N the days of King
Alfred, there lived a poor woman, whose cottage was situated in a
country village, a great many miles from London. She had been a widow
years, and had an only child named Jack, whom she indulged to a fault:
consequence of her blind partiality was, that Jack did not pay the
least attention
to any thing she said, but was indolent, careless, and extravagant. His
were not owing to a bad disposition, but that his mother had never
checked him.
By degrees, she disposed of all she possessed — scarcely any thing
remained but
a cow. The poor woman one day met Jack with tears in her eyes; her
distress was
great, and for the first time in her life she could not help
reproaching him,
saying, ‘Oh! you wicked child, by your ungrateful course of life you
have at
last brought me to beggary and ruin. — Cruel, cruel boy! I have not
enough to purchase even a bit of bread for another day — nothing now
remains to
sell but my poor cow! I am sorry to part with her; it grieves me sadly,
but we
must not starve.’ For a few minutes, Jack felt a degree of remorse, but
it was
soon over, and he began teasing his mother to let him sell the cow at
the next
village, so much, that she at last consented. As he was going along, he
met a
butcher, who inquired why he was driving the cow from home? Jack
replied, he
was going to sell it. The butcher held some curious beans in his hat;
they were
of various colors, and attracted Jack’s attention; this did not pass
by the butcher, who, knowing Jack’s easy temper, thought now was the
time to
take an advantage of it; and determined not to let slip so good an
asked what was the price of the cow, offering at the same time all the
beans in
his hat for her. The silly boy could not conceal the pleasure he felt
at what
he supposed so great an offer, the bargain was struck instantly, and
the cow
exchanged for a few paltry beans. Jack made the best of his way home,
aloud to his mother before he reached home, thinking to surprise her.
When she saw the
beans, and heard Jack’s account, her patience quite forsook her: she
kicked the
beans away in a passion — they flew in all directions — some were
scattered in
the garden. Not having any thing to eat, they both went supperless to
bed. Jack
woke early in the morning, and seeing something uncommon from the
window of his
bed-chamber, ran down stairs into the garden, where he soon discovered
some of the beans had taken root, and sprung up surprisingly: the
stalks were
of an immense thickness, and had so entwined, that they formed a ladder
like a chain in appearance. Looking upward, he could not discern the
top, it
appeared to be lost in the clouds: he tried it, found it firm, and not
to be
shaken. He quickly formed the resolution of endeavouring to climb up to
top, in order to seek his fortune, and ran to communicate his intention
to his
mother, not doubting but she would be equally pleased with himself. She
declared he should not go; said it would break her heart if he did —
and threatened — but all in vain. Jack set out, and after climbing for
hours, reached the top of the bean-stalk, fatigued and quite exhausted.
around, he found himself in a strange country; it appeared to be a
quite barren, not a tree, shrub, house, or living creature to be seen;
here and
there were scattered fragments of stone; and at unequal distances,
small heaps
of earth were loosely thrown together.
Jack seated himself
pensively upon a block of stone, and thought of his mother — he
reflected with
sorrow upon his disobedience in climbing the bean-stalk against her
will; and
concluded that he must die with hunger. However he walked on, hoping to
see a
house where he might beg something to eat and drink; presently a
handsome young
woman appeared at a distance: as she approached, Jack could not help
how beautiful and lively she looked; she was dressed in the most
manner, and had a small white wand in her hand, on the top of which was
peacock of pure gold. While Jack was
looking with great surprise at this charming female, she came up to
him, and
with a smile of the most bewitching sweetness, inquired how he came
there. Jack
related the circumstance of the bean-stalk. She asked him if he
recollected his
father; he replied he did not; and added, there must be some mystery
to him, because if he asked his mother who his father was, she always
into tears, and appeared violently agitated, nor did she recover
herself for
some days after; one thing, however, he could not avoid observing upon
occasions, which was, that she always carefully avoided answering him,
and even
seemed afraid of speaking, as if there was some secret connected with
father’s history which she must not disclose. The young woman replied,
‘I will
reveal the whole story; your mother must not. But, before I begin, I
require a
solemn promise on your part to do what I command; I am a fairy, and if
you do
not perform exactly what I desire, you will be destroyed.’ Jack was
at her menaces, but promised to fulfil her injunctions exactly, and the
thus addressed him:
father was a
rich man, his disposition remarkably benevolent: he was very good to
the poor,
and constantly relieving them: he made it a rule never to let a day
without doing good to some person. On one particular day in the week,
he kept
open house, and invited only those who were reduced and had lived well.
He always
himself, and did all in his power to render his guests comfortable; the
and the great were not invited. The servants were all happy, and
attached to their master and mistress. Your father, though only a
gentleman, was as rich as a prince, and he deserved all he possessed,
for he
only lived to do good. Such a man was soon known and talked of. A giant
lived a
great many miles off: this man was altogether as wicked as your father
good; he was in his heart envious, covetous, and cruel; but he had the
art ‘of
concealing those vices. He was poor, and wished to enrich himself at
any rate.
Hearing your father spoken of, he formed the design of becoming
acquainted with
him, hoping to ingratiate himself into your father’s favour. He removed
into your neighbourhood, caused to be reported that he was a gentleman
who had
just lost all he possessed by an earthquake, and found it difficult to
with his life; his wife was with him. Your father gave credit to his
story, and
pitied him; he gave him handsome apartments in his own house, and
caused him
and his wife to be treated like visitors of consequence, little
imagining that
the giant was meditating a horrid return for all his favours.
went on in
this way for some time, the giant becoming daily more impatient to put
his plan
into execution; at last a favourable opportunity presented itself. Your
father’s house was at some distance from the seashore, but with a glass
coast could be seen distinctly. The giant was one day using the
telescope; the
wind was very high; he saw a fleet of ships in distress off the rock;
hastened to your father, mentioned the circumstance. and eagerly
requested he
would send all the servants he could spare to relieve the sufferers.
Every one
was instantly despatched, except the porter and your nurse; the giant
joined your father in the study, and appeared to be delighted — he
really was
so. Your father recommended a favourite book, and was handing it down:
giant took the opportunity, and stabbed him; he instantly fell down
dead. The
giant left the body, found the porter and nurse, and presently
despatched them;
being determined to have no living witnesses of his crimes. You were
then only
three months old; your mother had you in her arms in a remote part of
house, and was ignorant of what was going on; she went into the study,
but how
was she shocked, on discovering your father a corpse, and weltering in
blood! she was stupefied with horror and grief, and was motionless. The
who was seeking her, found her in that state, and hastened to serve her
and you
as he had done her husband, but she fell at his feet, and in a pathetic
besought him to spare your life and hers.
for a
moment, seemed to touch the barbarian’s heart: he granted your lives;
but first
he made her take a most solemn oath, never to inform you who your
father was,
or to answer any questions concerning him: assuring her, that if she
did, he
would certainly discover her, and put both of you to death in the most
manner. Your mother took you in her arms, and fled as quickly as
possible; she
was scarcely gone when the giant repented that he had suffered her to
he would have pursued her instantly; but he had to provide for his own
as it was necessary he should be gone before the servants returned.
gained your father’s confidence, he knew where to find all his
treasure: he
soon loaded himself and his wife, set the house on fire in several
places, and
when the servants returned, the house was burned quite down to the
ground. Your
poor mother, forlorn, abandoned, and forsaken, wandered with you a
great many
miles from this scene of desolation; fear added to her haste; she
settled in
the cottage where you were brought up, and it was entirely owing to her
fear of
the giant, that she never mentioned your father to you. I became your
guardian at his birth; but fairies have laws to which they are subject
as well
as mortals. A short time before the giant went to your father’s, I
transgressed; my punishment was a suspension of power for a limited
time — an
unfortunate circumstance, as it totally prevented my succouring your
The day on
you met the butcher, as you went to sell your mother’s cow, my power
restored. It was I who secretly prompted you to take the beans in
exchange for
the cow. By my power, the bean-stalk grew to so great a height, and
formed a
ladder. I need not add that I inspired you with a strong desire to
ascend the
ladder. The giant lives in this country: you are the person appointed
to punish
him for all his wickedness. You will have dangers and difficulties to
encounter, but you must persevere in avenging the death of your father,
or you
will not prosper in any of your undertakings, but will always be
miserable. As
to the giant’s possessions, you may seize on all you can; for every
thing he
has is yours, though now you are unjustly deprived of it. One thing I
desire —
do not let your mother know you are acquainted with your father’s
history, till
you see me again. Go along the direct road, you will soon see the house
your cruel enemy lives. While you do as I order you, I will protect and
you; but, remember, if you dare disobey my commands, a most dreadful
awaits you.’
the fairy had
concluded, she disappeared, leaving Jack to pursue his journey. He
walked on
till after sunset, when, to his great joy, he espied a large mansion.
agreeable sight revived his drooping spirits; he redoubled his speed,
and soon
reached it. A plain-looking woman was at the door — he accosted her,
she would give him a morsel of bread and a night’s lodging. She
expressed the
greatest surprise at seeing him; and said it was quite uncommon to see
a human
being near their house, for it was well known that her husband was a
large and
very powerful giant, and that he would never eat any thing but human
flesh, if
he could possibly get it; that he did not think any thing of walking
miles to procure it, usually being out the whole day for that purpose.
greatly terrified Jack, but still he hoped to elude the giant, and
therefore he
again entreated the woman to take him in for one night only, and hide
him where
she thought proper. The good woman at last suffered herself to be
for she was of a compassionate and generous disposition, and took him
into the
house. First, they entered a fine large hall, magnificently furnished;
then passed through several spacious rooms, all in the same style of
but they appeared to be quite forsaken and desolate. A long gallery was
it was very dark — just light enough to show that, instead of
a wall on one
side, there was a grating of iron, which parted off a dismal dungeon,
whence issued the groans of those poor victims whom the cruel giant
reserved in
confinement for his own voracious appetite. Poor Jack was half dead
with fear,
and would have given the world to have been with his mother again, for
he now
began to fear that he should never see her more, and gave himself up
for lost;
he even mistrusted the good woman, and thought she had let him into the
for no other purpose than to lock him up among the unfortunate people
in the
dungeon. At the farther end of the gallery there was a spacious
kitchen, and a
very excellent fire was burning in the grate. The good woman bid Jack
sit down,
and gave him plenty to eat and drink. Jack, not seeing any thing here
to make
him uncomfortable, soon forgot his fear, and was just beginning to
himself, when he was aroused by a loud knocking at the street-door,
which made
the whole house shake: the giant’s wife ran to secure him in
the oven, and then
went to let her husband in. Jack heard him accost her in a voice like
saying: ‘Wife, I smell fresh meat.’ —
‘Oh! my dear,’ replied she, ‘it is
nothing but the people in the dungeon.’ The giant appeared to
believe her, and
walked into the very kitchen where poor Jack was concealed, who shook,
trembled, and was more terrified than he had yet been. At last, the
seated himself quietly by the fireside, whilst his wife prepared
supper. By
degrees Jack recovered himself sufficiently to look at the giant
through a
small crevice: he was quite astonished to see what an amazing quantity
devoured, and thought he never would have done eating and drinking.
When supper
was ended, the giant desired his wife to bring him his hen. A very
hen was then brought, and placed on the table before him.
Jack’s curiosity was
very great to see what would happen: he observed that every time the
giant said
‘Lay!’ the hen laid an egg of solid gold. The giant
amused himself a long time
with his hen; meanwhile his wife went to bed. At length the giant fell
by the fire-side, and snored like the roaring of a cannon. At daybreak,
finding the giant still asleep, and not likely to awaken soon, crept
softly out
of his hiding-place, seized the hen, and ran off with her. He met with
difficulty in finding his way out of the house, but at last he reached
the road
with safety: he easily found the way to the bean-stalk, and descended
it better
and quicker than he expected. His mother was overjoyed to see him; he
found her
crying bitterly, and lamenting his hard fate, for she concluded he had
come to
some shocking end through his rashness. Jack was impatient to show his
hen, and
inform his mother how valuable it was. ‘And now,
mother,’ said Jack, ‘I have
brought home that which will quickly make us rich; and I hope to make
you some
amends for the affliction I have caused you through my idleness,
and folly.’ The hen produced as many golden eggs as they
desired: they sold
them, and in a little time became possessed of as much riches as they
For some months Jack and his mother lived very happily together; but he
very desirous of travelling, recollecting the fairy’s
commands, and fearing
that if he delayed, she would put her threats into execution, longed to
the bean-stalk, and pay the giant another visit, in order to carry away
more of his treasures; for, during the time that Jack was in the
mansion, whilst he lay concealed in the oven, he learned from the
that took place between the giant and his wife, that he possessed some
wonderful curiosities. Jack thought of his journey again and again, but
he could not summon resolution enough to break it to his mother, being
assured that she would endeavour to prevent his going. However, one day
he told
her boldly that he must take a journey up the bean-stalk; she begged
and prayed
him not to think of it, and tried all in her power to dissuade him: she
him that the giant’s wife would certainly know him again, and
that the giant
would desire nothing better than to get him into his power, that he
might put
him to a cruel death, in order to be revenged for the loss of his hen.
finding that all his arguments were useless, pretended to give up the
point, though
resolved to go at all events. He had a dress prepared which would
disguise him,
and something to colour his skin: he thought it impossible for any one
recollect him in this dress.
In a few
after this, he arose very early, changed his complexion, and,
unperceived by
any one, climbed the bean-stalk a second time. He was greatly fatigued
when he
reached the top, and very hungry. Having rested some time on one of the
he pursued his journey to the giant’s mansion. He reached it late in
evening: the woman was at the door as before. Jack addressed her, at
the same
time telling her a pitiful tale, and requesting that she would give him
victuals and drink, and also a night’s lodging.
She told
him (what
he knew before very well) about her husband being a powerful and cruel
and also that she one night admitted a poor, hungry, friendless boy,
who was
half dead with travelling; that the little ungrateful fellow had stolen
one of
the giant’s treasures; and, ever since that, her husband had been worse
before, used her very cruelly, and continually upbraided her with being
cause of his misfortune. Jack was at no loss to discover that he was
to the account of a story in which he was the principal actor: he did
his best
to persuade the good woman to admit him, but found it a very hard task.
At last
she consented; and as she led the way, Jack observed that every thing
was just
as he had found it before: she took him into the kitchen, and after he
had done
eating and drinking, she hid him in an old lumber-closet. The giant
returned at
the usual time, and walked in so heavily, that the house was shaken to
foundation. He seated himself by the fire, and soon after exclaimed:
‘Wife! I
smell fresh meat!’ The wife replied, it was the crows, who had brought
a piece
of raw meat, and left it on the top of the house. Whilst supper was
the giant was very ill-tempered and impatient, frequently lifting up
his hand
to strike his wife, for not being quick enough; she, however, was
always so
fortunate as to elude the blow. He was also continually upbraiding her
with the
loss of his wonderful hen. The giant at last having ended his voracious
and eaten till he was quite satisfied, said to his wife: ‘I must have
to amuse me; either my bags of money or my harp.’ After a great deal of
ill-humour, and having teased his wife some time, he commanded her to
down his bags of gold and silver. Jack, as before, peeped out of his
hiding-place, and presently his wife brought two bags into the room:
they were
of a very large size; one was filled with new guineas, and the other
with new
shillings. They were both placed before the giant, who began
reprimanding his
poor wife most severely for staying so long; she replied, trembling
with fear,
that they were so heavy, that she could scarcely lift them; and
concluded, at
last, that she would never again bring them down stairs; adding, that
she had
nearly fainted, owing to their weight. This so exasperated the giant,
that he raised
his hand to strike her; she, however, escaped, and went to bed, leaving
him to
count over his treasure, by way of amusement. The giant took his bags,
after turning them over and over, to see that they were in the same
state as he
left them, began to count their contents. First, the bag which
contained the
silver was emptied, and the contents placed upon the table. Jack viewed
glittering heaps with delight, and most heartily wished them in his own
possession. The giant (little thinking he was so narrowly watched)
reckoned the
silver over several times; and then, having satisfied himself that all
safe, put it into the bag again, which he made very secure. The other
bag was
opened next, and the guineas placed upon the table. If Jack was pleased
at the
sight of the silver, how much more delighted he felt when he saw such a
heap of
glittering gold! He even had the boldness to think of gaining both
bags; but
suddenly recollecting himself, he began to fear that the giant would
sleep, the better to entrap any one who might be concealed. When the
giant had
counted over the gold till he was tired, he put it up, if possible,
more secure
than he had put up the silver before; he then fell back on his chair by
fireside, and fell asleep. He snored so loud, that Jack compared his
noise to
the roaring of the sea in a high wind, when the tide is coming in. At
Jack concluded him to be asleep, and therefore secure, stole out of his
hiding-place, and approached the giant, in order to carry off the two
bags of
money; but just as he laid his hand upon one of the bags, a little dog,
whom he
had not perceived before, started from under the giant’s chair, and
barked at
Jack most furiously, who now gave himself up for lost: fear riveted him
to the
spot. Instead of endeavouring to escape, he stood still, though
expecting his
enemy to awake every instant. Contrary, however, to
his expectation, the giant
continued in a sound sleep, and the dog grew weary of barking. Jack now
to recollect himself, and on looking round, saw a large piece of meat;
this he
threw to the dog, who instantly seized it, and took it into the
which Jack had just left. Finding himself delivered from a noisy and
troublesome enemy, and seeing the giant did not awake, Jack boldly seized the
bags, and throwing them over his shoulders, ran out of the kitchen. He
the street door in safety, and found it quite daylight. In his way to
the top
of the bean-stalk, he found himself greatly incommoded with the weight
of the
money bags; and really they were so heavy that he could scarcely carry
Jack was overjoyed when he found himself near the bean-stalk; he soon
the bottom, and immediately ran to seek his mother; to his great
surprise, the
cottage was deserted; he ran from one room to another, without being
able to
find anyone; he then hastened into the village, hoping to see some of
neighbours, who could inform him where he could find his mother. An old
at last directed him to a neighbouring house, where she was ill of a
fever. He
was greatly shocked on finding her apparently dying, and could scarcely
his own reflections, on knowing himself to be the cause. On being
informed of
our hero’s safe return, his mother, by degrees, revived, and gradually
recovered. Jack presented her with his two valuable bags: they lived
and comfortably; the cottage was rebuilt, and well furnished.
 For three
Jack heard no more of the bean-stalk, but he could not forget it;
though he
feared making his mother unhappy: she would not mention the hated
lest it should remind him of taking another journey. Notwithstanding
comforts Jack enjoyed at home, his mind dwelt continually upon the
for the fairy’s menaces, in case of his disobedience, were ever present
to his
mind, and prevented him from being happy; he could think of nothing
else. It
was in vain endeavouring to amuse himself; he became thoughtful, and
arise at the first dawn of day, and view the bean-stalk for hours
together. His
mother saw that something preyed heavily upon his mind, and endeavoured
discover the cause; but Jack knew too well what the consequence would
should she succeed. He did his utmost, therefore, to conquer the great
he had for another journey up the beanstalk. Finding, however, that his
inclination grew too powerful for him, he began to make secret
preparations for
his journey, and, on the longest day, arose as soon as it was light,
the bean-stalk, and reached the top with some little trouble. He found
road, journey, etc., much as it was on the two former times; he arrived
at the
giant’s mansion in the evening, and found his wife standing, as usual,
at the
door. Jack had disguised himself so completely, that she did not appear
to have
the least recollection of him; however, when he pleaded hunger and
poverty, in
order to gain admittance, he found it very difficult to persuade her.
At last
he prevailed, and was concealed in the copper. When the giant returned,
said, ‘I smell fresh meat!’ But Jack felt quite composed, as he had
said so
before, and had been soon satisfied: however, the giant started up
and, notwithstanding all his wife could say, he searched all round the
 Whilst this
going forward, Jack was exceedingly terrified, and ready to die with
wishing himself at home a thousand times; but when the giant approached
copper, and put his hand upon the lid, Jack thought his death was
certain. The
giant ended his search there, without moving the lid, and seated
quietly by the fireside. This fright nearly overcame poor Jack; he was
of moving or even breathing, lest he should be discovered. The giant at
ate a hearty supper: when he had finished, he commanded his wife to
fetch down his
harp. Jack peeped under the copper-lid, and soon saw the most beautiful
that could be imagined: it was placed by the giant on the table, who
‘Play!’ and it instantly played of its own accord, without being
touched. The
music was uncommonly fine. Jack was delighted, and felt more anxious to
get the
harp into his possession, than either of the former treasures. The
giant’s soul
was not attuned to harmony, and the music soon lulled him into a sound
Now, therefore, was the time to carry off the harp, as the giant
appeared to be
in a more profound sleep than usual. Jack soon determined, got out of
copper, and seized the harp. The harp was enchanted by a fairy: it
called out
loudly — ‘Master! master!’ The giant awoke, stood up, and tried to
pursue Jack;
but he had drank so much, that he could hardly stand. Poor Jack ran as
fast as
he could: in a little time the giant recovered sufficiently to walk
slowly, or
rather, to reel after him: had he been sober, he must have overtaken
instantly; but, as he then was, Jack contrived to be first at the top
of the
bean-stalk. The giant called after him in a voice like thunder, and
was very near him. The moment Jack got down the bean-stalk he called
out for a
hatchet; one was brought him directly; just at that instant, the giant
beginning to descend; but Jack, with his hatchet, cut the bean-stalk
close off
at the root, which made the giant fall headlong into the garden: the
killed him, thereby releasing the world from a barbarous enemy. Jack’s
was delighted when she saw the beanstalk destroyed. At this instant the
appeared: she first addressed Jack’s mother and explained every
relating to the journeys up the bean-stalk. The fairy charged Jack to
dutiful to his mother, and to follow his father’s good example, which
was the
only way to be happy. She then disappeared. Jack heartily begged his
pardon for all the sorrow and affliction he had caused her, promising
faithfully to be very dutiful and obedient to her for the future.
