it; all along the way
down smokey cabins of duty soldiers
on guard & not on guard, crawling in & out of their lice
breeding huts by the way side, and the most villainous, bare
faced, revolting profanity I have ever heard. It seemed to me here as
if little puny men shook their fists right against heaven &
rolled out wherever acting without sense or reason
or provocation in the very face of the Almighty..."
27, 1862. Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Hartford, Connecticut.
"Dear hubbie, I must hurry
and finish my letter so as to have it go this morning. Lottie &
Annie are both in my room, so that my advantages for writing are not
very good. Dearest one, I hope I've not written wrongfully but my heart
was heavy last night and I cannot but feel troubled. You must put it
all on my deep love for you, my own one. I am watching and waiting for
the treat of your letter, journal letter, but I can't believe, Franky,
you know how I long to know more fully of your employments..."
29, 1862. Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Own dear wify, oh how
sweet your letter was to me, this morning & all the time. Would
you have loved to have seen hubby reading it. Well now in a din, a row
of four wall tents (no the Col's tent down for the
present) & two A tents in a line facing toward the south
& in the bright sun light about 10 o'clock in the morning in
this order, the Dr.'s, the Col.'s, the Adjutant's & c &
then beyond a parade ground sloping down toward the south, the
encampment of the Regt. & a Woods pretty
near all round. Then imagine hubby standing by a pile of baggage
& blankets in front of where the Col's tent is being framed,
reading Wify's letter...."
January 14, 1863.
Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Our tent is very
comfortable, fireplace, bed steads. Mine is over the Major's. We don't
sleep on the ground now & we do sleep so soundly. I don't want
to get up in the morning...."
15, 1863. Letter from Fanny to Frank Hall, from
Plattsburgh, NY.
"Tell me, own one, do I
write too long letters. I wish there was more of interest for me to
write & cheer you but news is something we do not possess here.
Oh yes, I can tell you about Mr. Myers; he has had a hard time with an
infected toe nail and Michael has been quite ill with some hard tonsil
neuralgia. I think Mrs. M. appears very well indeed for, you remember,
has gone to Memphis, for the present at least. I've not yet had an
opportunity to call there."
20, 1863. Journal 4:
Camp Near White Oak Church, Va. 16th Regiment, N.Y.S.Volunteers.
"Morning of the 21st: Oh,
what a night last night was. I slept pretty sound but waked up several
times. Suddenly, there came a cry of "To Arms, To Arms." Oh! how we
jumped. I thought it was the Major I followed & oh what
confusion and tramping & pulling. There was a perfect uproar
when suddenly I found myself laying on my back under blankets staring
at the fire at my feet. It was a dream & the water was coming
down in a little stream through an opening in the two India Rubber
blankets. The Major slept very little & the Col. soon woke with
a groan, saying "This is the roughest night I ever knew." He waked
coughing & saying & 'I have been all over the world
& home six months sick in my dreams.'..."
January 23, 1863. Journal
5: Camp Near White Oak Church, Va. 16th Regiment,
"Our boys have stacked
arms & the Major thinks we are going to pull pontoons out of
the mud. It is beautiful country around & you would have been
delighted with the walk the Major & I took yesterday down a
beautiful ravine, very romantic & picturesque, leading down to
the river. It is probable that the military movement was abandoned on
account of the mud & that we will go back to camp near White
Oak Church. The old camp. There goes a pontoon drawn by nearly one
hundred men. Coats got corn for the horses last night from a mill
January 26, 1863. Letter
from Fanny to Frank Hall, from Plattsburgh, NY.
"Capt. Wood, dearest, told
me you had talked of having me with you. Do you know at all what a
comfort that was to me. You had not written about & oh it made
my heart well up within me, my conversation with him. He will tell you
all about it. Oh how kind & considerate he was. He said he
would take me on, but of course the reputed move renders that an
impossibility, You cannot think how much good it did my heart to know
you had thought and talked about it. I am sure it would not be wise
now. I shall think & pray as ever for you only more
January 26, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Here we are back again.
The expedition has failed entirely. We have had a very eventful time
& I have prepared for you a Journal of about 40 sheets, 160
pages & will send it off as soon as possible, There have been
no mail facilities during our marches. We have received our mail but
not yet sent any. Your dear letters have come, dear wify. You ask, have
I forgotten you? Oh, my own one how could you feel so? If you could
have been with own hubby & have known his constant thoughts of
you. All the way he has written to you in sun shine and in rain, in mud
& hail. You would know differently, but I think own Fanny Fan
knows differently now...."
2, 1863. Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Yesterday we had our
usual service. The troops turning out & forming on three sides
of a square & I think God seemed to help me even more than ever
before & we had likewise a most excellent choir of voices
formed of officers & soldiers standing at my left. (Pliny Moore
was one) & all went off sweetly, occupying in all about 1/2
hour. Service at 12 o'clock. A little after 2 o'clock I went over to
Chaplain Adams service with the 5th Maine & then in the evening
our usual meeting in the hospital tent...."
February 6, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Yes dear Wify, use our
journal just as you want to: what I meant was that we would not want
any feeling about us like what we had about Henry Clay Trumble, but
possibly our Plattsburgh friends, knowing that all of us boys down here
were piled in together sharing the same might not give any room for
such feeling as people in Hartford might have had. Any way possibly it
will not be well to say much about hubby's exposures, but wify I leave
it all for you to judge of it, do just what you think best. If you
think it will be well, do so my own one. Do just what you think
& Judge to be right. Read aloud just what portions of all or
any letter you desire. I only care for your sake & I know you
will judge rightly...."
February 9, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Here we are yet in the
same place. Hubby is all well & all is well. Yesterday was so
muddy on the Parade Ground, that I had services in the quarters, taking
two companies at a time, and service in the evening in the quarters. So
I preached six sermons. But as the services were short ones, I went
through very well & the men helped me in the singing."
12, 1863. Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va.
"I want to give wify
twenty eight kisses for yesterday & then just as many more as I
can, Own dear one. It came to me like a flash yesterday that it was
wify's birthday, but it was after the mail had gone. I try &
send a letter every mail but sometimes I miss, as they are not very
regular about taking it & it goes off often before I think it
is going...."
February 21, 1863. Letter
from Fanny to Frank Hall, from Plattsburgh, NY.
"Dearly as I love my own
one & anxious as I am for letters, I really was a bit troubled
to find that it seemed to be from you, for it renders Mr. Myers not
having any all the stronger & I am questioned so closely. I do
not know what to do. Well, one is just a line, date 16, saying "all
well, mail going". The other from Catherine outside, and Frank Hall,
sure as fate, you have directed my birthday letter to me at Hartford.
What in the world is the matter with you? That is being absent minded,
with a witness. And as it came as a soldiers letter you must be minus
post office stamps. Well, well, what has possessed you? The Maj. Col.
projecting you into the five footer must have effected your brain. What
a Franky...."
February 21, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"If you could see hubby
just as it is down here, you would not be otherwise than able to see
him it is. Love own hubby & tell me just exactly what you think
about my letter. Pray for me & love me dearly. I must put this
in the mail. Own dear loving hubby...."
February 23, 1863. Journal
6: Camp Near White Oak Church, Va. 16th Regiment,
"Sabbath evening we had
our meeting at night in the Hospital Steward's tent. The Hospital
steward has a little mess dog that is a good friend of mine. I go in
there frequently to pat him; he is so companionable. The Steward lately
has had a fireplace built & it is amusing to see the little dog
enjoy it. He comes & sits up right before it & keeps
looking at the fire. The other night I had a funny time in the
Steward's tent, when there in came an old pioneer of the Regt., by the
name of Averill, with a tremendous black beard & mustache that
they call Cyclops. He goes by that name among the boys because they say
he sits down before a great kettle of beans & downs them
March 3, 1863. Journal
7: Camp Near White Oak Church, Va. 16th Regiment,
"...We could see quite
distinctly the monument of Washington's mother in
the cemetery above the city. We saw a rebel regiment marching through
the town; how they looked - butternut uniforms & a rag for
their colors. Officers seemed to be riding here & there
& waggons going about. Soon we rode off towards Falmouth R.R.
Station, expecting to meet Mr. Seaver there. A horse of one of Gen.
Couch's aids, tied at the Lacy house, just then escaped & the
Col. took means to have him sent back, stopping a man who was gobbling
him up & taking him off & telling him to wait for the
orderly who was coming after the horse. The word "gobbling up" is used
very generally here. If a thing has been carried off, it has been
gobbled up, they say...."
9, 1863. Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va.
"It is a beautiful day
today. The regiment has been having a two hours drill from 2 to 4
o'clock & they look well, the old battered colors were unfurled
to the height & all looked very well. In the midst of the
drill, Preston King arrived, the ex N.Y. Senator,
He is a very large fat man. The Quartermaster brought him up from
Falmouth in an ambulance...."
March 10, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"There go heavy army
waggons rumbling by & there goes the rattle of a neighboring
regiment's drum corps, We will have no parade this afternoon, it is so
unpleasant. We have nothing but drum corps, you know, for music now
& we hear it for revellry guarde, most parade & all
instead of a band. However we have lately purchased the instruments for
a Brigade band that is for the 5th regiments that compose our Brigade,
the 96th Peru V., 121st N.Y., 27th N.Y., 5th Maine & 16th N.Y.
But the band is not yet organized...."
March 25, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Well we took breakfast.
Then at the conclusion of breakfast Col. Seavet said "Mr. Barber. I am
going to take the liberty to answer a question for Mr. Hall. Tell your
people Mr. Hall thinks he can not come now but in June probably he may
not be needed here & that he would therefore like time to
consider the matter" Mr. Barber was going to leave Just after
breakfast. Col. Palmer said, "Why, the people carl get someone to
supply the Pulpit till Mr. Hall can come," "No" said I playfully, as
they had, "No Mr. Barber, Mr. Meyers has intended that the church will
be injured by duty, Don't let me for an instant influence the
committee. Give my answer that I am sorry but I can not come.
I would love to go but can not, my duty is here," or something to that
26, 1863. Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Dear Sir - Mr. Barber has delivered
to me your favor of the 17th and stated that the committee of the
church of Plattsburgh desired him to extend to me an invitation to come
for a time & labor there.
It appears from
your letter that you deem it to be indispensable for the welfare of the
church that some suitable person should be obtained immediately...."
April 11, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"The day is delightful.
The wind is pleasantly flapping the tent. The Jersey band back of it
has just finished a delightful air. On the hill in front, to the left
of the camp, the boys are playing a game of ball & a few men
are to be seen in camp who are excused from picket. Two are washing
& are carrying a pan down one of the streets. A little
Contraband over by one of the officer's tents has just been having a
tussle with one of the soldiers. Heavy guns are firing, off some
April 22, 1863. Letter
from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp Near White Oak Church, Va.
"I am very very well. Have
received your dear letter with Ed B.'s letter in & send these
few lines to go by the mail...."
1, 1863. Letter from Frank to Fanny Hall. Camp
Near White Oak Church, Va.
"Camped at the very banks
of the Rappahannock. Washed in it this morning, own dear wify. All
well. I am very well, had a splendid sleep last night. Plin Moore
& I measure the distance across with a comb, taking the angle
& the altitude for the water & c. & c. Good