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Author/Illustrator List: A-L

A [top of page]
Abbott, Charles Conrad
Abbott, Jacob
Allen, Ralph B.  (Trans.)
American Woodworking
      Machinery Company
Andersen, Hans Christian
Andre, R  (Illus)
Andrews, Roy Chapman
Appelmann, Gertrude H (Illus)
Arr., E. H. (Pseud.)
B  [top of page]
Bacon, Edwin M.
Bacquet, Loiuse (Illus.)
Ball, Alice E.
Baikie, James
Bailey, Arthur Scott
Bain, F. W.  (Trans.)
Bangs, John Kendrick
Barnes, A.S.  (Co.) 
Barnum, Richard
Barwell, Noel
Batten, John D. (Illus.)
Baum, L. Frank
Beebe, William
Benson, John
Bergholt, Ernest
Blanchan, Neltje
Bingham, Hiram
Bishop, Isabella L.
Bonsall, Elizabeth F. (Illus.)
Booth, Franklin (Illus.)
Boyer, R. L. (Illus.)
Bridgman, L. J. (Illus.)
Bransom, Paul (Illus.)
Breck, G. William (Illus.)
Brooke, L. Leslie
Bryant, Frederick J.
Bryant, Sara Cone
Buchan, John
Bull, Charles Livingston (Illus.)
Burgess, Thornton W.
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Burroughs, John
Burton, Warren
Butler, Edward C.
Butler, Ellis Parker

C  [top of page]
Cadogan, Lady Adelaide
Cady, Harrison
Carroll, Lewis
Cavally, Frederick L.
Chamberlain, Allen
Champney, Elizabeth and Frère
Chaplin, Charlie
Chaplin, Fannie
Chapman, Frank M.
Chatham, Dennis & Marion
Chute, Henry A.
Christy, Howard Chandler (Illus.)
Cobbett, William
Coburn, Louise Helen
Collins, Wilkie
Collodi, C.
Colum, Padraic 
Compton, Herbert
Conwell, Russell H.
Copeland, Charles (Illus.)
Corey, Fanny Y. (illus.)
Crandall, Authur G.
Craigie, W. A.
Crawford, John Martin (Trans.)
Crawford, Mary Caroline
Crawford, Will (Illus.)
Crockett, David
Cue, Harold
Curwood, James Oliver

D  [top of page]
Dalkeith, Lena
Canon Danks
Darwin, Charles
Dewar, Douglas
Dickens, Charles
Dowst, Henry P.
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Du Cane, Ella (Illus.)
Du Cane, Florence
Dugmore, Radclyffe
Dulin, Dorothy
Dyer, Walter A.

E  [top of page]
Earle, Alice Morse
Eastman, Charles A.
Eaton, Walter Pritchard
Edwards, Amelia B.
Emanuel, Walter
Esquemeling, John
Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin]
 Evans, R. H.
Evans, Sebastian
Eyer-Todd, George

F  [top of page]
Faris, John T.
Farrar, Charles A. J.
Fassett, James A.
Felicitas, Sister Mary
Finley, William Lovell
Finn,  Herbert J.  (Illus.)
Finnemore, John
Fiske, John
Fitch, Lucy Perkins
Fitch, Lucy Perkins (Illus.)
Fitzgerald, Edward
Ford, Horace A.
Fortune, Robert
Fox, Frank
French, Thomas E.
Frost, Robert
Fuller, Andrew S.

G   [top of page]
Gallagher, J. L.
Gaskell, Mrs.
Gardiner, Florence (Illus.)
Gerry, Margarita Spalding
Glackens, W.
Gleeson,  J. M.  (Illus.)
Gilbert, Henry     
Gillette, F. L.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Gissing, George
Godwin, Frank (Illus.)
Goodspeed, George Stephen
Goodwin, Maud Wilder
Goold, Nathan
Goss, John (Illus.)
Graham, Duff
Grahame, Kenneth
            [Grahame Biography &  
            publishing history]
Greaves, Richard
Green, Elizabeth Shippen (Illus.)
Griffis, William Elliot
Griswold, Frank Gray
Guest, Lady Charlotte

 [top of page]
Haggard, H. Rider
Hanna, Boyd
Harrison, Edith Ogden
Haslehust, Ernest (Illus.)
Hassam, Childe (Illus.)
Hatt, Mabel (Illus.)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hearn, Lafcadio
Henty, G. A.
Hemstreet, Charles & Marie
Herbertson, Agnes Grozier
Hill, Mabel D.
Hodgkins, Louise Manning
Hofmann, May C.
Holmes, Gordon
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hopkins, Sarah Winnemucca
Hornby, Lester G. (Illus.)
Hornung, E. W.
Horsfall, Robert Bruce (Illus.)
           [Horsfall Biography &
           publishing history]
Hubbard, Elbert
Hudson, William Lincoln (Illust)
Hueffer, Oliver Madox
Humphrey, F. A.
Humphrey, Mabel

I  [top of page]

J  [top of page]
Jacobs, Harriet Ann
Jacobs, Joseph
James, M R
Jeffries, Richard
Jekyll, Gertrude
jJerome, Jerome K.
Jewett, Sarah Orne
Johnson, Clifton

K  [top of page]
Keeler, Charles A
Kelly, R. Talbot
Kendall, Elizabeth
Kent, Rockwell  (Illus.)
Khayyam, Omar
Kephart, Horace (Ed.)
King, Mrs. Francis
King, Jessie M. (Illus.)
Kipling, Rudyard

L  [top of page]
Lamprey, L.
Lang, Andrew
Lawrence, D H
Lawrence,  Robert Means
Lefferts, Sara Tawney
Leland, Charles G.
Leonowen, Anna Harriette
Leyendecker, J. C. (Illustrator)
London, Jack
Long, James
Long, William J.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longstreth, T. Morris
Lowell, James Russell
Lucas, E. V.
Lunt, George
Lyall, Sophie
Author/Illustrator List: M-Z

M  [top of page]
MacDonald, E. J.
MacKenzie, Alexander
Maeterlinck, Maurice
            [Maeterlinck Biography &
            publishing history]
Maine Women's Club
Mason Brothers
Martens, Frederick A. (Trans.)
Mathews, Cornelius
Mathews, F. Schuyler
Mansfield, Milburg Francisco
            [Mansfield Biography &
            publishing history]
McBryde, James (Illus.)
McCutcheon, George Barr
McLenan (Illus.)
McManus, Blanche
            [McManus Biography &
            publishing history]
McManus, Blanche (Illus.)
            [McManus Biography &
            publishing history] 
McVickar, H. W. (Illus.)
Micklejohn, Robert
Miller, Carrie Ella
Miller, Claude H.
Miller, J. Martin (Ed.)
Miller, Olive Thorne
Mills, Enos A.
Miltoun, Francis
             [Miltoun Biography &
             publishing history]
Moore, Clement C.
Moore, N. Hudson
Morley, Christopher
Morley, George
Morley, Henry, LLD
Morley, Margaret
Morris, William
Morse, Edward S
Mortensden, Karl
Muir, John

N  [top of page]
Naylor, James Ball
Neill, John R. (Illus.)
Newell, Peter (Illus.)
Nixon, Mima (Illus.)
Nixon-Roulet, Mary F.
Northrup, Solomon
Nusbaum, Aileen
Nutting, Wallace

O  [top of page]
Okakura Kakuzo
O'Keefe, Neil (Illus.)
Orczy, Baroness Emma
Ozaki, Yei Theodora 

P  [top of page]textcontentsbooklist.html#Jacobs
Packard, Winthrop
Parkhurst, H. E.
Page, Thomas Nelson
Pairpoint, Nellie M. (Illus.)
Parker, K. (Catherine 'Katie') Langloh
Parkhurst, H. E.
Paus,  Herbert (Illus.)
Perkins, Lucy Fitch (Illus.)
Pine, Frank Woodworth (Editor)
Pirkis, Catherine Louisa
Pogany, Willy (Illus.)
Pollard, Alfred W.
Pollard,  Josephine
Porter, Gene Stratton
Potter, Beatrix
Poulsson, Emilie
Powell, John Wesley
Powell, Lyman P.
Prime, W. C
Pyle, Howard (Author, Illus.)
Pyle, Katharine (Author, Illus.)

 [top of page]

R  [top of page]
Rackham, Arthur (Illus.)
Reed, Myrtle
Rhys, Ernest, Ed.
Riley, James Whitcomb
Roeske, Cornelia C. (Music)
Rogers, Walter S. (Illus.)
Rolleston, T. W.
Routledge, Katherine
Ruland, Wilhelm
Ruskin, John
Russel, Florence Kimball

S  [top of page]
Sabatini, F. L.
Schoonan (?) , F. L. (Illus.)
Seaford, John Albert
Seton-Thompson, Earnest
Sewall, Oliver
Shelley, Henry C.
Sherwood, Elmer
Shackleton, Sir Ernest
Shackleton, Robert
Shibley, Fred W.
Shoonover, Frank E. (Illus.)
Silberrad, Una
Simmons, Will (Illus.)
Skinner, Charles
Smith, Arthur
Smith, Harold (Illus.)
Smith, Laura Rountree
Smith, Richard Gordon
St. John, J Allen (Illus.)
Sterne, Laurence
Steevens, G. W.
Stephens, C. A.
            [Stephens Biography &
            publishing history]
Stevenson, Robert Louis
            [Stevenson Biography &
            publishing history]
Stratton, Helen (Illus.)
Streeter, Edward
Storer, F. E. (Illus.)
Swett, Sophie
Swift, Jonathan

T  [top of page]
Tappan, Eva March, editor
Taylor, Walter F. (Illus.)
Thaxter, Celia
Thomas, Edward
Thomson, Hugh (Illus.)
Thomson, Rodney (Illus.)
Thoreau, Henry David
Todd, Millicent
Torrey, Bradford
Townsend, Charles Wendell
Townsend, Geo. Fayler
Tozier, Josephine

U [top of page]
Unknown Author

V  [top of page]
Van Dresser
Van Dyke, Henry
Verne, Jules

W  [top of page]
Wade, Mary Hazelton
Walker, Dugald Stuart (Illus.)
Wallace, Edgar
Wallace, Philip B. (Photog.)
Walton, Izaak
Warner, Charles Dudley
Webster, Daniel
Webb, Jane
Weed, Clarence
Wells, H. G.
Wells, Leila M.
Welsh, Charles (Ed.)
Weston, Florence
White, Edward Stewart
White, Mary
Whitman, F. N.
Whitney, Frederick
Wilder, Louise Beebe
Williams, Valentine
Wilson, Patten (Illus.)
Wilson, Rufus Rockwell
Windsor, H. H.
Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Wood, Martha C.
Woodroffe, Paul (Illus.)
Wyeth, N. C. (Illus.)

X  [top of page]

Y  [top of page]
Yohn, F. C.  (Illus.)
Young, S. Hall

Z  [top of page]
Ziemann, HArtugo