the home is built, it must be occupied. It is to be used, lived in,
made a part and expression of a family circle. First of all, it must
be furnished, and the taste and thought revealed in this task
determines in no small degree the character it will assume and
impress upon its occupants. It is therefore of the first importance
that the furnishing be done deliberately, step by step, piece by
piece, so that it becomes a growth and expression of the interests
and ideals of the family. The thoughts that I have endeavored to make
clear concerning the building of the home apply equally to its
furnishing. Simplicity, significance, utility, harmony — these are
the watchwords!
the furnishment may better be a matter of deliberate growth rather
than of immediate completion, it by no means follows that the work
should be haphazard and without plan. On the contrary, just as the
painter in creating a picture may not know in advance all the details
and subtleties which he is to embody, but nevertheless has his
general composition and color scheme well in mind, so should he who
fits out a room consider in advance the underlying idea of tone and
form. The first object is to create an atmosphere. How often we enter
an apartment, full of elegant and beautiful things, in which there is
no continuity of idea, no central thought which dominates the place!
And when we come upon some simple room about which there is a sense
of rest and harmony, we do not always stop to analyze the effect to
see how it is produced. We feel that there is an intangible idea back
of all the detail, and it pleases us, although we know not why.
As a
rule it will be found that the harmony of an apartment is determined
by its color scheme. An illustration of a gross violation will serve
to enforce the point. If the window curtains were of so bizarre
and unassorted a character that upon each window hung a drapery of a
different color, some figured, some striped and others plain, even
the most unobservant eye would detect that the room looked absurdly
ill furnished. Upon the substitution, for this motley array of
curtains, of some warm, quiet fabric without ornamentation, an
appearance of harmony would at once seem dawning upon the room. But
if the walls were of white plaster or of some crude figured
wall-paper, the desired unity would be but dimly felt. What a change
is wrought by covering the entire wall-space with a good warm color,
either in harmony with or in judicious contrast to the curtains! It
is the background of the picture, the dominant note of the chord, the
underlying idea of the room, which needs only elaboration and accent
to produce a finished whole.
matter of color scheme is so fundamental to any successful results in
furnishing that it may be well to consider a little more in detail
what colors to use and what to avoid.
definite and final rules can be formulated on this subject, for in
the last analysis taste is the only guide. In general, however, I
should begin by excluding white. A large mass of white on the walls
makes a glare which is extremely fatiguing to the eyes. The light is
too diffused and is far more trying than a blaze of sunlight
streaming through a mass of windows. A similar effect may be noted
out of doors upon a hazy day when the sun is but thinly veiled behind
a white mist. On such occasions the glare is positively painful.
While a large mass of white is thus to be avoided for physiological
reasons, even a small spot of it will often be objectionable from an
artistic point of view. The eye as it ranges freely about the room is
unduly arrested by the bit of white which fails to fit into its
proper relation
with the whole.
How seldom does a painter venture to use untoned white in a picture,
and how carefully he leads up to it when he does introduce it! The
same principle applies to the color scheme of a room. A picture
surrounded by a white mat stands out of all relation to the
environing walls. Indeed, I should use white as part of a decorative
scheme only where the idea of great cleanliness needs emphasis, or in
making a human figure the culminating note in the home picture. A
white spread for the dinner table, setting off the glint of silver
and cut-glass or the color of patterned dishes, has an
appropriateness all its own, especially when the room is artificially
lighted. For breakfast and lunch, during the daylight hours, the bare
wood table, with dishes upon mats, always seems to me more

of Wood with Exterior Open Timber Work
next guiding thought,
although any such may have its exceptions, is that cold colors are to
be avoided and warm tones used instead. Pale blues, grays or greens
are not as a rule cheerful, while buff, brown and red, or
occasionally deep blue or rich green, are full of warmth and
brightness. It is always safe to be conservative in the background
color, and a neutral tone is therefore preferable to a color
aggressively pronounced.
It will
now be apparent
why a wood interior is so satisfactory. The color of the natural
wood, and especially of redwood, makes a warm, rich and yet
sufficiently neutral background for the furniture. Some of our
lighter woods, notably pine and cedar, may be stained or burned to a
dark tone as already specified in the preceding chapter, provided
that no glazed surface be put upon them with varnish or polish. A
slightly irregular texture. is more interesting on a wall than an
absolutely uniform finish. Natural wood with its varied graining is
one of the most charmingly modulated surfaces. Painted burlap glued
to the wall makes an attractive finish on account of its coarse,
irregular weave. Japanese grass-cloth has a similar interest, and is
very effective. in combination with gilding. I know of a plaster
ceiling painted with liquid gold which is beautifully harmonious and
elegant in combination with redwood paneled walls. Rough plaster may
be toned with calcimine to any appropriate shade, while smooth
plaster is better when covered with cartridge paper or with some
plain fabric.
many architects of admirable taste may not agree, I venture to
suggest the elimination of figured wallpaper, and indeed of all
machine-figured work about the home. Most papers are undeniably bad;
a few are equally undeniably beautiful in design. But if the
contention for which I am standing has any weight — namely, that
ornament should be used with reserve and be studied for the
particular space it is to fill — then even an unquestionably good
wall-paper is inappropriate for three reasons, — because the
ornament is used too lavishly and indiscriminately, because it cannot
be turned out by machinery suited to the particular wall upon which
it is to be imposed, and, furthermore, because it detracts from any
ornament which may be put next it. A picture or a vase, for instance,
is never so effective when placed against a patterned background as
when surrounded by a plain tone of appropriate color.
enough of walls and surfaces! Let us assume that a good color has
been secured and in a soft, unobtrusive texture. Attention may next
be given to the draperies. Many people insist on window shades that
shoot up and down on rollers — smooth, opaque, characterless things
that give a stiffness and mechanical rigidity to the windows.
Curtains hung by brass rings upon rods are all — sufficient to cut
out the sun by day and to exclude the view of outsiders by night, and
they are far more graceful and soft in effect. The only difficulty is
to get material that will not fade when left in the steady glare of
the sun. All the so-called art — denims and burlaps with which I
have had experience are so badly dyed that a very short exposure
bleaches them beyond recognition, but the coarse dark blue Chinese
denim is very serviceable. The satin-finish burlap, undyed, is also
satisfactory on account of its permanence. Linen crash of an ecru
color, Japanese grass-cloth, and some coarse, simple ecru nets are
most effective. Curtains made of fine strips of bamboo lashed
together give a soft, pleasing light in the room, but do not
completely cut out the sun. They may be used to great advantage in
combination with some heavier material, such as colored ticking or
corduroy. Soft leather in the natural tan makes elegant and
substantial curtains, but is rather expensive. Pongee is good,
although, like all silks, it rots after long exposure to the sun.
addition to window curtains, portiéres are often useful draperies,
for giving privacy to an alcove, or between apartments where a door
is unnecessary. Oriental hangings, such as Bagdad curtains, if made
with the old dyes, are especially effective, but a plain chenille
curtain, or even one of such coarser material as burlap, is always
safe if its color harmonizes with the room. When hand-made Oriental
hangings cannot be afforded and some ornament is desired, a
conventional decoration in gold cord can be stitched to the border,
or a little color, preferably in dark rich tones, may be cautiously
added in embroidery or appliqué.
assume that the floor of our home be of natural wood, shellaced and
waxed, and afterwards polished with a friction brush. Cleanliness, if
not an aesthetic impulse, should prompt this. One or two fine
Oriental rugs — Bokbaras, Cashmeres, or Persians, for example —
made with the old dyes, are a great addition to any room, but a rag
carpet serves as a passable substitute. It will hardly be necessary
after all that has been said about machine ornament, to urge the
exclusion of all modern patterned rugs and carpets. These are
generally characterized by bard, set designs, mechanically precise,
made in crude colors that fade ere long to sorry-looking tones.
Better far is a piece of plain Brussels carpet of good color.
attended to the background, and the window curtains, portiéres and
rugs in harmonizing tones, with here and there a note of accent or of
contrast, if this be skilfully managed, the atmosphere of the room is
established. It now remains to introduce the furniture. Much of this
can be built in to the special places designed for it. Still the
restraint in ornament should be kept steadily in mind. The first
essential of the furniture is good, simple design and thorough-going
workmanship, — no veneer, no paint or varnish, no decorations stuck
on to give the piece a finish, but plain, honest, straightforward
kinds of furniture which most readily lend themselves to being built
permanently into the house are window- and fireplace-seats,
book-shelves, and sideboards. The seats can be made quite plain, and
if hinged serve the additional purpose of store chests. Book-shelves
call for little or no ornament, although the end boards may be
massive and carved if desired. There is much opportunity for making
the sideboard picturesque, with paneled or leaded-glass doors,
attached with ornamental strap hinges of wrought iron or hammered
brass. The arrangement of shelves and cupboards in a sideboard gives
great scope for effective design.
such pieces built in, and with a good tone to the rooms accented by
rugs, portiéres and curtains, the home begins to assume a furnished
aspect, and it is easy now to see what is needed and what will
harmonize. Furniture made to order by a cabinet-maker, or even by a
good carpenter, will be found of especial interest if simple models
are followed. In the furniture as in the house itself it is well to
emphasize the construction. Panels held together with double
dove-tailed blocks, joints secured with pegs, and tenons let through
mortises and held with wedges, are always evidences of good honest
As to
the design of such furniture, straight lines expressing the
construction and utility in the most natural manner are safest, and
only an experienced artist can safely deviate from such. There are a
few exceptions, however, which are not only justifiable but often
desirable. A round top for a dining-table is very pleasing on account
of the feeling of equality of all who sit about it. It seems in a way
more sociable than a table with a head and foot. A small square table
can be made with two or more round tops of different sizes which fit
down upon it, to be used as occasion requires. While a chair with
square legs is massive and dignified in effect, the rounded legs give
lightness and grace. A light and very inexpensive chair which might
well be in more general use in California is the simple form made
with strips of rawhide for a seat. It is a relic of the mission days,
I believe, and is thoroughly appropriate to the style of house we are
contemplating. Rush-bottom square-post chairs are substantial,
comfortable and most harmonious in the simple room. A chair with the
seat sloping backward and with the back at right angles to the seat
is more comfortable than one with the seat parallel to the floor,
which makes one sit bolt upright. Italian chairs carved of black
walnut have a grace and elegance that give a touch of luxury to the
most unpretentious home.
would be possible to consider furniture in endless detail, but my
object is rather to get at certain principles and ideals that will
form a basis for working out the minutiae, according to individual
taste. The chest is a good old-fashioned piece of furniture that may
well be revived. Any good, well-made hinged boxes, and especially
those of white cedar and the Chinese camphor-wood chests, are useful
and attractive. The Chinese chests are covered with an ugly varnish
which can be removed with strong lye, carefully rubbed on with a
stout swab. Chests covered with leather and bound in brass are very
elegant when they can be afforded. Wood-boxes near the fireplace may
be left plain, or stained, carved or burned in ornamental designs. In
a large room screens can be used to advantage. They may be made of
big simple panels of wood, or of leather, either plain or ornamented
with burning and coloring.
teak-wood furniture is generally good in design and may be had very
richly carved. Old-fashioned mahogany bedsteads, bureaus and chairs
are often beautifully simple in their lines and appropriate to the
setting I have endeavored to picture. Oak furniture is now obtainable
made in the "old mission" style, which is so good in form
and workmanship that it leaves nothing to be desired.
various handicrafts are brought into play in the furnishing of the
home. Metal work is as indispensable as wood work, and again the same
general principles should govern
— good work, good form, simple design. The plainest are the safest.
Locks, catches and fixtures of black iron, or of solid brass without
ornament, are sure to be unobjectionable. The andirons may also be
plain, or they may be ornamented as richly as taste suggests,
provided the work be hand-wrought.

of Wood with Interior Timber Work Exposed
I have
often been asked if the use of electric lights in a house which thus
emphasizes the handicrafts was not out of harmony with the spirit of
the place. Personally, I am fond of candles in brass, bronze or
silver candlesticks, but the light is neither strong nor steady
enough to satisfy the practical needs. I have found the pleasantest
results in lighting to be attained by the use of electric lights
subdued by lanterns. If the electric bulbs are suspended some six or
eight inches from the wall on brackets, they may hang as low as
desired without being in the way. Various types of Chinese, Japanese
and Moorish lanterns can be found which give a soft, pleasing light
and are very decorative. Old brass and bronze lanterns are the most
beautiful, but many simpler and less costly substitutes will be
discovered by those who search in our Oriental bazaars. Good lamps
with artistic shades are hard to find, but there is an improvement in
these to be noted which promises better things ere long. Covers for
gas and oil-stoves made of sheet brass riveted into cylinders and
ornamented according to the skill and ingenuity of the maker would be
a most acceptable addition to our furniture.
write of vases and
other pottery would call for one or more separate chapters, but a
hint or two may not be out of place. At the risk of repetition I
would say again that unless the ornament be unquestionably fine, do
with none at all. Chinese ginger jars, earthenware pots, Italian wine
flasks with straw casings, are all better than showy vases that are
not good in color, form or workmanship. The Japanese and Chinese are
the master potters, and if the detestable stuff which they
manufacture for the American trade be eliminated, their work is
generally good and often exquisitely beautiful. Much excellent
pottery is now made in our own country, and the number of genuinely
refined and simple wares is constantly increasing, showing a gradual
elevation of taste among our people.
other useful ornaments
may be mentioned bellows, South Sea Island fans, baskets, especially
those of our own misused Indians, and hanging Japanese baskets for
plants. Potted plants add a touch of life and color which cannot be
otherwise given to a room. Masses of books have an ornamental value
which is heightened by the idea of culture of which they are the
remains now to consider only the purely non-utilitarian ornament —
statues, pictures and wall decorations. Since most dwellers in simple
homes cannot afford great works of art, they must enjoy these in
museums, and for their homes content themselves with reproductions.
Plaster casts toned to a soft creamy shade and surfaced with wax are,
if well chosen, a most effective form of ornament.
pictures a man selects to hang upon his wall are a perpetual witness
of his degree of culture. They are ever present as an unconscious
factor in shaping our lives and thought. They serve no useful purpose
and have no meaning except as they bring before us something of the
ideal. The test of a good picture is its inexhaustible quality, both
of form and of content; but time alone can make this test. When the
work of a master has been handed down through centuries, when it has
been copied and scrutinized and criticized by generations and still
holds its place, we may be sure that it contains something that will
enrich our lives. If the world has lived with it for ages, it needs
must profit us to dwell in its sight. We cannot have the original
picture, but a photograph giving all but its color may be obtained
for a mere trifle. Thus our walls may be graced with the thought of
Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael and Michael Angelo, just as readily as
with the commonplace work that so often passes current for genuine
art. When we have lived with the masters for years, and have absorbed
their message, then we may trust ourselves to test the work of the
moderns in the ,light of the insight we have gained from their
predecessors. It may be urged that we want color on our walls, and
that tinted casts and photographs of the masterpieces fail to give
this. In vain I point to the Oriental rugs, the colored curtains, the
green of the potted plants — still the demand for colored pictures
must be satisfied, and this without great cost. If one really loves
form and color for themselves, I know of but one means of satisfying
this adequately and inexpensively. Japanese prints are seldom great
in idea, and they therefore miss the highest quality of art
expression, but for delicacy and subtlety of coloring and grace of
form they are unexcelled. A few prints selected with discrimination
and simply framed will give just the touch of accidental color which
the room seems to require.
has harbored a
number of painters of exceptional ability, and those who can afford
original paintings by our best local artists need not go abroad for
their pictures. America has produced but one Keith, and his work has
been done in San Francisco.
Many of
our artists are
now looking toward decorative work as a field of activity, instead of
confining their attention to easel pictures, and this is a most
wholesome change. A decorative frieze or a set piece designed to
occupy a given space in a room, and conceived in harmony with its
setting, is apt to be far more effective than a number of small
detached pictures scattered at random about the walls.
A word
on framing
pictures and our cursory survey of house furnishing must come to an
end. The old-fashioned idea seemed to be that a picture was merely an
excuse for displaying an elaborate frame. Now people have come to
realize that the frame is nothing but the border of the picture. Here
again a simple form is always safe. A plain, finely finished surface
without ornamentation is never out of place. In choosing the color of
a frame, the middle tone of the picture is the best guide. Thus in
framing a brown photograph, a brown mat intermediate in tone between
the high lights and the deepest shadows will probably be found most
effective. The wood is least obtrusive if toned to match the mat or
just a shade darker. Photographs look well framed in wood without a
mat, but with a fine line of gold next the picture. Gold frames are
scarcely in keeping with a simple home, but if used should be of the
finest workmanship and the most chaste design. They are, as a rule,
inappropriate except on oil paintings, although a gold mat with
simple gold border occasionally looks well on a water-color.
I know
it is not safe to
lay down the law where matters of taste are involved, but my excuse
must be that it is better to convey a definite impression, even
though it be a narrow one, rather than to be so broad that all
concreteness vanishes in glittering generalities. Many types of homes
may be good and beautiful which do not come within the compass of
this sketch. I have tried only to give some tangible expression of my
own conception of the simple home, trusting that the practical hints
embodied may be the means of showing some people who have felt the
need of more artistic surroundings a tolerably secure means of
attaining them.