NCE upon a time there lived a king, who had three
beautiful daughters,
the youngest of whom, named Miranda, was the most amiable, and the
favourite of
her father. The king being a very superstitious person, and one who had
faith in dreams, desired his daughters one evening to tell him what
they had
dreamed on the preceding night. The eldest said that she had dreamed
that he
gave her a gown, the gold and jewels of which were brighter than the
sun; the
second said she dreamed he had bought her a golden spinning-wheel and
for her to spin herself some linen; and the youngest said her dream
was, that
he had given her second sister in marriage, and on the wedding-day had
held a
golden basin, and said, ‘Come, Miranda, come and wash.’ The king was so
disturbed by this last dream, that he went immediately and threw
himself on his
bed, tormented with the thought that it foreboded the loss of his
crown. Nay,
he wrought himself up to such a pitch with this suspicion, that cruelty
the place of affection, and he determined to have his once darling
despatched out of the way. For this purpose he commanded the captain of
guards to carry her into the forest, and kill her; and, that he might
be sure
of its being done, he ordered the officer to bring her heart and tongue
to the
palace, threatening him with the most cruel death in case of
disobedience to
this injunction. The captain, with much sorrow, went at an early hour
to the
princess’s apartment, telling her the king had sent him for her. She
immediately and followed him, accompanied by a little Moor, called
who held up her train; also by a young ape, named Grabugeon, and a
little dog
called Tintin, which ran by her side.
Not finding the
king in the garden, where the captain said he was taking the fresh air,
pretended he had gone into the forest, and said they must follow him
But as they were passing on, and the sun arose, the princess observed
that her
conductor was weeping, and with the utmost sweetness asked him the
cause of his
being so afflicted. ‘Alas,
madam!’ he
exclaimed, ‘how can I be otherwise? The king has ordered me to kill
you, and to
carry him your heart and tongue, upon pain of being put to a cruel
myself.’ The innocent princess turned pale at this sad intelligence,
and said,
fixing her eyes on the captain, ‘Are you hard-hearted enough to kill
me, who
never did you an injury in my life, but always spoke to the king in
favour?’ — ‘Fear not, fair princess,’ rejoined the officer; ‘I will
suffer the death I am threatened with, than be guilty of so barbarous
action. But cannot we find out some way to persuade the king you are
dead?’ —
‘What way can we find out,’ inquired Miranda, ‘since he will not be
unless he sees my tongue and heart?’ At these words the little Moor,
who was
affectionately attached to the princess, came and threw herself at
feet, saying, ‘Dear madam, let me be the sacrifice; I shall be but too
happy in
dying to preserve so good a mistress.’ — ‘No,’ said the princess
kissing her;
‘your life ought now to be as dear to me as my own.’ Her young ape,
next advanced, and said, ‘Truly, my princess, your slave Patypata may
be more
serviceable to you than I can; therefore I offer you my heart and
tongue with
cheerfulness.’ — ‘Oh! my pretty Grabugeon,’ returned Miranda, ‘I cannot
the thought of taking your life away.’ Her faithful little dog Tintin
cried out, that he could not bear the thought of any one but himself
dying for
his beloved mistress. In short, after a long dispute between Patypata,
Grabugeon, and Tintin, which of them should suffer death instead of the
princess, Grabugeon nimbly climbed up to the top of a tree, and
himself down, broke his neck. The captain of the guard, with much
got leave of the princess to cut out his tongue; but it proved too
small to
venture to cheat the king with.
my poor
little ape,’ said the princess, ‘thou hast lost thy
life without doing me any
service!’ — ‘That honour,’
interrupted the Moor, ‘is reserved for me;’ and
instantly cut her throat with the knife which had taken out
Grabugeon’s tongue.
But here the intended service failed again, as the poor
Moor’s tongue was too
black to pass for Miranda’s. The princess bursting into
bitter lamentation for
the loss of the Moor and the ape, her little dog Tintin exclaimed,
‘If you had
accepted of my offer, there would have been none to regret but myself,
and real
service had been done you.’ Miranda, however, was by this
time so completely
overpowered with grief, that she fainted away; and when she came to
she found the captain gone, and the little dog lying dead by the side
of the
ape and the Moor. Having buried her three favourites in a hole under a
she began to think of her own safety; and, as the forest was not far
from her
father’s court, she travelled, for fear of being discovered,
till she was
almost ready to expire with weariness. At last hearing the bleating of
she supposed she drew near some shepherds with their flocks, and
exerted all
her strength to reach the place, in hopes of finding some relief. But
how great
was her surprise, when she came to a spacious plain, to see a large
ram, as
white as snow, with gilded horns, a garland of flowers about his neck,
and his
legs adorned with bracelets of pearl, of a prodigious size, lying on
flowers, and shaded from the heat of the sun by a pavilion of cloth of
gold! A
hindred sheep, richly adorned, were in waiting upon him; some regaling
themselves with the choicest herbage, while others diverted themselves
play. Miranda became motionless with astonishment, and looked about for
shepherd of so extraordinary a flock; when the beautiful Ram, bounding
skipping, came up and said, ‘Approach, lovely princess, and
be not afraid of
such gentle creatures as we are.’ —
‘What!’ exclaimed the princess, stepping
back, ‘is it possible that sheep can speak?’
— ‘Alas! madam,’ resumed the Ram,
‘your ape and dog spoke by gift of a fairy, and why may not
the same happen to
sheep? Be not surprised, therefore; but tell me, what has brought you
— ‘A thousand misfortunes,’ answered
Miranda; ‘I seek shelter from the rage of
a cruel father.’ — ‘Come then with me,
madam,’ rejoined the Ram, ‘and I will
conduct you to a place where you shall be secure from discovery, and be
absolute mistress.’ The Ram then ordered his chariot, which
proved to be a
gourd-shell, large enough to hold two persons with ease, and lined with
which was drawn by six goats. The princess placed herself in it,
admiring the
novelty of such an equipage; and the Ram got in after her, and drove to
cavern’s mouth, which, though stopped by a large stone,
opened on the Ram’s
touching it with his foot.
descended a very numerous flight of steps, was exceedingly surprised to
a vast plain enamelled with flowers, in the midst of which were
fountains of
wine and other exquisite liquors, forming cascades and pleasant purling
Here and there clumps of trees formed an habitation for a variety of
birds and fowls; and in other parts the air was darkened with showers
biscuits, tarts, cheesecakes, and all manner of sweetmeats; in short,
there was
every necessary of life, besides great plenty of gold and silver coin,
and diamonds. The princely Ram told Miranda that he had reigned here
years, and had sufficient cause for grief; but that he refrained, being
unwilling to renew her misfortunes. To which the princess courteously
that she could not sufficiently express her acknowledgment of the
kindness of
his treatment; but, every thing seeming uncommonly strange to her, she
be glad to hear some particulars of his history. The gentle Ram, after
endeavouring to remove every uneasiness that remained in the mind of
complied, and related as follows: — ‘Born and
educated as a prince, I came into
the possession of one of the most beautiful kingdoms in the world, and
beloved by my subjects and revered by foreigners. Being extremely fond
hunting, as I was one day pursuing a stag, he took to a pond, into
which I very
imprudently plunged my horse after him. Instead of finding the water
cold, I
found it extraordinarily hot; and the pond becoming dry all of a
sudden, there
issued out of a cliff a terrible fire, and I fell to the bottom from
off a
precipice, where I could see nothing but flames; at the same time I
heard a
voice exclaim: ‘They must be fiercer flames that can warm thy
heart, ungrateful
man!’ — ‘Alas!’ cried I,
‘who complains of my coldness?’ —
‘An unfortunate
wretch,’ returned the voice, who adores you without
hope.’ The fire then
disappeared, and I saw a frightful fairy, whom I had known from my
‘What!’ cried I, ‘Ragotte, was all this
done by your orders?’ — ‘By whose orders
else, do you think?’ said she: ‘have you never
known my sentiments till now?
Consider how low I stoop, and remember, it is a fairy who addresses
you.’ —
‘But what do you ask?’ inquired I; ‘is it
my crown, my cities, or my treasure?’
— ‘Neither,’ answered she, somewhat
disdainfully; ‘but I ask your heart. Ah!
grant me your affection, let me be your beloved Ragotte,
and,’ added she,
contracting her mouth to look the more agreeable, and rolling her eyes
‘I will give you twenty kingdoms beside your own, a hundred
towers of gold,
five hundred filled with silver, and every thing else you can possibly
In this dilemma I knew not how to act, but resolved to dissemble; and,
pretending a regard for her, begged she would restore me to liberty,
when I
would endeavour to please her. But this gave her such offence, that she
me a traitor, and very angrily told me, I should stay and keep her
sheep She
after-wards brought me into this plain, and showed me her flock; but
all my
regard was taken up by a young slave of incomparable beauty, who was
with chains of gold. My eyes betrayed me; which the cruel Ragotte
flew upon the unfortunate female, and deprived her of life, by stabbing
her in
the eye with a bodkin. At this shocking sight, I clapped my hand upon
my sword,
and was going to make an instant sacrifice of Ragotte, when, by her
arts, she rendered me motionless, and with an ironical smile said:
‘I will make
you feel my power: you are at present as a lion, but shall ere long
become a
sheep, and continue so for five years.’ Then, touching me
with her wand, I
became such as you now see me, retaining my speech; and she presently
disappeared. The sheep she spoke of acknowledge me for their king, and
comfort them under their several misfortunes, which are in some
respects like
my own.’ Miranda was so forcibly struck with the remarkable
history of the Ram,
that she could not tell what reply to make: however, paying him some
civilities, she congratulated him upon the prospect of soon recovering
former shape and liberty. Indeed the royal Ram, who was passionately in
with Miranda, had made such an impression upon her mind by his wit and
delicacy, that she began to feel a tender regard for him, especially
when she
considered that he was a king who would soon be restored to his throne.
the princess passed many days in sweet anticipation of a more happy
fate; while
the Ram, who completely idolized her, made a variety of entertainments,
and did
every thing in his power to divert her. It is natural to suppose that
the royal
Ram was very fond of news, the best of which was constantly brought him
by his
courtiers. One evening they informed him that the eldest sister of the
Miranda was going to marry a great prince, and that great preparations
making for the nuptials. Miranda was so vexed at the thought of not
present at so splendid an event, that she could not forbear dropping
expressions of regret, which so affected the royal Ram, that he cried
out in great
anxiety, ‘Madam, why do you complain? you shall have my
consent to go to your
sister’s wedding, if you will but promise me to come back
again; yet I cannot
endure to live without you.’ The princess faithfully gave her
word that nothing
should prevent her return; and accordingly she set off in a chariot of
mother-of-pearl, drawn by six creatures that were half griffins, and
by a very numerous train of officers. With this equipage Miranda
arrived at her
father’s court just as the marriage ceremony was beginning,
when the lustre of
her beauty and jewels surprised the whole assembly. She observed the
king to
look at her with particular attention, which made her fearful of his
and ordering her to be stopped; and therefore, remembering her promise
to the
Ram, who had so kindly treated her, she suddenly stole away before the
was over, in order to repair to him. The king, being very desirous to
know who
she was, appeared quite disappointed when he found she was gone, and
his officers, the next time she came to court, to shut the doors and
her. The royal Ram waited with the utmost impatience for the return of
beloved Miranda; and as soon as he saw her, he ran towards her,
skipping and
bounding, casting himself at her feet, and licking her hands: in short,
he gave
so many tokens of the most passionate fondness for her, that the
princess was
completely charmed with him.
happened, some
time afterwards, that the king married his second daughter, and Miranda
leave to go again. This request touched the royal Ram to the heart, for
he had
a foreboding that she would never return: however, to show his
unfeigned desire
of doing every thing to please the princess, he said: My beloved lady!
consent to your going, though some secret feeling intimates to me that
you will
never return: but if you do not, you shall see your royal Rain expire
at your
feet, since he never can make you a greater sacrifice!’ Miranda assured
him she
would be as punctual in coming back as she had been before, and set off
for her father’s court with the same equipage. As soon as she entered,
was a general shout, and the king immediately gave orders to have the
shut. When the ceremony was over, the princess thought to have retired
as before,
but she found the doors closed; and the king coining up, entreated her
to stay
and honour his court with her presence. He then led her into a very
fine hall,
and held a golden basin full of water for her to wash her hands in.
immediately threw herself at his feet, saying, ‘See, sire, my dream is
fulfilled; — you hold a golden basin, and bid me come and wash at my
sister’s wedding.’ The king immediately recollected the features of
and, shedding tears, cried out, ‘O my dear daughter! forgive the
cruelty of a
father who would have deprived you of life, because he thought your
denoted the loss of his crown; but it shall still be so: both your
sisters have
crowns, and mine shall be yours:’ and with that he put his crown on the
princess’s head, exclaiming, ‘Long life and happiness to the Queen
Time now
rapidly with the princess, whilst the royal Ram waited with the most
eagerness for her return, but in vain. At last, having lost all
patience, he
resolved to venture to the court, where he asked admittance to the
Miranda, but was scornfully refused by the soldiers who kept the gates.
disappointed, his grief vented itself in deep sighs, and, lamenting his
lot, he stretched himself upon the ground, and died, after stating,
with his
last breath, that Miranda’s cruelty had broken his heart. The next day
it was
proposed, after dinner, that the princess should ride in her chariot
all the streets of the city, in order to show herself to the people;
but, alas!
she had no sooner passed out of the gates, than she cast her eyes on
the Ram,
who had so lately expired for her sake. She was instantly seized with
for having neglected him, jumped from her chariot, kissed and bathed
him with
her tears; and, in short, was so overwhelmed with grief, that she fell
into a
succession of fainting-fits, and soon met with the same fate as her
disconsolate lover.
